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Arrival has the right amount of explanation, and it's not difficult to understand.

I just found that entire turn to the film intensely unsatisfying. The film presents a logical and somewhat scientific approach to a fantastical thing, and that thing is itself engrossing. And then it


swerves into the psychic stuff and makes Amy Adams magic for a reason completely at odds with the logical methodology it set out for the majority of the movie. It tries to fudge it by tying into the idea language affecting the way the world is viewed... But that's a helluva leap to being able to see the future and past simultaneously and it's a leap too far and too at odds with everything that came before.

It also kinda feels like the movie has cheated you. You've been drawn into the aliens and the idea of first contact and how you'd communicate. And then the movie goes 'nah forget that'.

I don't think it's a bad movie by any means, but there's 20 minutes of a movie that ends up switching something that might have been a top 10 all time for me, into something that would struggle to get into the top 100.

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20 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Arrival has the right amount of explanation, and it's not difficult to understand.

I just found that entire turn to the film intensely unsatisfying. The film presents a logical and somewhat scientific approach to a fantastical thing, and that thing is itself engrossing. And then it

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swerves into the psychic stuff and makes Amy Adams magic for a reason completely at odds with the logical methodology it set out for the majority of the movie. It tries to fudge it by tying into the idea language affecting the way the world is viewed... But that's a helluva leap to being able to see the future and past simultaneously and it's a leap too far and too at odds with everything that came before.

It also kinda feels like the movie has cheated you. You've been drawn into the aliens and the idea of first contact and how you'd communicate. And then the movie goes 'nah forget that'.

I don't think it's a bad movie by any means, but there's 20 minutes of a movie that ends up switching something that might have been a top 10 all time for me, into something that would struggle to get into the top 100.


It pretty comprehensively covers first contact and how they'd communicate I thought. It veers off in a different direction because that's only part of what the film's about. The smaller part if anything.


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I see arrival is this years no country for old men where anyone that didn't like it was just to dumb to get it :)


 whilst I can suspend my belief and accept calamari from outer space I can only suspend it so far so everything about Adams characters "gift " i hated , none more so than the phone call to China  , that should have been the point at which I led the cinema , I'm just lazy....


Ok i didn't hate it , and I got it ( very early on if we are playing who got it top trumps :) ) but If it came on Tv tomorrow I'd probably switch over , unless I couldn't find the remote , as I said I'm lazy ...


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14 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

I see arrival is this years no country for old men where anyone that didn't like it was just to dumb to get it :)


No one said that.

There were just some people who literally didn't get it. As in

l l l l l l l 
v v v v v 


didn't realise the stuff with her daughter was in the future


Edited by Stevo985
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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

No one said that.

There were just some people who literally didn't get it. As in

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didn't realise the stuff with her daughter was in the future


Bastard. I thought that spoiler was for No Country, which I've seen. So I opened it. I now have to try and forget what I just read if I go to see Arrival. 

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1 hour ago, villa4europe said:

he's said that he wants to do an arctic monkeys one next, he should finish what he started with oasis, show the fall from grace

Why would they make a film about a band that nobody other than Gordon Brown has heard of ?

I mean I can understand Ron Howard making a film about the Beatles , biggest band to ever walk the planet  , I can kinda understand making a film about Oasis , big band from their time and a huge cultural importance on the UK in the 90's  ... but Arctic monkeys , who the **** are they ?

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hence the need for a film ;)

do agree though, im a massive fan of theirs and im not particularly keen on anything to do with them outside of music, alex turner teeters between being boring and being a dick

and im not actually sure the id be fussed by the main bloke from supersonics next film anyway, its the indian fella who dabbled in it and also made senna and amy that i'll be watching out for

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4 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

Supersonic! :wub:

10/10 - my first ever film review which wasn't a 9.5/10.

Take me back.

It's on my list of films to see.

Unfortunately there's about 50 films on that list and it's growing faster than I can watch films off it so I might never get to it!

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