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This just happened on another forum I visit.

Topic Creator: "I don't get jelly often... but the ex has now managed to get a load of tickets to the 100m final at the Olympics. Damn..."

Poster Reply: "Ironic that she's broken up with you but she's still paying over the odds for a disappointing 10 seconds."

That basically derailed the topic completely.

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Hollande wins first round of French election, Le Pen did better than expected. Should be tight after second round.

Sarko may win it by virtue of having the far-right prefer him over a lefty.

I mostly try to keep my political views to myself. I've got to say though, shame on the 6 million French people, who voted for a party, that some of who's members deny the Holocaust. The rise of the far-right in France is a worry anyway, but the fact Front National have members that promote historical revisionism, sticks in my craw somewhat.

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just been having a debate on facebook with friends about composers.

I said Williams and Zimmer as film composers for me Zimmer edges it.

all kicks off about how Williams wrote scores for X, Y, Z.

I simply said that Williams is the greater of the two for encapturing the mood of a film. Jaws, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter theme. All sum it up very well.

Zimmer is the better of the two for the emotive side to a film or scene. He captures the emotion the viewer should be feeling when watching that, to bring those emotions to the forefront of the viewers mind.

they didn't get it, and kicked off further lol.

I hope someone else knows what I mean by that.

Williams for setting the scene and mood

Zimmer for the emotive side to a film

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just been having a debate on facebook with friends about composers.

I said Williams and Zimmer as film composers for me Zimmer edges it.

all kicks off about how Williams wrote scores for X, Y, Z.

I simply said that Williams is the greater of the two for encapturing the mood of a film. Jaws, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter theme. All sum it up very well.

Zimmer is the better of the two for the emotive side to a film or scene. He captures the emotion the viewer should be feeling when watching that, to bring those emotions to the forefront of the viewers mind.

they didn't get it, and kicked off further lol.

I hope someone else knows what I mean by that.

Williams for setting the scene and mood

Zimmer for the emotive side to a film

A debate about composers "kicked off"?

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just been having a debate on facebook with friends about composers.

I said Williams and Zimmer as film composers for me Zimmer edges it.

all kicks off about how Williams wrote scores for X, Y, Z.

I simply said that Williams is the greater of the two for encapturing the mood of a film. Jaws, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter theme. All sum it up very well.

Zimmer is the better of the two for the emotive side to a film or scene. He captures the emotion the viewer should be feeling when watching that, to bring those emotions to the forefront of the viewers mind.

they didn't get it, and kicked off further lol.

I hope someone else knows what I mean by that.

Williams for setting the scene and mood

Zimmer for the emotive side to a film


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I drifted away from South Park for years but I've recently drifted back to it and I'm laughing hysterically. It's so much funnier than I remember. It's probably the best of all the animated series' - though it's a high standard out there. The stuff they do is just so much edgier and laugh-out-loud funnier than the others :lol: Watched 2 yesterday. One where Butters went from never having kissed a girl to realising there's money to be made - and unknowingly becomes a pimp (you'd have to see it) - the cop who goes undercover to catch him :crylaugh:, and the one where the Harley bikers come into town to get noticed and the word 'fag' gets changed to describe them (again you'd have to have seen it).

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I've also drifted out of it recently. Not because I didn't like it, it was one of those where I missed a few episodes, kept saying I'd catch up before I watched the rest, but then never did.

Have you seen "6 days to air"? it's a documentary about the making of a south park episode. Interesting stuff (and some of it hilarious)

They barely even start animating (apart from a few ideas) until the day before the episode goes to air. It's crazy.

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