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Steven Gerrard


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He's right only West Ham, Everton, Southampton, Watford and Norwich have taken less points than us this year ๐Ÿ˜ ย  that kind of form can only go on for so long, Burnley have actually taken more Premier League points than us in twenty-two. We need improvement asap.

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17 hours ago, DCJonah said:

People keep saying this.ย 

We broke a club record winning streak. We survived against the odds and then we became one of the most talked about teams beating Liverpool 7-2 and finishing with the highest points total in over a decade.ย 

People seem intent of dismissing the last few years as though Gerrard has inherited the same situation as RDM or Bruce did.

It's ridiculous.ย 

What is equally ridiculous, is painting a picture, that has flaws......The winning streak was great, have you conveniently missed the losing streaks?.....Dean was moved on for a reason, if it was all well, it wouldn't have happened, sadly much of the problems are still there, surprisingly to me.....The owners were acutely aware of Deans achievements, but still, found it necessary to act....maybe you could engage with their views.

It is universally accepted amongst our fans that we have impeccable owners.....They make the decisions, based on solid information, not speculation like us.....if things are on a downward trajectory, or the managers credentials are not up to what they was expecting.....some fans will get their wish.

Granted we are privvy, to the most important bit of criteria, Results.......and if they think, events behind the scenes are affecting the results adversely, they will act.....but timing is their prerogative.

I have to say, I watch quite a few podcasts, I talk to many fans on the street.....I haven't met one who says he should go....so maybe VT is a selective medium, as it doesn't seem reflective of many fans I meet.


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16 hours ago, DCJonah said:

This might be the most ridiculous thing I've read from you.

And it utterly sums up your stance during the last few years. It's hilarious.ย 

I was referring to Rangers, but I accept it was not well explained.

However, your ability to give the benefit of the doubt, never wanes, does it?

so your deduction, is what it is....why put your toe in......When a dive will do.๐Ÿ˜€

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16 hours ago, Tomaszk said:

His brief was to take Villa to the top half.

How was stability the key sorry? We replaced our manager and pointlessly appointed one of a similar or worse level.

Here's some quotes from Stevie during pre-season.

On the younguns on tour:

Doesn't sound like it's the team that's not listening and carrying out instructions to me?

All evidence points to it being a man out of his depth. Him sat on the bench at Bournemouth arms folded was terrifyingly Sherwood.

Hopefully Critchley can save us.

was he out of his depth, when he took on the League champions in their backyard, and for 74 minutes, had eveyone in the stadium thinking...."SG is getting Liverpool the title"......Only us Villa Fans, with the doubt we have over this team, Thought its not over yet.....The Man city fans rejoiced at the final whistle with relief more than expectation......Their dreams were shattered for 74 minutes, only good 'ole Villa Bailed them out.

Only some stupidly reoccuring defending high balls, did we invite them back in to the game......Nothing new there, eh.

Since then.....Defeat less pre season, taking in 6 games of which only 2 games was substandard and 5 clean sheets.......hardly a disaster, when fitness, was the prime objective.

Then the debacle of a first game......No excuses from me......Unacceptable.

I think maybe its a bit premature to be making hard and fast statements......it requires a bit more time, for solid conclusions, to mainifest themselves.

If as you say all the evidenceย points to a man out of his depth, but I have made some thoughts/comments to say its not evidence its conjecture.

Its a simple as this.......If you are right, he will be sacked, because, I think we all agree our owners are too invested in this club to accept, sub standard management......but If they continue with SG, my suspicions are, there is more to this that meets the eye.

Irrespective of what you or I think or this site.....The owners will be aware of the true situation.....lets see it unfold.

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2 minutes ago, MotoMkali said:

Behind the players sure. But not Gerrard. He's completely lost me with his recent decisions and I don't think he can win me back

I feel the sameโ€ฆ but I donโ€™t want us to suffer and keep going backwards regardless of who the manager is. I donโ€™t have any faith I him but Iโ€™m also feeling quite resigned to the thought that the club is going to stick by him for a bit and we are going to have to endure more poor performances and results.

I really hope Iโ€™m totally wrong.


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