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Spurs - Arry's gone but we still dislike them...


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You disagree? If you were a professional footballer, would you not want to play for Real Madrid?

There's a very gigantic difference between playing week in week out for Real Madrid and becoming a squad player that rarely sees the bench.

Yes, a lot of players would like to play for Real Madrid, but not many are really good enough to displace their regulars.

^^^Palacios included^^^

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It's not a debate, is it? It's a simple yes/no question. You could've answered it in a fraction of the time it took to make that post.

But sure, who wants to engage in "pointless debates" when you can contribute such meaningful posts as that one, eh? ;)

Listen fella. There was no big meaningful point to my original post, it was a simple post poking fun at Spurs and some of their fans who frequent this board although not specifically you. This is a Villa site, not a general football site so we tend to poke fun at other clubs without having to make some significant point.

If you look at my original post you will also see I predicted this sort of response from one of the Spurs number which is why I can't be arsed debating it with you. It seems some Spurs fans can't ever see anything negative about their club and that includes when one of their players says his time at Spurs is but a stepping stone.

That is funny. You may not see it or see why we see that as funny but it is.

As for the points you raised that I didn't respond too, it had nothing to do with time. It was because I'm not interested in debating them as a) Spurs fans don't debate as they never move from their starting point of Spurs are brilliant and B) I think it is rather obvious that any footballer would want to play for Madrid given the chance. Few come out and say so quite so obviously as one of yours has just done though.

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What's that bloody song that Spurs fans are singing to Defoe at the moment?

It sounds like they are comparing him to golden translation droid C3PO, but I'm guessing that's unlikely.

Jermain Defoe - C3PO, Jermain Defoe - C3PO.

Will one of you lane dwellers kindly tell me what they're actually singing about?

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Classic comments from Palacios!

I can't understand why someone would want to look for a move from a club that has come in the top seven 3 times in 18 seasons. They must be a real giant of the game :D

Is that really there record?

If so that is pathetic and its beyond belief the profile they enjoy in the media considering the likes of Bolton can probably beat that record.

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reknobs latest comments


"There are some great British managers in the Championship but it needs someone to give them a chance. A big club will always go for a big name, a sexy name. You'll have to ask my wife if I'm sexy - she'll definitely say no!"

Harry Redknapp, clearly being modest by insisting he's no Adonis.

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"There are some great British managers in the Championship but it needs someone to give them a chance. A big club will always go for a big name, a sexy name. You'll have to ask my wife if I'm sexy - she'll definitely say no!"

Harry Redknapp, clearly being modest by insisting he's no Adonis.

Not really just confirming that as well as being a fine header of a ball, Mrs redknapp isn't blind :)

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What's that bloody song that Spurs fans are singing to Defoe at the moment?

It sounds like they are comparing him to golden translation droid C3PO, but I'm guessing that's unlikely.

Jermain Defoe - C3PO, Jermain Defoe - C3PO.

Will one of you lane dwellers kindly tell me what they're actually singing about?


That's awesome. But yeah, as someone said, it's "he's a yiddo." Unless we're playing Liverpool or Everton, in which case it's "We've got Jermain Defoe, you've got our stereos!"

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Palacios is in gaga land if he thinks he's going to sign for a team any better than Spurs.

Agree. He is a good player but some of his simple passing at times is appauling.

It really is. It's actually somewhat impressive how he can pass the ball to an opposition player's feet with such pin point accuracy so often, especially when he's got all the time in the world.

But I suppose he's not in the team for his passing skills, that's what Huddlestone's for.

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Palacios is in gaga land if he thinks he's going to sign for a team any better than Spurs.

Agree. He is a good player but some of his simple passing at times is appauling.

It really is. It's actually somewhat impressive how he can pass the ball to an opposition player's feet with such pin point accuracy so often, especially when he's got all the time in the world.

But I suppose he's not in the team for his passing skills, that's what Huddlestone's for.

Sounds a little like our Reo

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Classic comments from Palacios!

I can't understand why someone would want to look for a move from a club that has come in the top seven 3 times in 18 seasons. They must be a real giant of the game :D

Is that really there record?

If so that is pathetic and its beyond belief the profile they enjoy in the media considering the likes of Bolton can probably beat that record.

Spurs' average league position over the last five years is 7.6. That includes 2 cup finals, 1 cup win and however many semi-finals.

Spurs' average league position over the last ten years is 8.4. That includes 4 cup finals, 2 cup wins and however many semi-finals.

It's not that bad a record. Villa's, by contrast is 9.6 for the last five seasons and 9.4 over the last ten. With 2 cup wins from (at least) 3 cup finals and however many semi finals.

Spurs were poor in the 90s, during the Alan Sugar era. The club nearly went bankrupt and Sugar cared only about keeping the club afloat and getting the finances in order, which he did a pretty good job of, but it was at the expense of the team.

It's only been since Daniel Levy and ENIC took control of the club that Spurs started looking like a decent club again.

But if the media coverage of Spurs bothers you so much, I'd suggest you don't read the papers. Stick to Sky Sports News and the internet for your football news. The papers are all piles of crap.

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Blimey you really are Glaston :D You even use the same time span as him to ensure the best possible outcome for Spurs, I'd be interested to see those stats over the duration of the Premier League. The cup stuff isn't really relevant to the point in question though which was your league performance.

As for your Sugar years, no different to our 20 years under Ellis but you only want to look at the era that suits you ala since ENIC and Levy. Its the same as us saying "we only woke up when Randy arrived" and just looking at the last 3 seasons, if we did that it would paint a different picture all together wouldn't it in terms of league positions.

I hate this selective use of time periods Spurs fans on here seem to adopt to prove their greatness.

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Blimey you really are Glaston :D You even use the same time span as him to ensure the best possible outcome for Spurs, I'd be interested to see those stats over the duration of the Premier League. The cup stuff isn't really relevant to the point in question though which was your league performance.

As for your Sugar years, no different to our 20 years under Ellis but you only want to look at the era that suits you ala since ENIC and Levy. Its the same as us saying "we only woke up when Randy arrived" and just looking at the last 3 seasons, if we did that it would paint a different picture all together wouldn't it in terms of league positions.

I hate this selective use of time periods Spurs fans on here seem to adopt to prove their greatness.

Prove our greatness? :lol: I showed facts that show that over the last decade or so Spurs average 8th place. Yup, greatness personified. I also quite blatantly said that Spurs were crap in the 90s. That's two full decades there. I'm only twenty two years old, so I only deal with history that I was there to witness. Anything pre-1995/6 is beyond my years, so I don't comment on them because I wasn't there to live them, or was just too young to understand. So, yes, to me football history generally started in the mid-90s.

And the cup stuff was relevant because I wasn't replying to the comment about league finishes, I was replying to your comment about the media attention that Spurs get, and successful cup wins play a part in the media attention.

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