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Lying in bed last night I realised that I forgotten to renew my road tax that expired on the 31/07, got it this morning 8am.

Am I likely to get in to trouble for driving without tax for the previous 4 days? I've been up and down the M42 & M40 so no doubt captured on several thousand camera's.


I did it for a month by accident once

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I need to lodge cash into a Clydesdale bank account. Can I walk into any bank branch here in London (say Barclays) even if I've no account with the bank and lodge cash into the Clydesdale account?

Dont think you can me laddo

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Lying in bed last night I realised that I forgotten to renew my road tax that expired on the 31/07, got it this morning 8am.


Am I likely to get in to trouble for driving without tax for the previous 4 days? I've been up and down the M42 & M40 so no doubt captured on several thousand camera's.


Nah you'll be alright - people do this all the time.


On a slight tangent, my missus once went the best part of a year with an expired MOT certificate (by mistake, ofcourse) and never got pulled up for it.

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Jesus. I need to change my FB account!


It told me I'm a Liverpool fan because


"You said something about Liverpool"

"You said something about the colour Red"

"You like Harry Potter"

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I need to lodge cash into a Clydesdale bank account. Can I walk into any bank branch here in London (say Barclays) even if I've no account with the bank and lodge cash into the Clydesdale account?

Dont think you can me laddo

Can't. I checked. Have to go to the solitary branch in London tomorrow

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Other sets of answers got me recommended Spurs, Man City and Southampton.


Is there any better summary of how much of a meh club, Southampton are? The question was the pace of life question (combined with refusing to pick a favorite bird)

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For those of you who are interested in Rugby, I'm currently helping out at my local clubs Summer Camp for under 7's up to under 14's, and ex Tigers, Highlanders and All Black Flanker Craig Newby is coaching one of the groups, with Julian Salvi meant to be turning up during the week, plus some other current Tigers players, Matthew Tait was supposed to come but can't anymore for some reason. I'm so excited I've pretty much turned into a 6 year old.


This week is going to be awesome  :D  :D  :D

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right, so coming home from the pub after work and discover the landlord ( I assume! ) has fitted my flat with blinds on the windows. Not a problem in and of itself but no **** warning or phone call or note or anything to explain this. I've just written an email to them and cc'd in the letting agents cause I am **** raging. Am I over-reacting or is this unacceptable. It hasn't helped that already this past few weeks ( I moved in, in July ) I had an attempted break in, in the first week ( which I also let them know about ) but surely it's basic motherfucking courtesy to let someone know you're sending a stranger into someone's property? I've also emailed both  about getting a copy of my contract sent over to me ( they promised it would come when I moved in, but I've been too busy to chase it up properly until now ) . Still busy, but obviously I'm not waiting any longer. As tired as I am from moving, I'm honestly thinking of jacking this place in, and give in the two months notice. Am I over-reacting?

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Nope it's unacceptable:



The landlord’s rights of entry

A landlord has a right to reasonable access to carry out repairs. S/he also has a right to enter the property to inspect the state of repair or to empty a fuel slot meter, provided s/he gives you at least 24 hours’ written notice.

What ‘reasonable access’ means depends on why the landlord needs to get access. For example, in an emergency the landlord is entitled to immediate access to carry out necessary work.

If you are staying in lodgings where it is agreed that the landlord provides a room-cleaning service or where you have to share a room with other lodgers, the landlord can enter without permission.

A landlord does not have a right to enter in any other circumstances unless s/he has a court order.


I'd have a severe word with him if I were in your position.

Edited by RunRickyRun
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That's what I thought. A 24-hour notice period at least. It's so annoying, even if they'd left a message on my phone, I'd probably have been fine. It's just so odd. I mean I assume it's them who've done this anyway. Cheers though for reply, just wanted to make sure I wasn't being over the top. Had to edit the message out a few teams to cut out the swearing before sending it :/ Hate being arsey about stuff, always end up feeling guilty about it. 

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Yep, you're right to be annoyed.


Don't flip your lid though. Just have a firm word with him/them. It's not acceptable and in future you expect the 24 hours notice that they're required to give.


Don't rage at them.

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I'm having to do an earlier start today because my boss seemed to tear his back yesterday so fair enough he's probably going to work from home. My other colleague on the other hand wasn't in yesterday and may not be in again today because of... a stiff neck.


Seriously, a stiff neck.


So I may be the only person fit enough to come into work today.

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