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Stinks to high heaven that CPW and o2 can get their hands on plenty of stock at £399 yet google still cannot fulfill their launch day orders at the cheaper price.

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Really? Doesnt it just suggest that people are shopping in one place rather than the other because of the difference in price?

This is a total first world problems thing, but it is annoying that something I have been looking forward to for months is unavailable because the Hot UK Deals crowd ran away with it.

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Well, I thought about getting on the nexus 4 bandwagon (though I don't like the thought of another LG-made phone after all the issues with my 8110 all those years ago).

Have ordered myself an upgrade to the HTC one x+ through p4u (since the guy at orange I spoke to "couldn't see a date they'd be stocking them at the orange warehouse" and w8 is where it's at now anyway*) since my Desire HD is now lacking in the updates to android dept. (and despite being a professional geek, I'm loathe to go about rooting it)

Though it's a shame to be replacing a perfectly awesome phone (complete with a few wrinkles ofc) just for the sake of being at the forefront of the tech curve again, but at least now I'll have the HD to stick in my jersey pocket and run Strava as I fall off my bike without worrying about trashing the new phone!

So yeah, a new android phone to play with shortly, just need to figure a way of getting my New Star Soccer save data across phones =P

*not quite what he said, especially the w8 bit =P

Edit:: for better formatting and the whole "making sense" thing...

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Has anyone with the Galaxy Nexus got the 4.2 update yet?

Got mine on the Nexus 7 but nought yet on my phone.

About 2 weeks ago I think. Have you tried clearing data for Google Services Framework?

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Just get a GS3 off eBay and lash CM10.1 on. Then get a Nexus after Christmas if you want. GS3 resale value is high especially if you buy from eBay in the first place.

Can have my garnet red one, pm me if interested.

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Managed to nab a Original Samsung Galaxy Nexus Charger / Holder (the one with the Pogopins) for £9.99 so will probably wait a month or two for the panic to die down on the Nexus 4 and have a good read as to what quality issues if any exist.

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Gave the leaked SGS2 JB rom a go. What a difference it made to have the hwcomposer included. It pisses all over the crippled CM10/AOKP and the like for the Galaxy2

Phone feels brand new.

Another bonus, the built in dropbox-client enabled me to get the 50 gig free deal. \o/

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Well I've had my S3 for a week now, because I didn't want to fork out over 200 quid on top of my contract for an Iphone 5.

It's **** fantastic, I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would pay MORE for something that's far inferior. Apple need to introduce removable batteries and upgradable storage on their next phones if they want to begin to compete.

I was slightly worried about all my music not showing up correctly, but DoubleTwist works a treat.

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Well I've had my S3 for a week now, because I didn't want to fork out over 200 quid on top of my contract for an Iphone 5.

It's **** fantastic, I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would pay MORE for something that's far inferior. Apple need to introduce removable batteries and upgradable storage on their next phones if they want to begin to compete.

I was slightly worried about all my music not showing up correctly, but DoubleTwist works a treat.

The more people that realise this and take the plunge into the unknown, the quicker it will get apple to change their dated os. I don't think apple will ever introduce expandable storage, they make a fortune off people paying for the extra. Also when people have to pay to use their music match service when he same thing is free on Google.

There's just so many reasons why apple need to buck their ideas up. I know ma y people that swore they'd never touch another phone other than an iPhone yet they now use android. The one person I know with an iPhone 5 is due to him having a Mac and ipad and staying with them as they work well together.

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Popped into the CPW in Walsall on Saturday as my other half wanted a smaller phone as her Samsung Note is too big - only because she is getting an Iphone from work so just wanted something smaller for her personal calls and she ended up buying the Sony Xperia Tipo only because it was one of the few budget phones running Android 4.0. The amount which are still running 2. something is absurd.

They had the Nexus 4 on display so had a bit of play with it and it didnt leave me in any rush to upgrade from the Gnex. Dont get me wrong I am sure its a great phone and at some point I will probably bite the bullet and upgrade but as the Gnex runs the same software and it looks pretty much identical from the front the 4 doesnt have that must have feeling to it.

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If I had a Galaxy Nexus I think I'd be sitting tight until the 2013 Nexus phone is released anyway. Even with my Nexus S which is one generation older I dont feel like I need a Nexus 4 (although I do want one) because even with fairly ancient hardware I am still on Jelly Bean and have been since July.

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Same here. I was happy with the Nexus S until I saw the Galaxy Nexus and had to upgrade. But the Nexus 4 really does nothing for me besides being cheap, and I'd still have to pay more anyway after selling my GNex. So, yeah, I've got this for another year which I'm fine with.

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Well watching the Gadget Show last night I was quite surprised how much of a bashing they gave the Iphone 5. For a show which has been pretty much labelled an Apple loving program it was criticised for the camera, the quality of calls, the build quality and the lack of innovation.

Most enjoyable.

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i caught a bit of the gadget show the other ngiht.

They seemed to be reviewing the ipad mini vs another tablet. From what I saw, the other tablet was winning everything, but then at the end they said the ipad mini was better. Seemed a bit odd.

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i caught a bit of the gadget show the other ngiht.

They seemed to be reviewing the ipad mini vs another tablet. From what I saw, the other tablet was winning everything, but then at the end they said the ipad mini was better. Seemed a bit odd.

that reminded me of a head-to-head review review I saw of HTC One X versus SGS3, they went through several tests like web, camera, built quality, screen etc and then based the conclusion that the SGS3 was better based on 2 aspects they didn't test... then the chap doing the review finished off by saying he would continue using the HTC personally as he likes it better.. WTF!!

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Yeah, it was like that.

I was only half watching so maybe I got it wrong. But it sounded like the non-ipad was better in every category, but they seemed to conclude that the ipad was better. Odd.

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