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He must be the only toddler ive heard of that hates Calpol!

Have you tried the kiddies Nurofen? My boy prefers that to Calpol. Think its Orange flavour.

Using calpol and nurofen with this HFM thing and have to say nurofen seems to work better imo

This one lads?


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Just seen junctions on the a45 closed off for an escort heading down tOwards Birmingham. 5 motorbikes and an ambulance at high speed. Who the hell is that important that required the closure of the a45 and a high speed escort?

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Saw on the news that this guy - Edward Davenport - got jailed for fraud.

He owns a posh pad on Portland Place, it is used a fair bit for films and stuff.

A few years back a friend and I worked there, converting the ground floor and basement to a pre-historic party zone.

It was an incredibly lavish do: cave cladding for the entire basement - with running water features, tropical plants, full size chocolate fountain and amazing real fossils - including a 20ft long framed 'Nessie'.

The rooms were converted by the set designer that created the old 'Alien War' attraction in the Trocadero, alongside a woman that performed miracles with polystyrene and fabric.

They had cages and poles installed for dancers, the servants were models.

We realised we were the only two heterosexual males in a room full of 25 beauties having their bodies painted to look like animals. They were mostly female, and mostly naked.

Now, you get a bit of this working backstage at gigs, folks changing between sets, scenes etc. It's obviously unprofessional to gawk in these situations. Our stoicism was tested.

The party cost over £300,000 and had 60 guests.

Davenport was around. Absolutely immaculate at all times with a matching immaculate dog. Nice enough to us tbf.

He'll need to be careful with the soap.

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Somebody snuck into Moor Street station last night and stole the CCTV cameras which were installed un one of the trains. They forgot to take the hard drive that the cameras record to.

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Does anyone else start feeling anxious on a Sunday night?
Not so much anxious as deeply **** depressed. Leading to application of medicinal alcohol. Leding to Monday morning hangover, thus making it even more shit .
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