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somebody talk to me about the british stiff upper lip.

Something about us being quite reserved. In a crisis the Brit doesn't scream and shout waving his arms in the air, but concentrates and tries to act rationally. This will usually result in accusations of not caring from the aforementioned arm waving screaming types.


Kin right!

Cheers mate.

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And now she's at the police station crying and telling them how she got raped by a young guy with a dog and pink clothes?

And cornrows 8)

She told me who everyone thinks done Archie in :winkold:

'ark at Mr. Charmer here. I bet she was a look-a-like but you fell for it and let her suck you off. Then as you went to slip her one you felt a testicle then ran home crying ...

Nah, it was her, she lives round my way. Parents have seen Ricky Gervais and Liam Gallagher aswell


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Just cooked a lovely Sunday dinner. Roast rib of beef with roast spuds, carrots and parsnips, colcanon mash, peas beans and Yorkshire pud with lashings of proper gravy mmmhhhhh. Going to make bread and butter pudding in a bit.
Ah, life in Ireland. Roast potatoes AND mash.

I once went to a restaurant in Belfast, ordered spaghetti Bolognese, and was asked what sort of potatoes I wanted with it.

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Just cooked a lovely Sunday dinner. Roast rib of beef with roast spuds, carrots and parsnips, colcanon mash, peas beans and Yorkshire pud with lashings of proper gravy mmmhhhhh. Going to make bread and butter pudding in a bit.
Ah, life in Ireland. Roast potatoes AND mash.

I once went to a restaurant in Belfast, ordered spaghetti Bolognese, and was asked what sort of potatoes I wanted with it.

Whats wrong with roast spuds and mash with the sunday roast?

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I'm sick. clouded head, cold shivers with 3 layers of clothes, and a sore throat. it's not been a fun day but Petrov's equalizer at the death really lifted my spirits. Sucks being at work sick, time crawls.

Hopefully I'm better tomorrow.

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