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caffeine withdrawal


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I have been drinking way too much energy drinks for the last 6 months, some weeks as much as 4 litres a week of a red bull type drink. I usually drink it on the way to work and on the way back before the gym but it had really started to affect me in other ways where I was falling asleep early evening and at work and my sleep pattern was rubbish and was waking up at 3 am quite often.

Last Monday I decided to give it up but little did I realise how hard it would be!

The first few days were fine but then I started to get really irritable and the smallest things irritated me and I started to whinge about the smallest things the the GF, it did not occur to me at first that it could be the caffeine and when I dropped her off for her trip to China I was moaning so you can guess how bad I feel about sending her off upset! This was so out of character but gf is thinking that the things I moaned about were not moaned about before as I was on caffeine so problems to deal with on top of how shit I feel.

I had a go at a barmaid last night for calling me darling and sweetheart and that would have just gone over my head any other time, my mates and my mom have had me moaning at them too!

Has anybody else gone through this? The websites say it will start to ease off soon as it

Some interesting reading here http://caffeinewithdrawal.org/

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Caffeine has zero effect on me. Not that I would drink that sickly carbonated shite, but I've guzzled gallons of strong coffee at times, and none at all at others. Doesn't give me any "nerve jangles" that I hear people talking about, doesn't keep me awake at night. And no effects if I stop drinking it, either. I do like coffee though.

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I'm with Mooneymeister. I drink a lot of "Blue Charge" as I like the taste and love it with vodka, but it has very little after effect

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I know what you mean B6 - it does have that impact on me. I also had splitting headaches when I decided to cut back from the 6 double espresso's a day.

Never had the jangly nerves but the irritability and the headaches were ridiculous.

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I watched a program on this matter once, it took about a week for the headaches and bad temper to go away. But once the participant came out the other side, he said he felt quite rejuvinated.

I drink a massive amount of tea, but I wouldnt say it has a massive effect on me. Though I do notice myself getting very 'heady' if I go more than about 12 hours without a brew.

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Caffeine. ...Doesn't give me any "nerve jangles" that I hear people talking about...
It does me. I therefore totally avoid it 99% of the time - don't drink coffee, almost never drink Coke.
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doesnt do anything for me either, if I am staying up untill 5 in the morning to watch the boxing then i'll get a couple of cans of red bull but I always feel it is more of a placebo than anything else

I do drink quite a lot of relentless (the 50% fruit one) but only because I like the taste of it.

I drink an excessive ammount of tea, ive currently had 5 cups of it already today but again I dont get narky if I dont have it, i'm the same with coffee as well

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I made a conscious effort to cut down on Red Bull during my exam period this year, when compared to last year I drunk litres of the stuff (not even Red Bull but a cheaper, Sainsbury's version) and it ruined the first few weeks of what should have been a relaxing Summer simply because I was an irritable bastard coming off it.

So for now, when I need a boost I just have a cup of tea or the odd coffee which I don't have a problem with. I can't drink hot drinks in the volume that I can with the cooler, fizzy shite either so that's a bonus too.

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I'm with Mooneymeister. I drink a lot of "Blue Charge" as I like the taste and love it with vodka, but it has very little after effect

Thats the brand I was drinking though not with Vodka.

I am starting to notice the difference from being off it as I am usually falling asleep at my desk by now, yeah! that bad! but it will be another week before feeling totally better

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I'm with Mooneymeister. I drink a lot of "Blue Charge" as I like the taste and love it with vodka, but it has very little after effect

Thats the brand I was drinking though not with Vodka.

I am starting to notice the difference from being off it as I am usually falling asleep at my desk by now, yeah! that bad! but it will be another week before feeling totally better

Do her up the wrong 'un, that'll give you something nice to think about and therefore keep you awake


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I like coffee and can drink a lot of it. But the only thing I really need is my morning coffee but I think that's more psychological. I need a warm cup of drink to wake up, more than anything. It's just part of my routine. Caffein doesn't affect my sleep or anything but that could be down to my size (6,4"/15 st)?

I know all about withdrawal though. <3 nicotine <3. I'm too weak to even want to try quitting.

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I feel for you B6. It can be a bugger. For my part I have one triple espresso in the morning, which doesn't affect me one iota. Give me a cup of tea and I'm buzzing. Anyway, I guess moderation in all things, including moderation. Quitting must be saving you a few bob as well?

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I don't drink or even like coffee. I'm already a hyper person though. The few times I attempted an energy drink my heart felt like it was going to explode. So I stay away. Still I see people suffer when they cut back, it definitely looks like it sucks. Sorry for ya.

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For my part I have one triple espresso in the morning, which doesn't affect me one iota.

:? then why have it?

Give me a cup of tea and I'm buzzing.

:? double confused now. Espresso has loads more caffeine in it than (a cup of) tea ....

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Stick with it B6. I gave up caffeine about 2 months ago (wasn't excessive, but used to drink about 3 or 4 cups of tea a day). Gave it up as a result of running out of tea bags, and I noticed in the 2 days that I went without tea, I had massive headaches. Thought that if that little caffeine and the subsequent withdrawal were giving me that bad headaches, it couldn't be good for me. Now sleep much better (used to regularly wake up in the middle of the night) and feel generally less lethargic. I now drink decaff and rooibos tea instead, and stay away from coke etc. Good luck!

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For my part I have one triple espresso in the morning, which doesn't affect me one iota.

:? then why have it?

I like the taste! Got a really nice machine and grinder at home and the depth of flavour is awesome.

Give me a cup of tea and I'm buzzing.

:? double confused now. Espresso has loads more caffeine in it than (a cup of) tea ....

I know. Makes no sense. Maybe there's something else in the tea leaves, or maybe it's just a placebo response.

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I feel for you B6. It can be a bugger. For my part I have one triple espresso in the morning, which doesn't affect me one iota. Give me a cup of tea and I'm buzzing. Anyway, I guess moderation in all things, including moderation. Quitting must be saving you a few bob as well?

its asda cheap stuff Ant so not much but it will improve my health.

Reading what I have read I can understand why it is banned in some Scandanavian countries and banned in schools as its really nast shit. My sons mom has told me that he is also addicted to these so we have to make a plan with him to come off them, he has a temper when he goes so really have to look at weaning him off but he is 19 and it has to be his choice but he drinks more than i did it seems.

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My bands endorsed by Monster Energy so we get sent crates of the stuff. The rest of the lads in the band drink it like its water, but I can't stand the stuff! Anything that turns your urine green has got to be bad!

I am quite enjoying the Monster Coffee they have brought out though....

whats your band? Your mates must be on cloud 9! :lol:

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