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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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Cheers guys, to me it isn't much of an issue but wanted to see other peoples perception of it. I'm more worried of her coming to the realisation I'm a miserable 28 year old going on 70 but so far so good :P



and ginger

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I think it depends on the girl. It's like anyone really, you can get very mature, intelligent 20-year-olds just like you can get extremely immature and stupid 40-year-olds. There's a 20-year-old daughter of one of my mum's friends who has a bit of a thing for me but she's like a child in a woman's body. Unfortunately for me, that body is fantastic, but I couldn't possibly go out with her, she drives me nuts and is very strange. She has a doll that she sleeps with every night and apparently the girl goes mental if she can't find the thing. Not worth it.


I assume this girl you like is pretty normal and quite mature though, Ingram?

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I think it depends on the girl. It's like anyone really, you can get very mature, intelligent 20-year-olds just like you can get extremely immature and stupid 40-year-olds. There's a 20-year-old daughter of one of my mum's friends who has a bit of a thing for me but she's like a child in a woman's body. Unfortunately for me, that body is fantastic, but I couldn't possibly go out with her, she drives me nuts and is very strange. She has a doll that she sleeps with every night and apparently the girl goes mental if she can't find the thing. Not worth it.


I assume this girl you like is pretty normal and quite mature though, Ingram?


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I don't see the point in dating anyone until they are settled in their own lives.


If said 20 year old has finished university or found herself in a job that has long-term career prospects, then I can see she may be worth the hassle, but at 20 there is too many variables and she could be a completely different person within five years. I mean, were you the same person at 20 and 25?*


*But this is a problem I have with marriage and long term relationships generally. People are not fixed objects. They change and feelings are ultimately too fickle to bank on.

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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Typical 'me' post for this topic: is going up town, having a wander round, grab a bite to eat, few drinks, sea life centre (she likes otters) or something ok for a low key/semi casual first meet up?


My plan is to see how that goes then ask her out properly to dinner. Sounds ok right?


[/over analysis]

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Sounds really good, don't get me wrong but quarter to two in the morning might not be the right time to do that, she may be a night owl and that'd be brilliant in a compatibility sense but, it's just, I'm not sure the sea life centre is open at this time, so you might be disappointed. Don't want to trample on your low key/semi casual love dreams or anything, just a heads up. Yes I am joking and not serious.

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I did say you'd be disappointed.


Although, saying all this, well writing it, if you do conduct your plans at a social hour, as you may or may not have intended all along. It sounds like a great idea.

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Indeed you did.


Cheers bud, yeah won't be till Monday afternoon due to work but she is the first girl I've met in a while where I'm actually looking forward to seeing where it leads to and doing the whole first date thing rather than forcing myself to go through the motions and rigmarole of the initial dates.

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...she is the first girl I've met in a while where I'm actually looking forward to seeing where it leads to and doing the whole first date thing rather than forcing myself to go through the motions and rigmarole of the initial dates.


Ah yes, those were the days, all that effort knowing that a roll in the hay was pretty unlikely. You should plan the first 5 dates to be all in the first week to try and get that phase over as soon as possible :D

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I've had a bit of an issue with a girl recently. I want to make it clear that I don't consider myself a cocky guy; quite the opposite. the problem I have is that despite liking her, I have this fear that if we start to get closer then another girl will come along who I prefer and I'll be "stuck" with the first girl. this probably sounds completely mad but I feel like a bit of a t0sser telling a friend or someone because I presume the reaction "who the f**k do you think you are"

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A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush



You can't live your life on would could happen. If she's the kind of girl who will only make a move out of jealousy then you don't need her and it wouldn't work anyway. Go for the first girl.

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I've had a bit of an issue with a girl recently. I want to make it clear that I don't consider myself a cocky guy; quite the opposite. the problem I have is that despite liking her, I have this fear that if we start to get closer then another girl will come along who I prefer and I'll be "stuck" with the first girl. this probably sounds completely mad but I feel like a bit of a t0sser telling a friend or someone because I presume the reaction "who the f**k do you think you are"

You're never stuck with someone.


If you go out with her and someone better comes along then break up with the first girl. That doesn't make you a dick or anything, quite the opposite.


With this attitude I'd say you're actually more likely to end up "settling". You'll shun any girl that comes along in case someone better is on the horizon and end up with nobody.

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