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Going to be spending the weekend cramming my whole room into one corner as our heating system is being replaced.

I wonder if my old Noddy poster will still be there when they take the radiator off the wall? Back in 1994 when they put the sytem in they decided not to bother taking the poster down but instead bolting the radiator to it.

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Well, they are better than the footballer lookalikes which tend just to be two people with the same colour hair facing in the same direction.

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I had a woman who looked exactly like her on the left almost ram into the side of me on the A3 this evening. I was in the fast lane overtaking (she was doing I reckon about 50 mph and I was only doing 70ish), and she started to pull out as I was alongside her. I could have screamed but 10 seconds on the horn whilst me flooring it out of the way sufficed :shock:. Stupid bint. :angry:

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Thing is, I'm quite convinced it is Chris Tucker in drag. Think about it; he forecloses on his house in 2011 (thank you Wiki) so he must have known he was in money trouble a while before that, he sees the moolah to be made in OTT tart-fronted dispensable "R&B" shite so he dries up his own film and TV work in order to create and perfect what is, in effect, Ruby Rhod with tits. Nicki Minaj is the result.

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Any chance you guys want Piers Morgan and Martin Bashir back?
Nope, they're all yours now. Enjoy.

I agree with Mr. Mooney. You can have Madonna back though, if you want?

Okay, keep Gwyneth Paltrow, and we'll call it a draw

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