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little faye was born at 17.42 this evening weighing in at 6lbs 12oz :D

all healthy and at least it means she will only get birthday presents once every 4 years!

congratulations!! :clap:

haha, i forgot today was Feb 29th, babies born today are indeed special.

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4 months... if you're very lucky!! I think me and you Rich were very lucky. I've known people have children that don't sleep through the night well after a year.

Congrats to villarule, its brilliant feeling isn't it!

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as we had no sleep last night the missus is contemplating co-sleeping tonight with the baby, im a bit worried but she wont sleep in her moses basket for more than 15 minutes and is constantly fidgeting

can anyone put my mind at rest that your partners have done this with no problems?

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More like the other way round!

Jester is very gentle with Caleb despite being constantly bashed with hands & toys and having his jowls pulled and his eyes poked!

Inseperable pair.


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Good luck gazton, I know how frustrating it can be, took us 2 years to catch for our boy but happened in the end. Then number 2 (who of 7 weeks away) was conceived without any planning at all.

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At the risk of turning this forum into Mumsnet, anybody been through IVF?


its hard, but worth it.

mum-to-be will get moody, need to just take the mood swings with a smile, and try not to aggravate her.

might be good if you get involved with the injections (help prepare the liquid, maybe even inject it if she doesn't want to). It makes it feel like you are both going through the process, not just her on her own.

be aware its about a 30% chance, so in theory prepare for 3 rounds of it.

good luck :thumb:

i'm happy to answer any questions you may have.

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as we had no sleep last night the missus is contemplating co-sleeping tonight with the baby, im a bit worried but she wont sleep in her moses basket for more than 15 minutes and is constantly fidgeting

can anyone put my mind at rest that your partners have done this with no problems?

its not ideal, greater chance of cot death.

but sometimes it has to be done if baby won't sleep at all.

be careful with duvet being able to cover the baby's face, or possibility of you rolling over onto baby. strategically placed pillows can help stop rolling over issues.

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:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

You'll get used to it mate, they usually settle down after...oh, id dont know...4 months! :lol:

Cangratulations by the way. Best job in the world being a dad! :thumb:

4 months :suspect:

took 18 months before our first child slept through the night.

our second child is 6 months old and still wakes every 2 hours every single night.

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My son was born at 11am on tues.

He hasn't got a name yet although that should change quite soon.

Congratulations to you and your good lady!

A name...? what about...Alex?

**runs off**


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