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Gym Routine


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Anyone else get the urge to launch a dumbbell across the room when they see someone use a set of weights and then just walk off and leave them there?

This is the norm in the gym I'm in at the moment. Seriously. With the one I used to be in, basically everyone put stuff back when they were finished, and I thought this was the norm. Until I joined this place and I'd say as close as damn 100% of people literally stand up and walk to the next piece of equipment leaving everything behind.


I found out early on that the rule is if there is no towel down then that equipment is vacant. This means plates and dumbbells of all weights are strewn across the entire floor space and are hard to find. It's an amazing difference and now I don't know which is the more common behaviour in gyms, as I only really have these 2 examples to draw from.  It also means it's pointless me doing it as I'd be the only one.  Although I still do at times.  Just can't help myself :)

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Anyone else get the urge to launch a dumbbell across the room when they see someone use a set of weights and then just walk off and leave them there?

This is the norm in the gym I'm in at the moment. Seriously. With the one I used to be in, basically everyone put stuff back when they were finished, and I thought this was the norm. Until I joined this place and I'd say as close as damn 100% of people literally stand up and walk to the next piece of equipment leaving everything behind.


I found out early on that the rule is if there is no towel down then that equipment is vacant. This means plates and dumbbells of all weights are strewn across the entire floor space and are hard to find. It's an amazing difference and now I don't know which is the more common behaviour in gyms, as I only really have these 2 examples to draw from.  It also means it's pointless me doing it as I'd be the only one.  Although I still do at times.  Just can't help myself :)


It's like this at my gym. Dumbells **** everywhere.


I always put mine back to make a silent protest.


I think it's like this at a lot of gyms, but at my previous one the staff were good at coming round and putting stuff back.

At my current gym they only seem to do this at the end of the day, so the place is an absolute mess for most of it.

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How specific are you w.r.t. calorie intake? I mean, I know I eat sensibly, but I'd still struggle to get close to guessing the calories in a bowl of stew for example. Or do you stay away from foods that you can't accurately measure, or foods that have been prepared by others where you don't necessarily know everything that has gone into it?

realised other day its impossible for me to tell my calories as every meal i eat is from a restaurent/takeout :( I probably should learn how to cook or just get a private cook

Edited by gharperr
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They tend to be in foods I don't eat. Processed stuff. Although there are exceptions (fresh coconut for example). I think there are probably good and bad types.

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Anyone else get the urge to launch a dumbbell across the room when they see someone use a set of weights and then just walk off and leave them there?

This is the norm in the gym I'm in at the moment. Seriously. With the one I used to be in, basically everyone put stuff back when they were finished, and I thought this was the norm. Until I joined this place and I'd say as close as damn 100% of people literally stand up and walk to the next piece of equipment leaving everything behind.


I found out early on that the rule is if there is no towel down then that equipment is vacant. This means plates and dumbbells of all weights are strewn across the entire floor space and are hard to find. It's an amazing difference and now I don't know which is the more common behaviour in gyms, as I only really have these 2 examples to draw from.  It also means it's pointless me doing it as I'd be the only one.  Although I still do at times.  Just can't help myself :)




I can inform you BOF since one of the other gyms in town closed they seem to have all moved up to active ....and weights everywhere ....another is one person using a machine, cage & free weights one after the other and getting upset when you move into the cage 

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Anyone else get the urge to launch a dumbbell across the room when they see someone use a set of weights and then just walk off and leave them there?

This is the norm in the gym I'm in at the moment. Seriously. With the one I used to be in, basically everyone put stuff back when they were finished, and I thought this was the norm. Until I joined this place and I'd say as close as damn 100% of people literally stand up and walk to the next piece of equipment leaving everything behind.


I found out early on that the rule is if there is no towel down then that equipment is vacant. This means plates and dumbbells of all weights are strewn across the entire floor space and are hard to find. It's an amazing difference and now I don't know which is the more common behaviour in gyms, as I only really have these 2 examples to draw from.  It also means it's pointless me doing it as I'd be the only one.  Although I still do at times.  Just can't help myself :)


It's like this at my gym. Dumbells **** everywhere.


I always put mine back to make a silent protest.


I think it's like this at a lot of gyms, but at my previous one the staff were good at coming round and putting stuff back.

At my current gym they only seem to do this at the end of the day, so the place is an absolute mess for most of it.



Yep, I did that this morning.


Also, people putting collars on the smith machine when they are in short supply....


Does my nut in.

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I will tell people to put their weights back. Seriously **** me off.

Nothing inherently wrong with saturated fat at all. Links to high cholesterol proven to be unfounded. Plenty of it in the less lean meats. As with most things, moderation is key. At the other end of the scale are the high-fat nutters who do stuff like put butter in their coffee and claim that it helps them lose weight [emoji23].

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It's a major problem here in the States, as well. It drives me mad to watch grown adults who pay a monthly fee to go to a place in order to lift heavy objects and put them back down again refuse to pick up after themselves...by lifting heavy objects and putting them back down again.


I'm not a big guy (5'10", 165lbs), but I've gone up to people much larger than me and said, "Are you done with that? Oh. Here, I'll put it back where it belongs then," and pedantically put it back on the rack.

Bunch of clowns.

Edited by JamieZ
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Luckily the gym im at here is civilised and people put their weights back, gym im brum though the weights are everywhere.

Also pisses me off when someones using the bench does 1 set then goes for a walk expecting the bench still to be free when they get back, **** off you clearing in the woods

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Last night, a guy carried his dumbells all the way from where he was lifting, to the dumbell rack...



... and left them on the floor in front of it. 


What a **** dick!


Luckily for him he is absolutely massive so I let him off :D

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I started back at the gym 6 weeks ago after a long time away, and the same things really bother me. One thing I can't stand is people using work spaces for the wrong reason. Some examples include:


(1) people using squat racks to do pull ups (OK there is a pull up bar built into the thing, but let the men do squats in the squat rack you should use the various pull up stations scattered around the gym).


(2) people using benches to rest their belongings. You know, they'll stand next to the bench, do some shit like curls, and have their phone resting on the seat. Leave the benches free for people who want to do exercises that actually require a god damn bench. 


(3) Some clearing in the woods was using the bench press station to do dips, see above as to why this is wrong. 


Other things that annoy me are people who leave plates on barbells after finishing, put that shit away, have some respect for others. 

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I leave one plate each side of a barbell when I'm done. Assumign we're talking about one on a squat rack. If I'm deadlifting it gets put away completely.


But yeah, my logic is the majority of the time the next person will want at least 1 plate on each side. So I'm probably saving them work.

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