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Please tell me when to stop laughing at SHA


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Why, oh why do they have to put 'KRO SOTV' at the end of EVERY post?!? Do you think they sign on/sign their bail forms/reposession orders/ASBO's/benefit claim forms with the signature A. Knuckledragger KRO SOTV?

Keep Right On here, Keep Right On there and yet nobody knows where they're keeping right on too. Jail?

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Why, oh why do they have to put 'KRO SOTV' at the end of EVERY post?!? Do you think they sign on/sign their bail forms/reposession orders/ASBO's/benefit claim forms with the signature A. Knuckledragger KRO SOTV?

Keep Right On here, Keep Right On there and yet nobody knows where they're keeping right on too. Jail?

That always cracks me up.

And the SOTV bit also, as I said earlier on this thread their obsession with Villa and their desire for us to fail is far greater than their own desire for thier club to succeed, that is why they will always be a small time club.

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Why, oh why do they have to put 'KRO SOTV' at the end of EVERY post?!? Do you think they sign on/sign their bail forms/reposession orders/ASBO's/benefit claim forms with the signature A. Knuckledragger KRO SOTV?

Keep Right On here, Keep Right On there and yet nobody knows where they're keeping right on too. Jail?

That always cracks me up.

And the SOTV bit also, as I said earlier on this thread their obsession with Villa and their desire for us to fail is far greater than their own desire for thier club to succeed, that is why they will always be a small time club.

I guess they just realise they are never going to succeed

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Just came down the stairs to see my mum reading the Evening Mail and the back page said 'World Cup star set to join Blues' and I could see a golden shirted Brazil player.

I laughed my head off when my mum moved her hand and it actually read 'World Cup star was set to join Blues', with a sub heading of 'But relegation wrecked deal'! Mwah!!!

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It was Edmilson of Barca! Carsley won't go there, he is a Villan.

Don't think I have posted on this thread yet about the quality video of the Porno Dwarf on Brass Eye, just search David Sullivan Brass Eye on youtube.

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Marina Hyde in today's Guardian is a great read:


Wantaway Dave shows his sensitive side

Marina Hyde

The Guardian,

Thursday May 15 2008

This article appeared in the Guardian on Thursday May 15 2008 on p12 of the Sport news & features section. It was last updated at 00:15 on May 15 2008.

How are you coping with David Sullivan's anguish at being abused by some Birmingham City fans last Sunday? Following confirmation of the club's relegation the Blues co-owner was rounded upon by a section of the supporters, and thus we must once again refer to him as wantaway Birmingham City chairman David Sullivan. It does rather bring to mind that famous observation of Oscar Wilde on the death of Charles Dickens' Little Nell. One would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.

In fact, one might suffer apoplexy-threatening convulsions of mirth if one considered that David used the occasion as a springboard to deliver a lecture in public decency.

"I think it's very sad that we regard that as acceptable behaviour in British society," he quavered in the first of his 23 perorations this week, "because to me, it's not."

Who knew he was a chap of such delicate sensibilities? It's not unusual in the line of work in which he made his pile - Richard Desmond once sent me a menacing fax for the tiniest perceived slight - but you have to ask whether his sensitivity becomes him. After all, David was once caught on camera attempting to solicit an interview with Cilla Black, via a phone conversation with her husband. When the request was declined, the then Sport proprietor left an answerphone message saying he would be forced "to resort to things which aren't very nice for you and aren't very nice for us". Ms Black's husband died of cancer shortly thereafter, so we will never know whether Sullivan would have made good on the threat, but his decision to position himself as a custodian of family values seems unexpected.

The jazz mag-nate appears particularly distressed that his two young sons, who attended the match with him, heard fans inviting their father to "**** off, you little tosser".

"It was venom," he declared. "If my two boys said to me, 'Dad, we don't want to go to Birmingham City any more,' then that would be it for me, I'd walk. They haven't said that as yet and I hope they don't."

