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I Googled it, and seems some apps, actually most, but especially games require you to pay twice. At the inflated app store prices too.

Not true. if you get the iphone app it will also work on ipad, and you do not have to pay twice.

It seems to be developers choosing to make versions of their apps for ipad, and so requires a little bit of changing to the code. So they technically claim it as a new app.
That's true - if people make an iPad and an iphone version, it's possible to buy both versions, but you don't have to.

Apps made just for iPads, or rejiggered for ipads for the higher res etc. their developers are selling them at higher prices.

Just seems strange that the same developers optimise there apps for tablets and don't charge a second time for them on Android yet they do on ipads. Also why are the same apps more expensive on iOS devices?

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I dont get it, plug your phone into your computer go to 'Image Capture' free app on Mac (or PC equivalent)

Drag or download your images and videos, whats the big deal?

I've always been able to access my photos and videos on my iPhone directly by just plugging in my phone and accessing it via Windows Explorer, as you would with any removable storage

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I dont get it, plug your phone into your computer go to 'Image Capture' free app on Mac (or PC equivalent)

Drag or download your images and videos, whats the big deal?

I've always been able to access my photos and videos on my iPhone directly by just plugging in my phone and accessing it via Windows Explorer, as you would with any removable storage

Exactly, hence why i dont get the big deal about iTunes and people moaning about it.

You dont even have to touch iTunes if you buy an iPhone these days unless you really want too.

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I dont get it, plug your phone into your computer go to 'Image Capture' free app on Mac (or PC equivalent)

Drag or download your images and videos, whats the big deal?

I've always been able to access my photos and videos on my iPhone directly by just plugging in my phone and accessing it via Windows Explorer, as you would with any removable storage

Exactly, hence why i dont get the big deal about iTunes and people moaning about it.

You dont even have to touch iTunes if you buy an iPhone these days unless you really want too.

Can you do music without iTunes? Genuinely don't know, I've always used iTunes.

But I've never understood the dislike for iTunes from a music point of view. As a music manager I've always thought it was pretty bloody good. I used to use it before I even had an iPhone as I found it better than Media Player and Win Amp etc

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I guess you must be able to do this but I'm a bit teccy illiterate! can you copy just SOME of the stuff from your I Turnes library (eg certain playlists) over to an IPhone without it changing any of the stuff that's actually on my Ipod?

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You need to make sure you're settings are set so that it doesn't automatically sync your ipod with your itunes. It's something like "Manually Manage Files" or something (I can't remember exactly where but I think, when you plug your ipod in, the option is at the bottom of the screen when you click on it in iTunes, but best to google this maybe to find out where)

Once you've done that, you can just drag and drop stuff onto your ipod in itunes

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If I understand right, Hev, you've got two devices you want to sync Music to (phone and iPod)?

If that's right, then you don't need to do it manually if you don't want to - iTunes will recognise the two devices as seperate items, and you can pick what you want on each one when you plus them in (or wirelessly connect to them) - it's what I do.

Just choose what music, contacts, calendars, apps and all the rest you want for each one. Click on its icon in the iTunes window and select from there, and choose either "automatically sync..." or "manually...".

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There's a new apple software version out.

I didn't like the last one (Lion), and ended up removing it and going back to the snow leopard version.

Anyone know if the new, new one is any better than Lion?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I dont get it, plug your phone into your computer go to 'Image Capture' free app on Mac (or PC equivalent)

Drag or download your images and videos, whats the big deal?

I've always been able to access my photos and videos on my iPhone directly by just plugging in my phone and accessing it via Windows Explorer, as you would with any removable storage

Exactly, hence why i dont get the big deal about iTunes and people moaning about it.

You dont even have to touch iTunes if you buy an iPhone these days unless you really want too.

Can you do music without iTunes? Genuinely don't know, I've always used iTunes.

But I've never understood the dislike for iTunes from a music point of view. As a music manager I've always thought it was pretty bloody good. I used to use it before I even had an iPhone as I found it better than Media Player and Win Amp etc

I use copytransmanagerfree :) drag and drop more or less :)

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  • 2 months later...

So ipad mini released. Spec is hardly cutting edge but no doubt will sell loads. Cheapest model is £269.00 compared to £159.00 for Nexus 7.

It will be interesting to see what Google announces next week.

I do wonder which sales will suffer more on the Ipad mini release, and android tablets or full size ipads.

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They Nailed the Size, Samsung's 7.7 inch Tab was perfect size imo, but cast off too quickly.

Apple got the size right, but it seems they just decided to make the iPad 2 smaller so all apps would work fine on it more than anything.

But here's where I want to talk about. Does anyone use Apps often? I mean more than 3 or 4 non pre installed apps? I use Gmail, Internet and Video Player. That's it.

Everything else is a quick throw away game or temporary useful app

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