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Take a look if you get chance.

Very short, short but quite enjoyed it. Obviously left wanting more but then I guess you'd expect that, what with it only being about 4 minutes long. Looks quite well put together - what kit were you using?

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Take a look if you get chance.

Very short, short but quite enjoyed it. Obviously left wanting more but then I guess you'd expect that, what with it only being about 4 minutes long. Looks quite well put together - what kit were you using?

Cheers and we used a Sony HVR-Z5E camera.


It was borrowed as they are rather expensive to purchase.

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Mike Leigh = genius.


Seconded. With the exception of High Hopes (which I thought was decent but I found the massively OTT yuppies annoying) he's pretty much a flawless director for me.

Just on the subject of Another Year, how great was the cameo from Imelda Staunton? that great two-header with Ruth Sheen (another superb actress)was so fantastically natural.

Absolutely. Been thinking about that film all day - I know so many people just like those characters.
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I watched "I spit on your grave" last night. Not a great film but still got me. For the first time I've really enjoyed excessive violence in a film. The last 20-30 minutes of the film, that is. They deserved it.

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I've only seen the original. I prefer the originals of movies like that. They're way more stark, gritty and visceral. I hope they never re-make Cannibal Holocaust.

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I've only seen the original. I prefer the originals of movies like that. They're way more stark, gritty and visceral. I hope they never re-make Cannibal Holocaust.

Normally I'd agree with you, but I hadn't heard of the original before I saw the remake in the video store, so this kind of is the original for me. But I might go for the original in the future. The remake isn't very well played, but still, the raping scene makes me cringe and then I really cheer for her.

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I watched Predators last night. Painfully average film, 5/10 just for the Predators being coooooool

Yeah I watched that the other week, not a patch on the Arnie original.

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I watched Predators last night. Painfully average film, 5/10 just for the Predators being coooooool

Yeah I watched that the other week, not a patch on the Arnie original.

For me it was like "got what I expected", not the best movie, but some cool action. But no, it's not a patch on the first one. But way better than Alien vs predator.

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Well, cince I am not able to move too much (other than take a taxy at work) after breaking my leg, I have a lot of time to watch movies.

So I decided to watch the Colours trilogy, directed by Kieslowski.

Saw "Blue" first, then "White" and then "Red".

What an amazing trilogy. Made me think what I miss out on of movies, when I usually watch American Hollywood movies.

Will watch more of those great European director's movies.

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Well, cince I am not able to move too much (other than take a taxy at work) after breaking my leg, I have a lot of time to watch movies.

So I decided to watch the Colours trilogy, directed by Kieslowski.

Saw "Blue" first, then "White" and then "Red".

What an amazing trilogy. Made me think what I miss out on of movies, when I usually watch American Hollywood movies.

Will watch more of those great European director's movies.

Which was your favourite? Bleu is pretty much the most perfect movie I've ever seen, I think

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Watched on the plane in the past week or so ...

Thor - boring

Source Code - Enjoyable but hated the ending

Battle los Angeles - poor mans Cloverfield but Ok

True Grit - the first Coen brothers film i've really enjoyed

Unknown - Enjoyable enough

The Lincoln Lawyer - enjoyable liked the way MM played the character , possibly has legs to make more of the books into films

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I watched Predators last night. Painfully average film, 5/10 just for the Predators being coooooool

Yeah I watched that the other week, not a patch on the Arnie original.

For me it was like "got what I expected", not the best movie, but some cool action. But no, it's not a patch on the first one. But way better than Alien vs predator.

Yeah it did have some goods parts in it, but not enough for me. I expected a little bit better from the film. I've not seen AvP, I might give that a miss.

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