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transfermarkt.de"]Leckie vor Unterschrift in Gladbach

Leckie to sign for 'Gladbach

Das australische Offensivtalent Mathew Leckie (Foto) steht laut Medienberichten unmittelbar vor der Unterschrift bei Borussia Mönchengladbach. der 20-Jährige hat bereits den Medizincheck absolviert. Er kommt ablösefrei von Adelaide United.

The Australian offensive talent Mathew Leckie is set to complete his move to Borussia Mönchengladbach according to media reports. The 20-year-old has already completed his medical and arrives as a free transfer from Adelaide United.


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clubbrugge.be"]Björn Vleminckx signs 5-year contract

Red Devil Björn Vleminckx signed a 5 year contract at Club Brugge. Earlier this week Club had reached an agreement with the Dutch team NEC, the current employer of Vleminckx (in a deal worth around €3.3m). Club's new striker passed the medical tests and was officially presented during the gala event “The Night of Black and Blue” at the Casino-Kursaal in the Ostend.

Björn Vleminckx is currently top scorer in the Eredivise with 18 goals in 25 games. Vleminckx is a youth product from SK Beveren, where he made his debut in the first team at the age of 17. He played three seasons there (2002–2005) and afterwards moved for one year to KV Oostende (2005–2006), eventually signing for KV Mechelen where he realised his big breakthrough. Vleminckx soon became a key player and obtained promotion to the first division, having scored 16 goals. In 2009 he was transfered to NEC in addition to earning 4 call-ups to the Belgian national team.

Director of Sport Henk Mariman stated: “Bjorn's personality is a perfect match for our club and it's culture. In the last few years, he really earned a lot of credit as a good striker and during his stay at NEC he made a lot of progress.”


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17 year old Brazilian striker Lucas Piazón will move from São Paulo to Chelsea at the end of the season for £6.5m.


Apparently he's "the new Kaka". Apparently. :?

Is that because he has the same haircut?

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and played same club. journalists are so lazy some times especially with new Maradona or Vieira tags.

as for Vleminckx rumours were some Premier League clubs had bids in January rejected for him so strange he went to Belgium unless its his team

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Ana Proença/Filipe Pedras @ O Jogo"]Bayern perto de ter Coentrão

Bayern close to having Coentrão

A SAD encarnada está a negociar Fábio Coentrão com os alemães do Bayern de Munique. Ao que O JOGO apurou, as conversações entre os dirigentes de ambos os clubes estão já numa fase adiantada, devendo ficar concluídas a breve trecho. O negócio deverá ser fechado por valores a rondar os 25 milhões de euros (cláusula de rescisão é de M€ 30), cinco milhões abaixo da cláusula de rescisão do internacional português, que tem contrato com o Benfica até 2016. Fábio Coentrão está a par de toda a situação, já lhe foi, inclusive, apresentado um contrato válido por cinco temporadas com um salário muito acima daquele que aufere actualmente no Benfica.

The embodied SAD is negotiating Fábio Coentrão with the Germans of the Bayern of Munich. To what O PLAY perfected, the conversations between the leaders of both clubs are already in an advanced phase, must be when passage was ended short. The deal will have to be made by values to patrol 25 million euros (clause of rescission is of M€ 30), five millions below the clause of rescission of the international Portuguese, that it has contract with the Benfica up to 2016. Fábio Coentrão is up to date with all the situation, already it him was, inclusive, when a valid contract was presented for five seasons with a salary very much above that what it derives at present in the Benfica.

O Bayern de Munique está actualmente na quarta posição da Bundesliga, mas é o clube alemão com mais dinheiro. Na época passada, teve uma facturação de 323 milhões de euros, o que o deixou no quarto lugar da lista de clubes mais ricos do Mundo, atrás de Real Madrid, Barcelona e Manchester United. Isto para dizer que Fábio Coentrão não ficará nada mal servido em Munique, pois terá à sua espera um salário principesco.

The Bayern of Munich is at present in Wednesday position of the Bundesliga, but it is the German club with more money. In last time, it had a facturação for 323 million euros, which left it in the room place of the list of clubs richer of the World, behind Real Madrid, Barcelona and Manchester United. This to say which Fábio Coentrão will not stay swims badly served in Munich, since it will have to his wait a magnificent salary.

Há poucos dias, o clube bávaro garantiu a contratação, para a próxima temporada, do antigo treinador do Benfica Jupp Heynckes. Agora, a prioridade dos dirigentes do Bayern de Munique é mesmo o lateral-esquerdo português.

There are a few days, the Bavarian club guaranteed the employment, for the near season, of the ancient trainer of the Benfica Jupp Heynckes. Now, the priority of the leaders of the Bayern of Munich is even the left-side Portuguese.

No último defeso, o emblema alemão já tinha feito uma proposta oficial por Coentrão junto dos responsáveis encarnados. A oferta foi de 20 milhões de euros, e o Benfica recusou-a de pronto por querer ganhar mais dinheiro e contar com o jogador mais uma época (o próprio atleta também quis ficar). Agora, no entanto, o negócio deverá mesmo avançar. Na SAD do Benfica, é assumido que o camisola 18 é para vender e 25 milhões não desagradam.

In the prohibited last thing, the German emblem had already done an official proposal for Coentrão next to the red persons in charge. The offer was 20 million euros, and the Benfica refused it of promptly for wanting to earn more money and to count on the player one more time (the athlete himself also wanted to be). Now, however, the business will have to advance even. In the SAD of the Benfica, it is assumed that nightdress 18 is to sell and 25 millions do not displease.


Give me time, working on a better translation... :detect:

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