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Gym Routine


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Totally not with it this morning. Set my weights up for squats and as soon as I picked the weight up I thought "this seems well heavy". Being ill over the weekend I figured I was just still a little weak so did the 5 reps and racked up. Noticed I'd put an extra 20kg on the barbell and not taken the bar weight into consideration! D'oh.

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Slowly but surely progressing back up to where I used to be. With the exception of the day I fancied seeing what I could lift as a max I've stuck to the 5x5 routine.


90kg 5x5 squat

60kg 5x5 bench

40kg 5x5 rows

40kg 5x5 OHP

115kg 1x5 deadlift


At the moment. Beginning to see my muscles coming back which is nice :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't let this thread die, gym bros!



My new routine has my bench creeping back up slowly. Very rewarding, especially as I'm cutting again so I wouldn't be expecting my lifts to be going up.

Amazing what a change in routine can do.

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I finally returned to the gym last night after months away.  I'm determined to get back to going regularly again.


Back onto the stronglifts, and I'm feeling a little sore today, but on the right side of sore if that makes sense?  I can feel my muscles are a little achy but its not too painful to do day to day stuff.

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I did an AMRAP thing last week which consisted of as many reps as I could do in 4 mins at appox 75% max on all the different exercises I do throughout the week.


That was fun.


This week I have so far been trying to sweat as much as possible doing cardio to rid myself of the litres of poison I consumed on a stag do in Cardiff.


Less fun.

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Managed to complete my first week back on the stronglift programme this morning.  I was pleased to get back to it if I'm honest.  The first few weeks in actually dragging myself to the gym I always find the hardest!


This week I've done the following weights;


Squat - 47.5Kg

Bench Press - 27.5Kg

Overhead Press - 22.5Kg

Barbell Row - 40Kg

Deadlift - 60Kg


I was fairly comfortable with everything and I think I could quite easily lift heavier on everything, except maybe the Row which I struggled with a little.  that said I am going to stick with the programme and just increase the weight slow and steady.


I suffered really bad DOMS yesterday, so much so it was a little hard to walk!  I cannot afford to have the same tomorrow as I'm playing football!  Any got any tips on how to reduce it or at least help improve it?


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I suffered really bad DOMS yesterday, so much so it was a little hard to walk!  I cannot afford to have the same tomorrow as I'm playing football!  Any got any tips on how to reduce it or at least help improve it?


Foam roller or a trigger ball?


I read a really thorough academic type article a few years back which basically said that none of the old wives tales remedies had any influence on DOMS at all and in fact nothing does.


Point is though DOMS are only an issue for the first couple of times/weeks when you get back into it. As long as you stick at it then any DOMS you have in future will be very manageable. It's only people who constantly stop and start who have big issues with DOMS in my experience.

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If it's in your legs then look into foam rollers.


Never used them myself but lots of people swear by them.


Otherwise it's just general stretching before and after you lift, and make sure you do some light warm up sets.

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Right after your advise guys I've ordered myself a foam roller from Amazon.


That said its not effecting me as much after a workout already and I'm only into week two!   I'm pleased as I wouldn't have been able to cope with being that sore all the time!

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Yeah DOMs will generally get less and less the more you work out.


I think you should always have a bit. It's a sign of working hard.

But everybody's different. Some people never have DOMs, some people have it a lot.


But in general the more you workout the less severe it gets.

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