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Best Video Game of all time


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I've already contributed to this thread, but I'll reiterate that my opinion remains.


Despite playing RDR since, I don't think my opinion that Ocarina of Time is the best game ever will ever change.

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Ocarina of Time was rather special.


I don't think I've been sad to complete a video game before or since. The game really did have you thoroughly immersed in it's world. 

Edited by Shillzz
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And I think enough time has passed that I'll remember the game more fondly than it possibly deserves. Not that it ISN'T deserving of that. Just that if I played a game that I genuinely enjoyed more the OoT, it probably still wouldn't change my opinion because that is cemented at the top of my list in my head.


If that makes sense.


Also, the fact that I don't really get the time these days to immerse myself in games like I used to means I doubt I'll ever be as gripped by a game as I was by OoT.


When I first got that I think I probably played it for about 20 hours straight (with brief breaks for eating). That'll never happen again with me I don't think.

Edited by Stevo985
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Yeah that's pretty much the same for me.


I don't tend to play video games at all anymore, except perhaps a bit of Angry Birds when I'm sat on the throne at work; so nothing will ever surpass Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye for me. Nothing will ever be given the chance to surpass them, and as you say, their legendary status has been ingrained in my head for such a long time that it would be difficult to look back on them without getting all nostalgic.


The other point is that I'd like to think I've grown up a lot since playing those games, Video games can no longer suspend that feeling of disbelief in the way they could when you were 12, so I don't think I'm actually capable of enjoying a game in the way I used to.

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I'm the exact same way. Ocarina of Time is probably up there as my favourite game ever, despite having played many other games since, but I think that not only is that down to OoT being absolutely fantastic, but also it's because of everything that the nostalgia of OoT represents for me.


It was a simpler time in my life, probably the best time, where everything was pretty much rosey. It sounds sad, but I can still remember that exact Christmas Day when I woke up and found the game wrapped up under the tree and the slight annoyance of having to open the rest of my presents before I could go back to my room and finally fire it up. I also remember bright sunny Saturday mornings where I'd get up really early to play it, and running down to the newsagents to pick up Nintendo Official Magazine because they had a little booklet guide to the game. Good times. Being a kid was pretty great.

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I'm the exact same way. Ocarina of Time is probably up there as my favourite game ever, despite having played many other games since, but I think that not only is that down to OoT being absolutely fantastic, but also it's because of everything that the nostalgia of OoT represents for me.


It was a simpler time in my life, probably the best time, where everything was pretty much rosey. It sounds sad, but I can still remember that exact Christmas Day when I woke up and found the game wrapped up under the tree and the slight annoyance of having to open the rest of my presents before I could go back to my room and finally fire it up. I also remember bright sunny Saturday mornings where I'd get up really early to play it, and running down to the newsagents to pick up Nintendo Official Magazine because they had a little booklet guide to the game. Good times. Being a kid was pretty great.


I could have written that myself, word for word. I remember being utterly frustrated at having to turn it off on Christmas day so my Grandmother (God bless her) could watch the Queen's speach.


Not sure if I'd have ever gotten through Oot without that booklet.

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I'm the exact same way. Ocarina of Time is probably up there as my favourite game ever, despite having played many other games since, but I think that not only is that down to OoT being absolutely fantastic, but also it's because of everything that the nostalgia of OoT represents for me.


It was a simpler time in my life, probably the best time, where everything was pretty much rosey. It sounds sad, but I can still remember that exact Christmas Day when I woke up and found the game wrapped up under the tree and the slight annoyance of having to open the rest of my presents before I could go back to my room and finally fire it up. I also remember bright sunny Saturday mornings where I'd get up really early to play it, and running down to the newsagents to pick up Nintendo Official Magazine because they had a little booklet guide to the game. Good times. Being a kid was pretty great.


I could have written that myself, word for word. I remember being utterly frustrated at having to turn it off on Christmas day so my Grandmother (God bless her) could watch the Queen's speach.


Not sure if I'd have ever gotten through Oot without that booklet.

My first encounter of the game was seeing my cousin play it.

Me: WHat's this?

