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Ratings and reactions: Bristol Rovers 1-3 Villa


Who was your man of the match?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Who was your man of the match?

    • Guzan
    • Hutton
    • Warnock
    • Dunne
    • Collins
    • Ireland
    • Albrighton
    • Petrov
    • Clark
    • Bent
    • Heskey
    • Agbonlahor (for Heskey 46)
    • Gardner (for Collins 74)
    • Bannan (for Petrov 83)

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Guzan, looked solid, saved a pen maybe shouldn`t have been running out on the dunne backpass 6

Warnock, some silly misstakes but he never hides away so i give him credit for that 5

Dunne, had a good game until mistake 6

Hutton, thought he had a good game defensively and attacking 7

Petrov, solid,dependable, kept the ball and great pass for first goal 7

Clark, done the easy things well when in midfield, Great solo goal 8

Ireland, he has a great engine that i didnt know he had, he was box to box nipping in for some good nicks, and when he nicks it it aint aimless it is towards one of our players 7

Albrighton, Good finish for his goal shoulda done better with volly chance, seemed to hide a bit second half 7

Heskey, I don`t blame him for a poor display really, he seems to be the scapegoat playing in possistions wherever mcleash thinks, Mcleash seems to think Heskey is better than he really is (if you get what i meen) 5

Bent, not much service but would like to see more movement from him too 5

Agbonglaor, came on and made a difference second half, they where frightened of him and rightly so, great goal 7

Gardner, got 15 mins and allmost produced a goal 6

Bannan, got 10 mins and didnt get much of the ball 5

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well it was obvious what the intructions were before the game hoooof and hope heskey wins it ( suprise suprise)

luckily a forced substitution and half time brought on gabby for the **** useless lump

however the tactics appear to remain the same

then in around the 57th minute ireland having walked around with the ball all game without having to hood it, makes yet another short pass on the floor and it spreads to the rest of the players, it dawns on them that if they ignore the orders of the hooooof and actually play the ball on the ground, we could possibly win and look half decent , even against the 4th worst team in the league.

we then get to see some good attacking passing, interaction between the forwards ( bent still looked off the pace today, he was ALWAYS at the far post, none of his trade mark darts to the front post) and passing it out from the back, along the floor.

unfortunately after the 3rd goal albrighton for some reason, refused to go forwards with the ball, slowing down each attack, this then spread to others in the team and all of a sudden we go back to the official game plan, the order of the hooof is given.

players look confused, they can see the order of the hoof in an unlawful order and so try and keep the ball, unfortunately because albrighton kept forcing it back, it made hutton hacve to think

hutton doesnt do thinking.

he then keeps passing it unnecessarily back into the middle at the back to either a defender being closed down ot the keeper, despite being able to pass it forwards 5 yards to gardener / petrov/ bannan who have dropped to recieve a pass

and there we get their goal, hutton with another unnecessary pass back to dunne, dunne then makes a right old **** up, no excuses for shit like that apart from maybe having been given the ball from hutton for the umteenth time when there were midfielders available, he though it better to switch play?

it was a **** up which put us under more pressure

ultimately dunnes **** up, no arguing from me, however hutton is part of the reason the gaol went in, no need to keep passing it back, no need at all.

credit to the players who realised that they can pass it on the floor despite what ever orders they are given from the GC.

brad - 8 good penalty save

hutton -6 ( he gets this for his forward play, he gets a very low mark for his defensive display)

dunne - 6 would have been a 7 if not for his **** up

collins -6 he has been given the order of the hoof and follows it blindly, apart from that he was reasonably sturdy against poor opponents

warnock - 6 ( he gets this for his midfield work, defensively against no one, he was not comfortable today)

petrov -7, he eventually saw what ireland was doing and remembered back to the days when he was allowed to pass the ball on the floor, he still passed it backwards far too many times when there was no need to, however did look for the forward pass from time to time

clark- 5 he was poor, however 7, he moved to centre half, we started passing it around linking to the midfield and his mazey run and shot was very nice

albrighton - 7 , good goal in a first half which made my eyes bleed, second half was an odd one, he was nice on the ball but as soon as we got the 3rd he became negative, him passing it back made hutton try and think.. this ended up with us **** around too much in our last 3rd. would try and beat the player either after the 3rd goal.

ireland - 8 voted him man of the match, he kept it on the floor as much as humanly possible, was slick, attacking and coming back to help out, clever player who thanks to him, got the rest of the team to ignore the order of the hoof.

heskey - 4 really? really? REALLY? the GC insists on playing him as it conforms to the order of the hooof, like the GC, e-mule is shite

bent - 2 when the order of the hoof was being used 6 when the players ignored the order of the hooof, some decent link up with gabby and started to look half interested when he knew there was a chance he could actually get a ball played into him in the danger area rather than look up in the air and half heartedly having to jump for a ball he wont win, and even if he does, no one will get on the end of it.

subs - gabby 7.5, second best player ( if he had played the whole game he would probably have walked man of the match) again ignored the order of the hoof and played it on the floor, great run and shot for his goal after a nice along the floor passing move.

gardener - 6 was not on for too long, had a nice run and shot right at the end, unfortunately the order of the hoof had clearly been given again after goal 3 which like all the other midfielders, gives them **** all chance. he needs to get some game time although under GC i fear for his future as with any other player with talents beyond kciking it as hard and high as you can

bannan - 5 didnt really have any time to get into the game, this wasnt suited for him as for some reason he only tries to pass it 30 yards, in the air diagonally at the moment.

