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Just finished watching The Innkeepers

I'm beginning to think Ti West is one of the most overrated film makers around. None of his films have a payoff worthy of the build up he creates, I wasn't scared, creeped out or tense at any point during the innkeepers and the same goes for House of the Devil yet everyone else seems to adore his films. I don't get it?

Is there any such thing as a truly scary/creepy/terrifying ghost story type film? I've watched bucketloads of them yet am always let down and am more likely to cringe or laugh than be scared.

I've been told 'the others' is a good film, may try that next. Any other suggestions?

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Just finished watching The Innkeepers

I'm beginning to think Ti West is one of the most overrated film makers around. None of his films have a payoff worthy of the build up he creates, I wasn't scared, creeped out or tense at any point during the innkeepers and the same goes for House of the Devil yet everyone else seems to adore his films. I don't get it?

Is there any such thing as a truly scary/creepy/terrifying ghost story type film? I've watched bucketloads of them yet am always let down and am more likely to cringe or laugh than be scared.

I've been told 'the others' is a good film, may try that next. Any other suggestions?

Actually just watched it too. Thought it was good and was scared a fair few times in the end. And it had the usual annoying moments in the end, of course. Why do they do this and that? Anyway, thought it was one of the better horror movies of late.

The others is good too. Better than this one. More thought through, I'd say.

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Watched Haywire last night - fairly enjoyable (excellent soundtrack) but had the feeling it was trying to be too clever.

Really enjoyed Haywire, particularly the 'no frills' action sequences. Wasn't too keen on Ewan McGregors acting though. He definitely seems to be an actor on a backwards trajectory in terms of performance.

And yes, another cracking David Holmes score :thumb:

ive got Haywire coming on lovefilm along with Mungo Lake...

u seen that one?

a horror shot in a camcorder style..supposed to be underrated but we'll see i guess

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Just finished watching The Innkeepers

I'm beginning to think Ti West is one of the most overrated film makers around. None of his films have a payoff worthy of the build up he creates, I wasn't scared, creeped out or tense at any point during the innkeepers and the same goes for House of the Devil yet everyone else seems to adore his films. I don't get it?

Is there any such thing as a truly scary/creepy/terrifying ghost story type film? I've watched bucketloads of them yet am always let down and am more likely to cringe or laugh than be scared.

I've been told 'the others' is a good film, may try that next. Any other suggestions?

the only films that will ever scare me are ghost stories...i'm more frightened by hinting at what might be there rather than actually seeing it and hate all the gore shit...

thats why the scene in The Innkeepers where they are both sat on the floor with the torch is one of the creepiest for me..even though nothing happens!..

i really liked The Innkeepers but can see why some are bored due to the long periods of not much happening...but all that just adds to the suspense IMO...

as i loved it and you didn't, you might wanna take me recommendations with a pinch of salt but i'd give these ghost films a watch....

The Orphanage

The Devil's Backbone

The Others

Shutter (the Japanese original)

Below (very underrated!)

Lady in White

House of Voices

Session 9

The Changeling

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Not seen this one mentioned in this thread yet but watched Wild Bill last night. I think its Dexter Fletchers directorial début and its a solid start. Typical of the Lock Stock, Snatch etc genre so if you like that sort of thing its worth a watch. Got some humour in it, decent characters, decent cast a basic storyline, not amazing but enjoyable.

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Watched the dark knight rises which although started slowly soon developed into a very good film. not quite as good as the dark knight but a worthy end to the trilogy. I think he wrapped it up very nicely with a few nice twists here and there, only a few of which i saw coming. It was odd though, despite good acting by Bale and good character development by Bale for me this film was far more than just a batman film. Whilst i loved the action bits with him in and the described 'rise' of the character i enjoyed the other parts just a much and found myself wanting to know more of other characters stories rather than batman's...

On the Nolan debate, i think having wrapped up this epic trilogy well he has placed himself alongside the movie director greats. Memento is one of my favourite films, Inception was clever and exciting, the batman trilogy has been immense and the prestige was solid yet for me not quite as good as his others. However i think we are yet to see his 'true masterpiece'

I'd say personally that TDK was a masterpiece - no doubt most would disagree with me though. I think the fact that it's (nominally at least) a superhero movie works against it.

