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If anyone wants to watch a very good but disturbing film based on a true story then watch Snowtown.

Disturbing doesn't come close to describing that film. I've seen some very dark stuff in my time, pictures like Eden Lake and Irreversible where the violence and the emotion behind the violence is so realistic, so guttural it can churn even my hardened tummy.

But Snowtown is something else. The very definition of brutal. It's also completely mesmerising.

I loved it, but I don't think I could watch it again.

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Watched Nolan's Insomnia tonight. An excellent psychological thriller with a sleepy Al Pacino and Robin Williams in full on creepy mode.

It's the only one of his I haven't seen. I heard it's weak in comparison to Memento and The Prestige, of which I love both.

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Watched Nolan's Insomnia tonight. An excellent psychological thriller with a sleepy Al Pacino and Robin Williams in full on creepy mode.

It's the only one of his I haven't seen. I heard it's weak in comparison to Memento and The Prestige, of which I love both.

Was the only one of his I'd missed as well despite it being 10 years old. It's not as good as those two which isn't a big complaint.
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That hammer scene in particular - perfection. His movement, the slight hesitation and the cracks in his voice. Remarkable. I believed in his character every single second.

You see that's exactly the sort of thing you should be looking out for in a performance.

Gosling is perfect in that role. There is a reason for every little movement, every look, every hesitation. He studies everyone, he trusts pretty much no-one and he's a walking bag of suppressed rage. It's a pretty difficult character to convey convincingly, but Gosling does it superbly.


This is why I will watch any film you ever recommend to me!

You can tell a lot about somebody from what they see in film. I have to say (and I don't mean offence to anyone here, we don't all have to be "mates") that I'm 99% sure I wouldn't get along with somebody who viewed Goslings performance as "wooden".

Up there with anything Clint Eastwood ever did in my opinion.

Eastwood is pretty damn wooden, so now I'm confused.

Christ. Don't get me started.

Somebody talk about a film they've seen so we can forget I said anything.

Ummm, who has seen Warrior and is it worth my time?

Warrior is very much worth your time, was not what I was expecting at all and Hardy and Nolte are both brilliant in it. Bit corny and cliched in places but well worth a watch.

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Watched Nolan's Insomnia tonight. An excellent psychological thriller with a sleepy Al Pacino and Robin Williams in full on creepy mode.

I actually think this is his weakest film, though I would happily watch it again.

Absolutely love Following though, great little movie.

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He holds dual citizenship and speaks with an American accent ;)

But I guess your point still stands.

Yep, he's British born, I think he's lived a fair bit in America growing up but he speaks with a British accent.

He made a guest appearance on Saturday Night Live last season when Emma Stone was hosting and he spoke with a British accent then, to which Andy Samburg then makes a funny comment about how they're "outsourcing Spider-Man".

He doesn't do the confusing thing Bale does where he will choose to use whichever accent to speak with depending on whether the character in the film he's promoting speaks with a British or American accent when talking to the media. I'm not sure he does that much anymore though.

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Watched Nolan's Insomnia tonight. An excellent psychological thriller with a sleepy Al Pacino and Robin Williams in full on creepy mode.

Just watched Memento.


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If you're a fan of Nolan (or even if you're not) his short called 'Doodlebug' is worth checking out. It launched his career and a year later he directed 'Following'. You can see it

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Watched Haywire last night - fairly enjoyable (excellent soundtrack) but had the feeling it was trying to be too clever.

Really enjoyed Haywire, particularly the 'no frills' action sequences. Wasn't too keen on Ewan McGregors acting though. He definitely seems to be an actor on a backwards trajectory in terms of performance.

And yes, another cracking David Holmes score :thumb:

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