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Quick question guys.

Speaking to different people at the travel agents, some say they are cutting out the US dollar in Mexico and we should use Pesos, and some say Dollars are fine and you get a better rate.

Any ideas?

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On on VillaTalk can a question about foreign currency be turned into a discussion about someone getting pegged by his missus up the kaka! :)

I thought it was common knowledge that your Mrs wanted a pes-o your ass

It is now! :cry:

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I'm back on the trying to quit smoking game again

Feeling pretty good about it now, havent had so much as a drag since 7 o'clock sunday evening

Everything is going in my favour at the moment though

1-I just really fancy quitting smoking, I dont really enjoy it that much any more

2-I need to save a fair whack of money over the next few months

3-By saving money I wont be going to the pub which will cut that massive temptation out for me

4-my flatmate has moved out which made it nearly impossible for me to quit whilst he was there before, he had a 2 month holiday to Vietnam back in september and I went 7 weeks without barely smoking at all, the day he came back he offered me a smoke and I was back on it again.

Ive had a couple of half arsed attempts at quiting since then but never really gave it a real go (I would steal the off fag off someone at break time at work and within a few days I was back on it)

I'm not to big to admit that I need the patches as well, I think its more of a mental thing, whilst I have a patch on its kind of a reminder not to smoke.

Finding it pretty easy at the minute though, its not difficult at all yet I am constantly aware that I am quitting if you get me,

any ways just thought I would share that with you all

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Quick question guys.

Speaking to different people at the travel agents, some say they are cutting out the US dollar in Mexico and we should use Pesos, and some say Dollars are fine and you get a better rate.

Any ideas?

From my experiences there, it just depends on where you are going. Anything to do with paying locals, there are usually more than happy to take US Dollars and you will many times get a way better price. And anytime we could not use US dollars we would just exchange dollars for pesos at a good rate at our resort. So overall, I think you are better off going with the USD's and then converting whatever is necessary to pesos once you are there.

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Quick question guys.

Speaking to different people at the travel agents, some say they are cutting out the US dollar in Mexico and we should use Pesos, and some say Dollars are fine and you get a better rate.

Any ideas?

From my experiences there, it just depends on where you are going. Anything to do with paying locals, there are usually more than happy to take US Dollars and you will many times get a way better price. And anytime we could not use US dollars we would just exchange dollars for pesos at a good rate at our resort. So overall, I think you are better off going with the USD's and then converting whatever is necessary to pesos once you are there.

Cheers pal :thumb:

We've decided on a 50/50 split as im guessing that any tips along with the wedding stuff (blood tests etc.) will all be in dollars, where as taxi's and things like that we will use pasos.

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Todays google doodle is awesome

I was going to mention this, the doodle itself is very good, but is the 78th birthday of someone that most people won't have heard of really doodle-worthy?

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I'm back on the trying to quit smoking game again

Feeling pretty good about it now, havent had so much as a drag since 7 o'clock sunday evening

Everything is going in my favour at the moment though

1-I just really fancy quitting smoking, I dont really enjoy it that much any more

2-I need to save a fair whack of money over the next few months

3-By saving money I wont be going to the pub which will cut that massive temptation out for me

4-my flatmate has moved out which made it nearly impossible for me to quit whilst he was there before, he had a 2 month holiday to Vietnam back in september and I went 7 weeks without barely smoking at all, the day he came back he offered me a smoke and I was back on it again.

Ive had a couple of half arsed attempts at quiting since then but never really gave it a real go (I would steal the off fag off someone at break time at work and within a few days I was back on it)

I'm not to big to admit that I need the patches as well, I think its more of a mental thing, whilst I have a patch on its kind of a reminder not to smoke.

Finding it pretty easy at the minute though, its not difficult at all yet I am constantly aware that I am quitting if you get me,

any ways just thought I would share that with you all

Good luck man. I'm about 4 months into being free from the bastard things. I've tried everything, patches, inhalers and then got hooked on the gum for about a year. This is the first time I have gone cold turkey, and so far it has been great. First couple of weeks of withdrawal I suffered with really low moods but since then I have felt brilliant. The main thing I have had to do is avoid going out and getting wrecked for a while, I'm fine having a few at home but as soon as I'm out the old cravings kick in, that is improving though. Keep at it, it is so worth it!

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