GC? well it is crystal clear what our tactics were, the ancient order of the hooof was given to the players who followed the instruction for the entire first half, it was utterly shit

a forced sub gets rid of one of the shittest players

the players still follow the order of the hoof until they slowely see ireland still able to keep it on the floor.

i credit GC for picking ireland today, however even a blind monkey could see he has been the best passer we have of late

for his tactics he gets a 0

for his first team line up he gets a 4

for his half time talk he gets a 0

the players however from the 57th minute onwards get all the credit THEY deserve by clearly ignoring the dull turgid tactics and style of play they had been instructed to continue with.

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I can see why our defenders hoof it so much as most of the times they try a simple pass they tend to put their teammates under pressure.

Case in point, well there were several really, when Collins in total control of the ball, tried to pass it to Hutton quite early on in the first half and it ended up five yards behind Hutton and he just had to run back and clear it.

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i think we scored from 3 of our 5 chances, which is a good conversion rate. still, 2 of those goals were complete individual efforts, i didnt think in terms of overall team play we really created enough. still too much hoofing, poor passing and crossing in the final 3rd. we seem to get up to around the opposition penalty box, come up against a defender and pass it backwards.

for some reason we seemed to be playing Bent as a target man. we kept hoofing it to him (although things improved after collins went off) or he spent most of the game dropping deep to collect with his back to goal. im surprised at the lazy comments because i thought this was actually one of his better all round games. he held it up, brought others in to play and he ran channels. could have done with a goal though

disappointing to see the defence still cannot go a game without making some sort of huge error. and warnock must have killed at least 5 great chances with his piss poor crossing and passing. the guy is rubbish.

not good to see that mcliesh's tactics were still long ball. we spent a lot of the game smashing aimless longballs uptop to heskey and for some reason Bent. the few times players took it upon themselves to keep it on the deck and go forward incisively we scored. also poor to see that for defending corners and free kicks he had every player back behind the ball.

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In a tie where AM can't really "win" as such, he did what he had and job done. In control throughout, and even when Rovers were faster out of the blocks for the first 10 minutes or so they were hardly very threatening. Goals from academy players, solid game, really would have to have a seriously myopic agenda to be disappointed with the game.

Shame Guzan's clean-sheet was ruined by an utterly awful clanger from Dunne :rant:

Guzan - 7 - solid, unlucky with forementioned clanger from his defender, but another pen stop and otherwise an assured performance, looked very confident again.

Hutton 6 - an ok performance I thought - never unduly troubled but some wayward passing

Collins 6

Dunne 2 - sorry i know thats a bit harsh, but that was **** outrageously complacent.

Warnock - 6 - a mixed bag of threatening and fine, with some odd passes and a woeful effort on goal.

Albrighton 7 - clear threat with his pace and drive, and took goal well, room for improvement with some of those crosses and touches still.

Petrov 7 - great pass, good game as per, glad he got a rest of sorts towards the end though.

Clark 6 - I have to say, I barely saw him until he scored the goal - nicely taken as it was.

Ireland 7.5 MoM - good shift and harrying down, commitment.

Bent - 3 - total waste, off the ball movement was appalling.

Heskey 6 - good half, good header chance, useful effort.

gabby 6.5 - well taken goal - ran the wing ok.

bannan and gardner - good few minutes on the pitch, but no rating

AM - 7 - got the job done, and brought on some subs towards the end, banana skin avoided, and comfortably so.

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Over estimated the opposition so thats why i thought we'd lose.

We won the game but our weaknesses are there for all to see and if we come up against better lower league opposition in the next round then we're ripe for an upset. Don't think many teams, even in the Championship, will fear us.

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Decent, we controlled the game but silly mistakes still there.

Positives: Clark, Gabby, Ireland, Petrov and Albrighton all played well

Negatives: Bent (zero workrate yet again), Warnock had an absolute stinker, Heskey and Collins need to go asap.

^ This

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Routine win against very, very weak opposition. FFS, they started the game without a centre forward!

2 James Collins hoof balls in the first 5 minutes didn't bode well, and the first half was pretty dire bar a lovely pass from Petrov to free Albrighton (our liveliest player) to drill home the first goal. Ireland showed glimpses of ability, but's it's like seeing a glimpse of Holly Willoughbys knickers. You're desperate to see more, and you know it'll be worth it, but you also know you never will. The defence was shaky all night, and attacking-wise, we looked better when Heskey came off. Let's hope he doesn't hurry back.

Overall, you have to say job done, but we made it difficult for ourselves for long stretches, not least with a moronic Dunne backpass, and a Warnock handball. The scoreline flattered us to a degree.

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Heskey out for 4 or 5 weeks :D Collins injured too :D

Smiling about any Villa player being injured is disgusting! If we had more players like Heskey willing to put a shift in we wouldn't be as bad as we are.

I agree with Vamos. Now all the need is McGimp and Peter Grant to go on a scouting mission to South America and come back with a rare tropical disease which, while being non life threatening or harmful in any way, means they can't manage the first team.

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Heskey out for 4 or 5 weeks :D Collins injured too :D

Smiling about any Villa player being injured is disgusting! If we had more players like Heskey willing to put a shift in we wouldn't be as bad as we are.

Could you imagine a team of 11 heskeys :shock:

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Now all the need is McGimp and Peter Grant to go on a scouting mission to South America and come back with a rare tropical disease which, while being non life threatening or harmful in any way, means they can't manage the first team.

They don't need to go all the way to South America at great expense to catch a rare tropical disease that prevents them from managing the first team.

All they have to do is go to Bodymoor Heath and Villa Park and they can achieve this feat quite cheaply.

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Just back from watching this turgid encounter, why do i bother ??

Not much to report, we are through, after a tricky game on a potato field.

Bring on Blackburn

Blackburn got knocked out by Newcastle.

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I thought Bent was ok today. He was in some good space at time but never got the ball e.g. Warnock's "Shot".

Ireland MOTM. He's a class above the rest of the squad. Neat touch. Simple passing. Always moving forward.

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