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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Went for Metro Bar. It was decent.

She must have liked it too. She left mine this morning ;)

Worth a round two or will you be ignoring her texts/calls from here on in?


She's actually a really nice girl. I'll be seeing her again.

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Right, so in your life some great things happen. Normally I fck it up when those moments present themselves. 


On Sunday I was trying to end my phone call with my mate as I just got on the train into London from the airport. The girl I sat beside said to me "I love how you Irish say 'a wee bit'". So got talking to her. She's Portuguese, she's been in England for 6 years, she's a paediatric surgeon and lives in Cambridge. She's done Rhythmic Gymnastics and swimming since she was a kid and loves dancing. Oh and she is utterly stunning, I mean scientifically perfect. She gave me her number after we got to London and I've been texting her since and she's invited me up to Cambridge.


So without sounding like an arrogant dick (that would be so unlike me) I am good looking but, I'm no fcking model or nothing and I am a very confident person. But still, I have to say it's incredibly intimidating thinking about going on a date with her. She is painfully beautiful and that's before you get to the fact she's a bloody surgeon, saving kids lives. We did click well when we were chatting on the train, I made her laugh a couple of times (Irish charm at work, thank the lord for being Irish). 


But still, this is uncharted territory. Spend the whole day up in Cambridge with her, no dutch courage for most of the day too. 


So with the fore knowledge that this will not end the way I want it to end, I think chronicling the story here will be good for my acceptance (and likely amuse a few of ye).


I'm very open to any advice or nerve settling drugs that can be legally aquired. 

Edited by CVByrne
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She is going to be up in London on Saturday and asked if I wanted to meet up for a drink. Fck thought it was gonna be saturday week up in cambridge.  :o



Stevo show us a pic of the one you were out with last weekend and maybe I'll oblige.  :)

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