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Rows & Arguments at the match


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This topic may well get a lock, but I've not long got home from Manchester and feel like I need to vent a bit of frustration as to what happened to me at todays game.

I'll set the scene, United have just gone 3-0 up, there's a mixed atmosphere of anger, dissapointment and resignation as you'd expect.

A few minutes later the banter that had been going on all game with the mancs starts up again, only this time the 'lets pretend weve scored a goal' chant goes up, cue a fair few of the away end dancing and celebrating including me and the lads I was with.

Now, at this point, a bloke in front and a bloke behind me who had been silent all game start kicking off with us. Calling us pricks, asking how we can take the piss and cheer when were 3-0 down, generally being arseholes towards us and coming out with bollocks such as 'your not real supporters'.

I'm sorry, but what Villa fan has the right to tell me and others what we can and can't do at the match? I've noticed things like this a lot lately, both at the match and on here, there are some people who think they are 'better fans' and its not on.

I forked out £40 for a match ticket, £30 for the train, travel best part of a 200 mile round trip to go and support my team just for some muppet around me to tell me I can't sing and dance? Ended up having a full blown row with these blokes, my point being that why the **** should I stand there in silence while I watch that shower of shit served up week in week out. I'm 20 years old, if I wanna get on the piss all day, dance around the stands and sing songs loudly then I will, because that's how I choose to support my club and there is NO-ONE that can tell me not to. Because christ, I ain't gonna get any entertainment from the game am I?

Rant over :bang:

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We're all **** off at the moment mate so tensions are high and patience is short.

I'd have been with you boys making a shit day better and it's what away days for me are all about.

Unfortunately there's a few blokes amongst our support like any team that take things too seriously and lash out at other fans.

I've had it in the pub when watching Villa on a quiet one when some words removed come in 30 mins into a game pissed up talking absolute rubbish about players having ago at me because I'm a "typical" fan as I'm sat down quietly watching. He then asked me if i'd "ever been there" talking about VP sarcastically.

I'd bet any money that even though 10 years his junior I've been to more away/home games than this clown like it constitutes how much of a fan you are.

Basically it's down to words removed being words removed and unfortunately. You just have to grin and bare it.

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This sort of thing happens a lot. I was in the away end at Goodison and a fan was listening to the radio (no idea why, maybe he had a bet on another game) and he said something like "yes! Newcastle have scored". Some chav heard this and went mental saying he wasn't a true fan blah blah. The chav's friends had to restrain him. I've seen various shenanigans on coaches but usually on the way home after the match. I blame it on alcohol.

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I hate people that take football too seriously, but by the same token, I hate people who are loud, loutish, general 'lads'.

I only like a few football fans.

football would be better without them.

The sense of entitlement kills me.


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Yes, this has been happening all season. Off the top of my head I can remember major rows breaking out at Man City at home, Arsenal away, Swansea away, Newcastle away. There are far more I've probably not been witness to.

If there's one thing the Villa away support is known for - it's our gallows humour. And everyone is entitled to their opinion but for me I think it's class that, despite everything, our fans can still have a bit of a laugh at the game instead of sitting/standing in silence.

The blokes who had a go at you, were they trying to start off other chants? Not likely. I would have also asked them were they also in attendance at Liverpool away last season in minus 10 degree temperatures when our fans were doing the same? Again, not likely.

Ignore those who turn their anger on other Villa supporters - they really haven't got a clue.

Anyway.... "3-0, and you f*cked it up!"

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Yeah, I didnt think too much of it at first, just shrugged it off had a row back said to him what right have you got to tell me how to support my team etc etc. It was only afterwards that it started to click and I thought, how **** dare you.

I'm not knocking anyone who wants to stand there in silence because were losing, it pisses me off the exact same way it pisses them off that were losing, but don't take it out on other fans who actually want to try and enjoy their day a little.

I was at Liverpool last season, one of the worst games I've ever attended, yet I can still look back and laugh and actually think in a weird way I enjoyed it, it was fun because of as you say, our gallows humour. And that is why I love our away support, the majority of it anyway.

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Yeah, I didnt think too much of it at first, just shrugged it off had a row back said to him what right have you got to tell me how to support my team etc etc. It was only afterwards that it started to click and I thought, how **** dare you.

I'm not knocking anyone who wants to stand there in silence because were losing, it pisses me off the exact same way it pisses them off that were losing, but don't take it out on other fans who actually want to try and enjoy their day a little.

I was at Liverpool last season, one of the worst games I've ever attended, yet I can still look back and laugh and actually think in a weird way I enjoyed it, it was fun because of as you say, our gallows humour. And that is why I love our away support, the majority of it anyway.

Was at the Liverpool game too last season with me old man, and we both came away fuming at the result/game, but the banter created made the night. I go to away games obviously to support and watch Villa hopefully pick up 3 points... but I also go to away games because the atmosphere and support we have is superb. Take Arsenal/Reading away in the FA Cup, ye we lost at Arsenal but what a day. People need to lighten up a bit, ignore them!