Him: Zelda

Me: Oh, is this it? You're just on a farm with some chickens


Him: There's more to it than that, there's loads of exploring to do.


Me: oh. How many levels are there?

Him: It doesn't work like that, there are no levels.

Me: What?! Sounds shit

How wrong I was! :D

And I'm proud to say I got through OoT, even at that age, without any sort of booklet or game guide.


Majora's mask, on the other hand...

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I'm the exact same way. Ocarina of Time is probably up there as my favourite game ever, despite having played many other games since, but I think that not only is that down to OoT being absolutely fantastic, but also it's because of everything that the nostalgia of OoT represents for me.


It was a simpler time in my life, probably the best time, where everything was pretty much rosey. It sounds sad, but I can still remember that exact Christmas Day when I woke up and found the game wrapped up under the tree and the slight annoyance of having to open the rest of my presents before I could go back to my room and finally fire it up. I also remember bright sunny Saturday mornings where I'd get up really early to play it, and running down to the newsagents to pick up Nintendo Official Magazine because they had a little booklet guide to the game. Good times. Being a kid was pretty great.


I could have written that myself, word for word. I remember being utterly frustrated at having to turn it off on Christmas day so my Grandmother (God bless her) could watch the Queen's speach.


Not sure if I'd have ever gotten through Oot without that booklet.

My first encounter of the game was seeing my cousin play it.

Me: WHat's this?

Him: Zelda

Me: Oh, is this it? You're just on a farm with some chickens


Him: There's more to it than that, there's loads of exploring to do.


Me: oh. How many levels are there?

Him: It doesn't work like that, there are no levels.

Me: What?! Sounds shit

How wrong I was! :D

And I'm proud to say I got through OoT, even at that age, without any sort of booklet or game guide.


Majora's mask, on the other hand...


See I was a bit of a subscriber to the Official Nintendo magazine, who had been waxing lyrically about OoT for the 18 months leading up to it's release. After the Goldeneye Christmas debacle which nearly saw my old man selling his sole for a copy, he was advised well in advance to get OoT on pre-order.


I tried so hard not to use the walk-through, but it was too tempting. I don't think I'd have gotten past the welcome screen in Majora's Mask without one.

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I think at the time he had all but given up on getting one, and I was resigning myself to getting a copy of the seemingly terrible Top Gear Rally, but then there was some huge comet style store that opened up in Cheltenham, promising copies of Goldeneye for the early birds. Sure enough he bagged the penultimate copy (or so the story goes) and Christmas was saved for one particularly demanding 11 year old.

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Civ V


Problem is that Steam insists on telling me how many hours I've spent playing it.


In what ways is Civ V better than its predecessors?

Umm, well, better graphics obviously. They've also fixed various annoyances, but introduced new ones.


As to things that I prefer, well there's no stacking of units and it's on a hex map which gives more realistic zones of control. Cities have rudimentary defences so you can leave them without a unit in and they can survive. You don't have to load units in to ships to move them over water, you just move them on to water and they become 'embarked'; basically less tedious logisitcs. Various other bits that I can't think of right now. Oh yeah, mods are easy to choose, install and use.


Anyway, I'm on 1646 hours now...  :blush:

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There's a disappointing lack of WoW in this thread. I don't play anymore, but I doubt there will ever be a game that I willingly sink as much of my life in to as it.

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I played WoW for a bit but it doesn't appeal to me as a person or a gamer like it does with some people.

OoT was just special.


In a similar vein to the scenario Stevo had with his cousin, my dad saw me play Twilight Princess when I had just started the game and now whenever Zelda gets brought up in conversation (which is pretty rare admittedly) he refers to it as "that lovely game where you fish, play with cats and herd goats."


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WoW is easily the game i've spent most time on (genuinely scared to look at the played time across all my characters) and I still play it today, but I still stand by my original shout for Elite.


Nothing has ever come close to the sheer jaw dropping excitement and wonderment I felt when I first played that game, and for the technology available at the time I still find it absolutely incredible what they managed to create.


Can't wait for Elite Dangerous  :)

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