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Take up golf mate.

he's 30 not 65

Dont really know where to start with that comment!?!? :)

The older you are, the harder golf becomes. Decreased flexability, joint movement, core strength, judgement etc etc etc.

From what I see of local golf clubs and their members, that's irrelevant - it's just a social thing for white, middle class Daily Mail reading, pensioners.
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middle class

Queenwood golf club just up the road from me charges £145000 just to join , maybe they need to up it to £300k to keep the middle class riff raff out :-)

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It's very competative if you enter the comps as i do.

Your right tho Mike, for some it is just a social thing, but for most its a competative thing. You'd be surprised how seriously some players take it, ive witnessed some right ding dongs in the club house over alligations of cheating and if that should have been a gimmie or not.

I wish i'd have started playing when i was younger.

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middle class

Queenwood golf club just up the road from me charges £145000 just to join , maybe they need to up it to £300k to keep the middle class riff raff out :-)

Yes, but that's Down South, where everyone is a billionaire.

Round here, membership rate is nearer one pound ten and sixpence ha'penny a year.

Which is quite enough to price out most northerners.

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Take up golf mate.

he's 30 not 65

Dont really know where to start with that comment!?!? :)

The older you are, the harder golf becomes. Decreased flexability, joint movement, core strength, judgement etc etc etc.

From what I see of local golf clubs and their members, that's irrelevant - it's just a social thing for white, middle class Daily Mail reading, pensioners.

Sadly, this is incredibly accurate (at least for the club I play at). I play maybe once a month, and that is bob on with regards to the demographic in the club house.

My dad plays maybe 3 times a week, and he's not overly comfortable with some of the attitudes evident in the clubhouse.

Some if it, the age and sexism/racism parts, are due in large part to the fact that golf is essentially a pursuit of the retired populace, due to how long it takes to have a round. It's a retired 'man's' sport.

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My comment was based on the physical side of the game ie. the older you are, the harder it becomes.

Dont get me wrong, the club im a member at has its corner of pensioners who do nothing but moan about all and sundry, who frown at younger members (anyone under 35!) and keep themselves to themselves and refuse to enter 'drawn' comps because they're not guaranteed to play with the fellow pensioners and the danger of being drawn out with one of the young 'rif raff' like myself :D.

Then you have the normal everyday fellas like myself who enjoy a game of golf along with the competative edge of competitions while having a natter about sport and whats going on in the world on any given day and enjoy a pint afterwards.

Golf is not the sport it used to be in the sense that it is open know to a wider age group and even women can play!f_tongueincheek.gif The older stereotypical golfers club is dying out slowly.

I understand why you say its a retired mans sport tho Jon, as in they meet up every other morning, play their 6 hour round then retreat to the club house to drink mild and moan for 4 or 5 hours. Every club in the country has these typr of older crowd, but as i say, they are in the minority really. Weekend golf very rarely see's anyone from the older crowd (weekends being primarily when i play), weekdays i would imagine its crawling with them!

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The police officer who pushed/killed Ian Tomlinson has been cleared of manslaughter.

A police officer who hit Ian Tomlinson with a baton and pushed him to the ground at the G20 protests has been found not guilty of manslaughter.

PC Simon Harwood, 45, of south London, denied the manslaughter, in April 2009, of Mr Tomlinson, 47, on the grounds that he used reasonable force.

Mr Tomlinson, was pushed as he walked away from a police line in the City of London. He later collapsed and died.

His family said they would be pursuing the case in a civil court.

It is not clear if that will be against PC Harwood as an individual or against the Metropolitan Police.

"After the unlawful killing verdict at the inquest last year, we expected to hear a guilty verdict - not a not guilty verdict and it really hurts," Mr Tomlinson's stepson Paul King, said outside the court.

"It's not the end, we are not giving up for justice for Ian."

Members of Mr Tomlinson's family cried in the public gallery as the verdict was delivered at Southwark Crown Court.

PC Harwood, in the dock, and his wife, in the public gallery, also cried.

The jury of five men and seven women had considered their verdict for four days.

During the trial, the police officer accepted he was "wrong" to have hit and pushed Mr Tomlinson.

He said that, had he realised at the time that Mr Tomlinson was walking away from police lines, he "would not have gone near him".

Father-of-nine Mr Tomlinson, who was a heavy drinker who had slept rough for a number of years, walked 75 yards before he collapsed.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission has said PC Harwood will face internal Met Police disciplinary proceedings later in the year over his actions.

From BBC News

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Have to go to a doctor this morning because of my infected hand. I seem to have a collar button abscess. Google it

How was the sandwich?

Terrible. Ended up throwing out the rest of the potato salad. Makes me sick thinking about it. Really misleading video

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Why is the term "w.anker" derogatory ?. Personally I think masturbation is ace and I reckon I am not the only one who participates in the act.

might as well call a bloke 'breather' or 'blinker'

anybody that doesn't w@nk is a w@nker in my opinion

in fact, now I think about it, I'll be back shortly.....

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and even women can play!

you were convincing me right up until that point ...

In theory yes, albeit in many clubs they are still outlawed in all but writing

I recently played Royal Troon where women are not allowed into the main clubhouse (other than waitresses / cleaners etc). There is a separate designated building for women.


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It's very competative if you enter the comps as i do.

Your right tho Mike, for some it is just a social thing, but for most its a competative thing. You'd be surprised how seriously some players take it, ive witnessed some right ding dongs in the club house over alligations of cheating and if that should have been a gimmie or not.

I wish i'd have started playing when i was younger.

One time when we were driving past a golf club, I saw this old man (as you'd expect at a gold club) have a quick look around before kicking his ball closer to the hole :)

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