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So I can add 'We Need To Talk About Kevin' to my list now. A good film though for some reason not a particularly enjoyable watch. I don't even mean the subject matter. Just the vibe and the approach. It also took about 20 minutes before I could make head nor tail of it too. Tilda was brilliant as usual.

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Yeah it's very much a film where you're not supposed to know what's going on at the start, then it gradually comes together.

Know exactly what you mean about the vibe as well. Not disturbing, as such. But something about it is unsettling.

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So I can add 'We Need To Talk About Kevin' to my list now. A good film though for some reason not a particularly enjoyable watch. I don't even mean the subject matter. Just the vibe and the approach. It also took about 20 minutes before I could make head nor tail of it too. Tilda was brilliant as usual.

I'll just add my usual 'If you haven't read the book then get it' line here. :thumb:

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Completely disagree Doug. Memento is better than Prestige

Agree with Mr.juanpabloangel18 on that one. I think Memento will be remembered (see what I did there?) as a classic movie and Nolan is yet to top it imo.

Prestige is an excellent movie, but I felt so underwhelmed by the ending that it took a fair bit of the enjoyment away.

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Just finished watching The Innkeepers

I'm beginning to think Ti West is one of the most overrated film makers around. None of his films have a payoff worthy of the build up he creates, I wasn't scared, creeped out or tense at any point during the innkeepers and the same goes for House of the Devil yet everyone else seems to adore his films. I don't get it?

Is there any such thing as a truly scary/creepy/terrifying ghost story type film? I've watched bucketloads of them yet am always let down and am more likely to cringe or laugh than be scared.

I've been told 'the others' is a good film, may try that next. Any other suggestions?

I mentioned the Innkeepers a bit earlier in thread and said at the time I was quite disappointed with it as I adored the House of the Devil. Whether or not it's because I have an affinity with 70s/80s horror movies i'm not sure but I thought West nailed that films tone and sense of foreboding terror perfectly.

Apart from a few unsettling moments, Innkeepers was a very average movie and I absolutely hated the ending.

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Watched Haywire last night - fairly enjoyable (excellent soundtrack) but had the feeling it was trying to be too clever.

Really enjoyed Haywire, particularly the 'no frills' action sequences. Wasn't too keen on Ewan McGregors acting though. He definitely seems to be an actor on a backwards trajectory in terms of performance.

And yes, another cracking David Holmes score :thumb:

ive got Haywire coming on lovefilm along with Mungo Lake...

u seen that one?

a horror shot in a camcorder style..supposed to be underrated but we'll see i guess

Really enjoyed Lake Mungo. The acting in it was top notch, and because of that, you're almost convinced that it's a true story.

It's also got some genuinely interesting twists and turns too.

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I've been told 'the others' is a good film,

It is a good film. You won't be leaving the landing light on at night after it but it's an enjoyable film and worth watching IMHO.

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I've been told 'the others' is a good film,

It is a good film. You won't be leaving the landing light on at night after it but it's an enjoyable film and worth watching IMHO.

Of all the 'Turn of the Screw' adaptations i thought The Innocents was easily the best version. Nice and creepy and some gorgeous cinematography from Hammer studios favourite Freddie Francis. Well worth a watch.

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Got Hugo downloaded and ready to watch when I fancy a night off Battlestar Galactica. Thoughts?
Nice coincidence - Hugo was the last film I watched, and I just popped in here to comment on it.

It's good, basically. Older kids'/"family" feelgood movie, with some really good bits, some horrible schmaltz, and mixed acting skills (i.e. child actors). Think Harry Potter/Golden Compass/Starlight Express/Tintin. On balance I enjoyed it, although I thought it was a bit too long.

And it has that strange CGI look to it - you know how Tintin is animated, but looks almost (but not quite) real? Well this is real people, but it looks almost animated.

Interesting comparison with "The Artist", as they both concern the early days of cinema (Scorsese's obsession). Not in that league, mind.

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