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Got a 3dtv yesterday and been playing uncharted 3 all day. May be just a gimmick, but as gimmicks go its right up at the top. Watched Closer to the Edge on 3d blu ray as well. Stunning.

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Just found that I've made it to the final 2 of a tender I've been working on

worth around £1.5m ... no pressure then

Absolutely bricking it as I don't do presentations and stuff ...

It's gonna feel like an episode of the Apprentice , lets hope I don't make some of the mistakes they do

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Just found that I've made it to the final 2 of a tender I've been working on

worth around £1.5m ... no pressure then

Absolutely bricking it as I don't do presentations and stuff ...

It's gonna feel like an episode of the Apprentice , lets hope I don't make some of the mistakes they do

Good luck Tone. Have a few strong lagers first to steady your nerves. Oh, and wear a comedy nose and tell them some Chubby Brown jokes, that always goes down well.
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Just found that I've made it to the final 2 of a tender I've been working on

worth around £1.5m ... no pressure then

Absolutely bricking it as I don't do presentations and stuff ...

It's gonna feel like an episode of the Apprentice , lets hope I don't make some of the mistakes they do

Good luck with that. I know it's easy to say, but just try and be relaxed and don't be phased by someone asking a mad leftfield question.

If you don't know an answer, say so, but add that you will find out and get back to them.

Hey, you know all that already. Go get 'em.

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Just sitting outside on the roof chilling out witha couple of bottles of beer, I **** hate this weather but dont have much choice but to sit in it for a bit cuz I had me head shaved on Saturday and I look like uncle fester so I gotta get some colour on it lol

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Hmmmm not a single post since yesterday in this thread...anyway carrying on from my post above I am still on the roof having a few beers listening to some good music, thinking about taking it inside soon though

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For the past 6 months I have had to put up with injections and issues which meant I couldn't play football. My final treatment was May 4th. I am now sat here, loud music pumping through my headphones (Daft Punk-One more time) as I sit and wait to be picked up for football in around 17 minutes.. first time I have played for ages and boy am I nervous.

tick tock tick tock.

Excited but nervous.

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Hmmmm not a single post since yesterday in this thread...anyway carrying on from my post above I am still on the roof having a few beers listening to some good music, thinking about taking it inside soon though

Taking it inside? :shock:

Don't injure yourself mate, use protection too and good luck.

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