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Hey Laura, have you ever thought about a Shitzu? Those are great dogs, my sister has one and it's awesome! Like a little Ewok friend!

Yes actually, I'd like to see one in 'real life' and not just pictures though, never played with one.

Laura will be happy to know that my wife's boss phoned her at home this morning and told her NOT to come in to work as the roads and pavements were too dangerous.

I am now officially depressed.

Although an all Oustanding & 1 Good in my work review, a payrise, Trim a payrise and a Great review = not a bad day. (Also a pretty funny coincidence...)

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Fantastic :)

Floor collapses at Weight Watchers meeting

A floor collapsed beneath a group of about 20 members of Weight Watchers as they gathered to compare how many pounds they had shed over Christmas.

Members of the weight-loss club were lining up to compare readings on the scales when they heard a bang as the floor came away from the walls of their meeting room in Växjö in southern Sweden.

“We suddenly heard a huge thud – we almost thought it was an earthquake and everything flew up in the air. The floor collapsed in one corner of the room and along the walls,” one of the those present told the Smålandsposten newspaper.

They abandoned the room as the floor started to give way in other areas.

"We are going to have to find a replacement premises," Therese Levin, a consultant for Weight Watchers told the newspaper.

No one was injured in the incident, the cause of which is being investigated. The scales were not damaged and the weigh-in continued in a nearby corridor.

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I breastfeed my dog

Monday 4th January 2010

How do you stop your dog from barking? Breastfeed her, of course. It worked for Suzanne Morgan, 32, anyway.

It was sod's law. I'd just got my daughter, Tasha, off to sleep, now, my dog, Dixie, was barking like mad to be fed. I opened the kitchen cupboard, only to see there wasn't a single tin of dog food left. I felt like crying. Worst of all, I knew Dixie wouldn't shut up until she'd filled her stomach.

'We must have something,' I said, as I peered inside the fridge.

Then I spotted the bottles of breast milk I'd expressed earlier that day.

Admittedly, Tasha, 17 months, was quite old to still be breastfeeding, but I loved the bond it gave us, so I'd decided to carry on. It was free, too, which was good, because since I'd split up with her dad, Ted Collins, 35, when she was 3 months old, money was tight.

I'd always produced more milk than Tasha could drink, so I'd got into the habit of keeping some in the fridge for when I left her with a babysitter.

I stared at the milk and then back at Dixie. I couldn't, could I?

But her barking deafened me.

'What's the worst that can happen?' I said, grabbing one of the bottles and pouring it in her bowl.

Dixie sniffed her bowl, and in no time at all, she'd lapped it up. I started to wonder.

Was I the only one who fed breast milk to a dog? I got on the internet, and within minutes I'd found no end of women who'd breastfed dogs, cats, even pigs. A lot of them didn't just pour the milk into their pet's bowls, they let them suckle at their breasts, too.

'Oh my God,' I gasped, as I looked at a photo of a woman with a cat suckling on her boob.

Surely that was unhygienic? Not to mention painful?

But the more I read, the more normal it seemed.

It's almost as rewarding as feeding a baby, one woman had written.

That night, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Clearly, Dixie liked my milk.

So a few nights later, after I'd fed Tasha, Dixie jumped on the settee and I held my left

boob towards her. I squeezed out some milk, and wiped it around my nipple.

Within seconds, her long, pink tongue was gently licking my skin.

It tickled at first, but then, as she started suckling away, it didn't feel much different to having Tasha there.

'You liked that, didn't you girl?' I said, as she gently pawed my chest.

Despite having a mouthful of sharp teeth, she didn't bite me and 10 minutes later, I gently pulled her off.

I was itching to tell someone about it.

But how? My mum, Jane, 62, and my mates would think I'd gone mad. So I kept it to myself.

But to be on the safe side, I rang the doctor and told him. He went quiet.

'I-I suppose there isn't a risk if they're both healthy…' he stammered.

That put my mind at rest. That lunchtime, I let Tasha feed from my left breast, then Dixie from my right. I disinfected myself afterwards. I didn't expect everyone to be quite so open-minded, though.

So I didn't tell my boyfriend of one month, Paul Murphy, 33.

On 15 October, I missed my period and was thrilled to find out I was pregnant.

Sadly, things didn't work out with me and Paul, so after four months together, we split.

Two months on, Tasha isn't feeding any more, so it's a relief to have Dixie sucking some of the milk out of my swollen boobs.

I still feed her twice a day for 20 minutes a time.

My baby's due in June and I'll stop breastfeeding Dixie when I'm three months pregnant. Then I'll express milk for her and start breastfeeding her again once the baby reaches 4 months. Yes, it's weird. But it works for us.

Dixie, Tasha and I are happy, so you can think what you like, but I reckon you shouldn't knock it 'til you've tried it!

With picture (eeewwwww)

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Hey Laura, have you ever thought about a Shitzu? Those are great dogs, my sister has one and it's awesome! Like a little Ewok friend!

Yes actually, I'd like to see one in 'real life' and not just pictures though, never played with one.

You after a dog? King Charles Spaniels are ace!! My Charlie;



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That King Charles is beautiful...!

Not after a dog though :( I currently live in a house full of girls and I don't think we have room for a dog, I cannot also get home at lunch, so it wouldn't be fair.

One day though, one day...

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Tomorrow is going to be grim, 9.30 exam on Propaganda in the 20th Century, followed by a day revising the Vietnam war in time for the afternoon exam for that Wednesday. I've already spent all day today in the library :(

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A WOMAN weighing 136kg has pleaded guilty to killing her much smaller boyfriend - by sitting on him.

Police in Cleveland said Mia Landingham and Mikal Middleston-Bey, who have three children together, got into an argument in August.

During the altercation Landingham sat on Middleston-Bey, who weighed 54.4kg.

Landingham was sentenced to three years probation and 100 hours community service on Wednesday after pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter, Fox8 reported.

She was immediately released from jail.

Her attorney told said there was a long history of domestic abuse in the relationship. He asked Judge Carolyn Friedland for leniency and pointed out she has no prior criminal record.

Landingham she was sorry for squashing the father of her children.

"I just want to say that I am sincerely sorry about this situation. I wish I could take it back,” she said.

During Landingham's sentencing, her boyfriend's family spoke of the pain she has caused their family.

"I just want to let you know how much you have hurt us by taking Mikal away from us," said Sharon Phillips, the victim's step-mother.

While Middleton-Bey's family hoped Landingham would eventually be able to take part in her children's lives, they were surprised that she got no additional jail time.

"So basically you can say that I can go sit on somebody and get probation?" said one of the victim's sisters.

"I feel there wasn't no justice."

Landingham faced a maximum of five years behind bars.


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