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Mom would never speak to me again if i got him a tack day for his bi.......great idea Bri!!!

Im joking.

Ive gone for a driving experience thingy, choose from either an Aston Martin, Lambo, Ferrari or R8. Sounds decent.

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Is it that much of a bastard to get a job at the moment?

See I'm thinking about quitting everything and going travelling in the hope that i'll be able to get a job when I come back, but I don't want to be scratching around for employment for too long when I get back.

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It can be.

QFT. 20 years of experience, a great CV and it still took me 10 months for find a new job. Can't imagine how tough it must be for the likes of you, Chindie.

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It's not going well.

Companies and businesses want very specific things, in graduates they want very specific degrees and excellent A Level results. In some cases they want experience as well. Normal vacancies want experience for even the most lowly roles. It's difficult to get your foot in the door.

I worked in a shop for 18 months. My CV isn't the best because theres not really the chance to improve it the moment. Been about 10 weeks now since I was made redundant. All I can keep doing is pinging off the applications I guess.

Starts to get at you after a while. It's not like I'm expecting to waltz into an excellent job - I'm pitching myself way below a graduate wage and I want to prove myself. And yet, nothing. You start to worry that nothing is ever going to come, or that the promise you had is waning away.

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Keep at it Chindie, just remember it's the job market, not you. Each decent looking job probably has hundreds of applicants. You know this and its hard not to feel frustrated at the situation but something will come up if you keep plugging away.

It's ****. We were promised the world, told that going to university would improve our job prospects and incomes and yet a lot of recent graduates work in jobs they are over quallified for and ununspired to do due to a dodgy economy and a tepid job market.

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On the other side of the coin, the company I work for are recruiting a software developer, and the candidates we get are completely dire.

CVs full of mistakes that sound like they're wrote by people with English as a third language, and the ones that actually make it through to interview either fail to turn up (I'd say around 75% of people we've asked in for an interview have no-shown) or completely flunk the most basic skills test.

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I sincerely hope all the other candidates I'm up against in these things are dire, with CVs riddled with errors, because if it is the case I might actually get a chance.

Unfortunately, my record thus far suggests they're not.

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gotta get meself down the walk in centre in a few minutes

woke up this morning and ive got a great big **** off lump of the side of me head, just in front of my ear, I look like the elephant man, aint got a clue what it is but its slightly concerning

I'll keep you all updated as to what it is that has decided to grow on the side of my head

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Apparently I have an infected insect bite on the side of me face, kind of thought it was going to be that, whenever I get bit I always get a really bad reaction, antibiotics and all that shite

Ah but did the doc actually do an AIDS test to double check?

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Apparently I have an infected insect bite on the side of me face, kind of thought it was going to be that, whenever I get bit I always get a really bad reaction, antibiotics and all that shite

Ah but did the doc actually do an AIDS test to double check?

Yep, i'd get a second opinion...defo sounds like AIDS to me! :nod:

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