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Jimmy Savile And Other Paedophiles


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to put up some kind of realism, I've often been grabbed inappropriately by women in my teens. I didn't really think about it till now. Can I get a decent compensation for it? I'd get a decent living from that alone. Jesus, the world has gone compensation mad, yeah he had some 14yr old on his lap, he might of brushed some 13yr old on her leg, he could have held a 15yr old by the arm, but vilifying him like he has been is strange to say the least. Especially post humous. If you think this is the way the world should work then I'm going to claim compensation from a girl who felt my dick and another who grabbed my rear years ago. I'll claim I'm affected by it all-easy money :)

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Just to put up some kind of realism, I've often been grabbed inappropriately by women in my teens. I didn't really think about it till now. Can I get a decent compensation for it? I'd get a decent living from that alone. Jesus, the world has gone compensation mad, yeah he had some 14yr old on his lap, he might of brushed some 13yr old on her leg, he could have held a 15yr old by the arm, but vilifying him like he has been is strange to say the least. Especially post humous. If you think this is the way the world should work then I'm going to claim compensation from a girl who felt my dick and another who grabbed my rear years ago. I'll claim I'm affected by it all-easy money :)


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  • 1 month later...

Well, on the one hand, it reflects a lot of what victims of paedophilia and others with knowledge of the scene knew or believed or claimed to be happening at the time.


On the other hand, it's printed in the Express.  What to do?  On reflection, better to reproduce it, with the standard health warning.  But only because it repeats what so many have said for so long.


'Police gunman told me to ignore paedophiles’, says ex-child protection officer A FORMER child protection officer claimed last night a Special Branch detective held a gun to his head to stop him investigating a VIP paedophile ring.

Chris Fay said he was pinned to a wall and throttled before being given a chilling warning to “back away” from allegations surrounding the notorious Elm Guest House in Barnes, south-west London.

Young boys in care were allegedly taken there in the Eighties to be abused by high-profile MPs and other powerful establishment figures.

Mr Fay, who worked for the now-defunct National Association of Young People In Care, accused the Metropolitan Police of acting like “gangsters” when news of the scandal broke in 1990. He revealed how some Special Branch members routinely threatened him and his colleagues and even victims over a three-month period of intimidation.

His shocking claims come as West Yorkshire Police faces accusations that the force protected paedophile Jimmy Savile.


Mr Fay, 67, of south London, said: “It became very dangerous. People seem to forget that Special Branch could do what they liked, they were a law unto themselves.

“At one point they had me up against a wall by my throat with a gun at my head telling me in no uncertain terms that I was to back away if I knew what was good for me.

“A colleague of mine had the same treatment, as did a number of the volunteers. Victims who were actually abused at Elm House were also physically stopped from coming to speak to us at the NAYPIC office in north London.

“I witnessed Special Branch officers manhandling them and turning them away with a warning to keep their mouths shut. It was blatant, it was open, they were acting like gangsters.


“In the end we had to meet victims at a local community centre without the knowledge of the police to hear what they had to say.” NAYPIC was given the identities of senior politicians who formed part of an alleged paedophile ring at the heart of government.

However, Mr Fay said: “I was told by the police implicitly, ‘We do not want you to come to us with big names’.”

In a sinister twist, he said his kitchen window was shot at, leaving three bullet holes in the glass, although he never found out who was responsible.

In 1982 Elm Guest House was raided by the vice squad but allegations of child abuse were never followed up.

Operation Fernbridge is now investigating the claims and two men have been charged with sexual offences.

Police confirmed that Liberal Democrat MP Sir Cyril Smith, who died three years ago, visited the premises.

Last night campaigner Bill Maloney, of Pie & Mash Films, who has helped raise awareness of abuse survivors and corruption, said: “These police cover-ups to protect the wealthy and the powerful need to stop now.

“Today’s victims are tomorrow’s witnesses.”

The Met Police declined to comment.



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Sensationalistic news story like many other in this particular genre I say, but who can blame them, they need something to get their papers bought


What you may not know is that stories have been circulating for many years about this specific house, the high-class political and other elite it catered for, the sensitivity of the guest list, and the "protection" it therefore attracted.  If it's a made-up story, then it's not a recent one, nor one with little time for require a retraction. 


The only new bit about it is the tale of armed intimidation of witnesses.  I'd not heard that bit before.

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I'm not disputing whether elements are true or not, just the fact that the way it has most likely been written is to make everything shock the reader more than anything. Any of these kind of stories I just turn the page over after reading a couple of lines, I can't see the point in being sickened by something that is written to do just that. If we can't hear his side of it however weak his argument is what is the point. I can't see how the alleged victims would benefit from all these stories, if I was a victim going over and over it again a million times isn't going to make it any better

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I'm not disputing whether elements are true or not, just the fact that the way it has most likely been written is to make everything shock the reader more than anything. Any of these kind of stories I just turn the page over after reading a couple of lines, I can't see the point in being sickened by something that is written to do just that. If we can't hear his side of it however weak his argument is what is the point. I can't see how the alleged victims would benefit from all these stories, if I was a victim going over and over it again a million times isn't going to make it any better


The motives of the gutter press, and their interest in this, is surely not the main point.  Sometimes they happen to latch on to this kind of thing, and the extra interest can be useful, but their narrow and self-serving agenda is not the point.


Going over it, for some people is unhelpful and they prefer not to do it.  For others, it helps.  I suggest we should be guided by the preferences of the victim.


Yes, let's hear "his" side of it, as you say.  Starting with, who is "he".  Or more accurately, "they".

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I'm not disputing whether elements are true or not, just the fact that the way it has most likely been written is to make everything shock the reader more than anything. Any of these kind of stories I just turn the page over after reading a couple of lines, I can't see the point in being sickened by something that is written to do just that. If we can't hear his side of it however weak his argument is what is the point. I can't see how the alleged victims would benefit from all these stories, if I was a victim going over and over it again a million times isn't going to make it any better


The motives of the gutter press, and their interest in this, is surely not the main point.  Sometimes they happen to latch on to this kind of thing, and the extra interest can be useful, but their narrow and self-serving agenda is not the point.


Going over it, for some people is unhelpful and they prefer not to do it.  For others, it helps.  I suggest we should be guided by the preferences of the victim.


Yes, let's hear "his" side of it, as you say.  Starting with, who is "he".  Or more accurately, "they".


Yeah I agree with this case, I was more referring to Saville. In fact I hardly read your post beforehand sorry. There are several cases like this throughout the country such as North Wales and Jersey yet no one has done anything about any of these events. Seems like becoming a judge or politician is the ideal career route to take if you want to commit paedophilia and get away with it.

Edited by villaguy
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I thought that was being a Priest in the Catholic Church.

That's still something I wish my church was better at dealing with. It's abhorrent the such hypocrisy is seemingly swept under the carpet.
Better at dealing with? I wasn't aware they had even tried. But anyway that is another thread.
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But anyway that is another thread.

Oh I dunno. I think the Catholic Church, the religion thread and a paedophilia thread make excellent bedfellows (pun noted).
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I thought that was being a Priest in the Catholic Church.

That's still something I wish my church was better at dealing with. It's abhorrent the such hypocrisy is seemingly swept under the carpet.



You'll like the All-Purpose Religion Thread thread, then. Or perhaps not... :mellow:

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I thought that was being a Priest in the Catholic Church.

That's still something I wish my church was better at dealing with. It's abhorrent the such hypocrisy is seemingly swept under the carpet.


Fair play, but you've just unwittingly outed yourself as a target of ridicule to be abused and mocked by the Christian baiters of VT. 


It gets pretty ugly. 

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