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I think it shows we're all in a pretty bad place right now.

Unfortunately, tensions and disagreements are always going to start with the blokes at ground zero, so to speak. I would'nt take it to heart, because some people just deal with it a lot better than others.

At heart, we're all Villa fans and it hurts.

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I don't get the idea of someone being a better fan, surely those who pay their money every week and go to games, cheer the manager despite how poor we play and then resign themselves to the fact we have to put up with this crap are as much a part of the problem as everything else. They're the ones who give Lerner the idea that some sections of the fans are content with what's going on.

In my mind, those who make themselves heard are the proper fans, they're the ones who are trying to force the point that this is Aston Villa and this is not good enough!

And the ones who say "We're not getting rid of him so we might as well stop complaining", yes, I agree, I have no doubt that Lerner will stick with McLeish but surely that gives us even more to complain about, sticking with an inept manager with a very overrated managerial career who only causes embarassment on the pitch with his incomprehensible tactics and selections and off the pitch with his numerous quotes. Playing like the Dutch? Can't beat the elite teams? Everyone's fault but his? Overawed by "The Theatre of Dreams"? Going to Old Trafford has been a regular fixture for the past 20 or more years, this isn't some one off semi-pro team draws the mighty Manchester United in a fairytale FA Cup campaign!

Sorry, I think I went off on McLeish there, I'd better keep quiet, applaud this anti-football and let him take our club into the abyss without complaint, like a real supporter.

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All this "better fan crap" is only making things worse in my opinion. It doesnt matter if you have been a ST holder for 20years+ or you just go when you can, at the end of the day we are all there for the same reason, because we love ASTON VILLA and want to support our team to the extents that our finances allow us.

Why anyone would have a go at another Villa fan whilst in the ground showing support for their team (now matter how bad we are at the moment) is beyond me. I have been going to Villa for a long time myself, but would never slate another fan at the ground for trying to make a day of it, even if we are getting thumped.

However I will not be attending again, until Mcleish has gone. That doesnt make me a "glory hunter" or a "lesser fan" than anyone else. I just wont buy into the fact that Lerner and Mcleish along with Fulkner are ruining this fantastic club.

My enjoyment of attending games is turning into resentment for the way the club is being run, and my way of dealing with it is not to buy into the lies and everything that is going on there. I honestly feel the only way Lerner will take note is if his business is affected and people stop attending games... now I know there will always be fans that turn up and renew their season tickets regardless of what is happening at the club, and that is their call, nobody should slate them for it, its purely their decisionl....but in my honest opinion as long as fans are doing this they are showing Lerner that they are happy and content with things as they have signed up for yet another campaign regardless of the manager/team/football on display etc.

This is the time to stand our ground as fans and show that we are not happy, protests will get ignored, letters will be ignored, polls will be ignored... season ticket sales will not! if we arent happy, we need to stand our ground and stop attending games...enjoy a day out witht the family, or friends, or do something else for a day.... it may well hurt to not attend for a couple of games if you have been an every present for x amount of years etc, but if it means we all get what WE want (Mclueless sacked) it will be for the greater good.

Money talks people, and if Lerner starts seeing Fans are not prepared to attend games in mass and not return until the ginger clown is removed then this is what I feel needs to happen. Purley my opinion mind...Yes it may hurt some not being able to attend the beloved Vila for a few weeks, but it will be for the greater good in the long run.

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I don't get the idea of someone being a better fan, surely those who pay their money every week and go to games, cheer the manager despite how poor we play and then resign themselves to the fact we have to put up with this crap are as much a part of the problem as everything else. They're the ones who give Lerner the idea that some sections of the fans are content with what's going on.

In my mind, those who make themselves heard are the proper fans, they're the ones who are trying to force the point that this is Aston Villa and this is not good enough!

And the ones who say "We're not getting rid of him so we might as well stop complaining", yes, I agree, I have no doubt that Lerner will stick with McLeish but surely that gives us even more to complain about, sticking with an inept manager with a very overrated managerial career who only causes embarassment on the pitch with his incomprehensible tactics and selections and off the pitch with his numerous quotes. Playing like the Dutch? Can't beat the elite teams? Everyone's fault but his? Overawed by "The Theatre of Dreams"? Going to Old Trafford has been a regular fixture for the past 20 or more years, this isn't some one off semi-pro team draws the mighty Manchester United in a fairytale FA Cup campaign!

Sorry, I think I went off on McLeish there, I'd better keep quiet, applaud this anti-football and let him take our club into the abyss without complaint, like a real supporter.

I don't think that's very fair.

The 'better fan' argument should work both ways. Just because someone doesn't want to get involved in the 'McLeish Out' stuff, doesn't make them any better OR WORSE than other fans.

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