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Would you like more money?


Would you like more money?  

89 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like more money?

    • Yes.
    • No.

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The thread starter didn't really specify how this money would be given and where it would come from, I had to make assumptions.

There is no such thing as free cash. If you're taking money, it's coming from somewhere and somebody is missing out. I have a wife and small child too, and I try my best to provide for them. But as long as we're relatively comfortable, aren't starving and have a roof over our heads, I don't want to take money that will deprive others of those things.

If a multi-millionaire wanted to give me a slice of thier cash, I'd probably take it, spending it both on my loved ones and giving to charity. But if someone walked up to me in the street and offered me £1000 I'd walk away.

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If a multi-millionaire wanted to give me a slice of thier cash, I'd probably take it


But if someone walked up to me in the street and offered me £1000 I'd walk away.

well, the multi-millionaire tried, but you walked away ....

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I don't think anyone would turn down more money. I'm skint at the moment I would love some money.


More this.

some more of this = that.

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If a multi-millionaire wanted to give me a slice of thier cash, I'd probably take it


But if someone walked up to me in the street and offered me £1000 I'd walk away.

well, the multi-millionaire tried, but you walked away ....

I think anyone who took money that someone gave them in the street for no reason is acting pretty stupidly. It's nothing to do with not being greedy, you just have no idea what the motives are of someone doing a thing like that.

One possible motive would be to lace the banknotes with anthrax so as to catch out greedy sods like most of you on this thread.

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I could do with it. I'm gonna have to talk to Halifax in a day or so to try and get them to up my overdraft to full amount I'm entitled too since I can't afford next months rent until I get my loan pament, and I really don't fancy the bloody fine again.

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One possible motive would be to lace the banknotes with anthrax so as to catch out greedy sods like most of you on this thread

Surely if these notes were 'laced' with anthrax, the giver of these notes would be wearing a gas mask ? Plus, the white powder in and between the notes would also be a bit fo a give away.

Whilst I would no doubt be a little wary, I would question his/her motive first as to be giving this cash away, but would take it

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Personally I think students should pay something back. If you get a £100,000 a year salary on the back of an expensive university education then being asked to contribute a little extra is perfectly fair. I dont think the current system of top up fees is fair, and I think something along the lines of different tax codes for graduates depending on their salaries post university is a better way to go than telling someone they owe £20k or whatever when they leave.

It seems pretty unfair to me that two people could recieve exactly the same education, and one should pay more because the other didn't make the most of it.

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Personally I think students should pay something back. If you get a £100,000 a year salary on the back of an expensive university education then being asked to contribute a little extra is perfectly fair. I dont think the current system of top up fees is fair, and I think something along the lines of different tax codes for graduates depending on their salaries post university is a better way to go than telling someone they owe £20k or whatever when they leave.

It seems pretty unfair to me that two people could recieve exactly the same education, and one should pay more because the other didn't make the most of it.
More unfair than the current situation where everyone pays the same for wildly varying qualities of education.

And who says the other didn't make the most of it - maybe they are involved in a more society benefitting role, teaching? Maybe judging peoples success on salary bands will be falling out of vogue any time now - but as it's money that is needed to pay for education it should be those that have it that pay for it.

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£8 billion pounds will do me.

If anyone wants to give me this money, then cool. i'm not going to say no to anyone who wants to freely give me their own money.

This (again) :-)

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I voted 'no'. Because I know that there is a good chance that me having more money would deprive other people of it, and they might need it more.

To give you context, I don't earn a huge amount of money, am in a reasonable amount of debt, but have just about enough to get by on.

Not even to buy another hollowed out volcano?

Haha, made me laugh!! :lol:

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I voted 'no'. Because I know that there is a good chance that me having more money would deprive other people of it, and they might need it more.

To give you context, I don't earn a huge amount of money, am in a reasonable amount of debt, but have just about enough to get by on.

Not even to buy another hollowed out volcano?

Haha, made me laugh!! :lol:

Me too, I like it!

And I voted no, I hate money, whenever I have it I end up in trouble.

I'd sooner my wages were paid to my missus or something, and she gave me an allowance. Money is shit man.

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For a student, I'm fairly comfortable. I don't really need a lot more money as such. I live a good life as it is.

However, I obviously wouldn' mind having a bit more so that I wouldn't actually have to think about money. So of course, I voted yes.

I do agree with Bicks though, that there'd be a point where I wouldn't want more money. I don't know exactly how much I would have to have for me to reach that point, but I do know I wouldn't want too much of it.

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I do agree with Bicks though, that there'd be a point where I wouldn't want more money. I don't know exactly how much I would have to have for me to reach that point, but I do know I wouldn't want too much of it.

"Anybody who would be willing to stop making money once they made ten million dollars is never going to make ten million dollars" --apocryphal

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I do agree with Bicks though, that there'd be a point where I wouldn't want more money. I don't know exactly how much I would have to have for me to reach that point, but I do know I wouldn't want too much of it.

i also agree that a point would come.

i think £8billion might just do it, but to be sure i think £40 billion should make me pretty comfortable.

anything less than £8 billion, and i'd still want more.

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For a student, I'm fairly comfortable. I don't really need a lot more money as such. I live a good life as it is.

However, I obviously wouldn' mind having a bit more so that I wouldn't actually have to think about money. So of course, I voted yes.

I do agree with Bicks though, that there'd be a point where I wouldn't want more money. I don't know exactly how much I would have to have for me to reach that point, but I do know I wouldn't want too much of it.

For that part of reaching a point where you don't want more I have to say an old saying "Much want more." Not saying this would for sure happen to any of you, but the tendencies for people getting rich is that they want more and more. Maybe it's like Levi said.

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For that part of reaching a point where you don't want more I have to say an old saying "Much want more." Not saying this would for sure happen to any of you, but the tendencies for people getting rich is that they want more and more.

its not the fact that you want to get richer & richer.

but if someone said to you you can have as much money as you want, but pick how much now. you'd want to pick a number than made sure you could do everything you wanted.

so in reality, i'd want a trillion or so, once i'd spent a billion on a football club, a billion on houses, cars, ships, planes, islands, helicopters, etc...

then i'd want to go to the moon, another £50billion lets say.....

after that i'd want to make sure every person has access to clean drinking water... say £500 billion....

then a good subway system for Birmingham.. cos i've alwys wanted one, and now i can. even though i might never use it.

haven't even started on trying to solve some of the worlds problems (like Bill Gates & Warren Buffet are).

needs trillions to sort out a lot of rubbish in this world. and if you're gonna be the richest person on the planet, why not try & sort it out.

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then a good subway system for Birmingham.. cos i've alwys wanted one, and now i can. even though i might never use it.

Birmingham is the biggest city in Europe without an underground railway. Depending on how you define borders, the West Midlands is the biggest conurbation in Europe without an underground railway. Too expensive to build one now days of course, if you wanted one in town then it should have been built when paying people a penny a day was fine and having people die on the job wasn't such an issue.

The metro definitely needs expanding across the city. Its just difficult to get things past the road lobby and the idiots who write letters into the Mail saying that they would rather catch the number 51 bus.

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