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What's the best/easiest way to sell a CD collection of around 50 CD's? Is ebay the way to go? I cant imagine anybody would be interested in a job lot, so I'd have to sell them individually, which would be a hassle. Then there is music magpie, which is much less hassle, but you don't get much for your CD's and reviews are mixed, with some people not getting their money after sending their CD's. Anybody here used magpie?

I had a few rare-ish cd's and records that I sold to eil.com for a couple of hundred quid, they might be worth a phone call.

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how hard would it be to learn to play a guitar ?

Its easy, start with songs you really like and its very rewarding.


I've been sporadically trying to learn to play the piano/keyboard for years but never had the patience to see it out. Too ostentatious for me maybe.

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worth taking a few beginner lessons ? yeah

Yeah if you want. TBH if you aren't aresed about reading music you can just jump right in. Buy a cheap guitar, look up some tabs of your favourite songs, they have diagrams of where you fingers needs to be, bingo, you're the next James Blunt :D

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how hard would it be to learn to play a guitar ?

Its easy, start with songs you really like and its very rewarding.


I've been sporadically trying to learn to play the piano/keyboard for years but never had the patience to see it out. Too ostentatious for me maybe.

I'm not really a 'musicial' person but I picked up playing the guitar a piece of piss. I had 1 lesson realised I didn't like them so just printed off a load of tabs from tinterweb and went from there.

The Beatles and Oasis have some cracking songs that are very easy to play with only 3 or 4 chords, I started there. :thumb:

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I just might spend my "Your Time" allocation this year on piano lessons (TV will know what I'm on about!)

Yeah sure do, we're thinking of spending ours on a karting championship :-D looks like it might take too much organising though :-(

failing that I think golf lessons

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I'm learning the saxophone. Left taught. I can play 3 songs now. Baker St, Stranger on the Shore and Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday was the most difficult of the three surprisingly enough...

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