Good to hear his offspring are hardier than their old man, because they will certainly need to be, having various parentally-inflicted crosses to bear. Their mother and David's partner is a former porn star - stage name Eve Vorley - and not long ago she and her brother hit upon the ruse of publishing an anthology of all the most extreme letters sent to her by men. It looked a moneyspinner, and the Sullivan-Vorleys must keep the wolf from the mansion door. By Eve's admission, much of it is "unspeakable filth" and "disturbing" - so, having heard on Sunday what a section of the public would like to do to their father, the boys will at some juncture be able to read what other people wanted to do to their mother.

The parallels need not end there. Sullivan has repeatedly described porn as a service industry, and can be no stranger to punters interacting with providers in whatever unmannerly way they see fit. He maintains that adult entertainment is all a bit of fun and that those involved know exactly what they are getting into, so why should football be any different? One can't help feeling our delicate ingenu needs to toughen up, instead of bemoaning Birmingham fans' dreams of being rescued by someone else.

"It's like when you've been with the same bird for years but you think Miss World is around the corner," he fumed this week. "Well, she isn't."

Speaking of David's birds, it is the manner in which he dealt with the suicide of a former girlfriend, the porn star Mary Millington, that suggests he may yet summon the powers of recovery to see himself through this latest distress. After Millington took her own life, he declined to attend her funeral but was able to rally sufficiently to swiftly turn out a film project cashing in on the interest her tragic end had brought. It is clearly what she would have wanted, and despite Mary Millington's True Blue Confessions being condemned by swathes of Millington's fans as ghoulish sexploitation, it was successful enough for Sullivan to hold back the tears again and release another the next year.

Whether David will alight on an analogous resurrection strategy for Birmingham we cannot say. But given that his co-owner, David Gold, has stated that there are no victims in the porn industry, perhaps our hero ought to be gently reminded that there are few victims in football ownership either. You can get out of it any time you like, dear.

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if this is true i am teh wizard of oz!

World Cup star Edmilson was set to join Birmingham City

May 15 2008 By Colin Tattum

BLUES have had to scrap plans to bring in Brazilian World Cup winner Edmilson from Barcelona.

But they have lined up an established Premier League player instead to help lead their bid for promotion in the Championship.

Edmilson was due to meet boss Alex McLeish this week to finalise his move to St Andrew's.

But several weeks' of negotiations came to nought once Blues failed to avoid relegation.

He was told by national coach Dunga that as long as he was playing regularly in a top European league, he would return to the fold.

Edmilson needs to prove himself all over again after a lengthy spell out of action due to a knee injury.

The midfield schemer, who can also play centre-half, opted for Blues over other clubs, notably in Spain and Villarreal, who have been courting him strongly.

Once a £7million signing by Lyon from Sao Paolo, who helped turn them into the dominant force in French football, Edmilson was identified as the quality central lynchpin for McLeish's new-look team.

He was keen on experiencing England and liked the vision set out by the new St Andrew's regime and they, in turn, were impressed by his enthusiasm and the way he conducted himself during talks.

But Sunday's demise, when Fulham's victory at Portsmouth consigned Blues to second-tier football, not only ruined chances of persuading striker Mauro Zarate to stay, but landing a talent like the 31-year-old.

McLeish has reset his sights, and co-owner David Sullivan revealed Blues were 80 per cent likely to snap up a proven performer from this country.

"We are very close to signing a player who has played 200 games for a team that has been in the top six/seven clubs in the Premier League," he said.

"We believe he's better than what we've got, and would be even if we were still in the Premier League.

"But, had we stayed in the Premier League, we wouldn't be trying to sign him.

"In that [midfield] position we had a top Brazilian international from a top club in Spain all lined up to come. But he wouldn't play in the Championship."

Sullivan continued: "If he doesn't end up coming, then don't say I've given you false promise because at this moment in time I would say it's 80 per cent likely.

"If he does come, people might say 'well it's not a huge fee' but it would be huge wages. Why should he come from 'club A' in the Premier League to us otherwise?

"We have been negotiating since Monday to bring him in."

Sullivan said Blues would probably sell two or three players this summer and bring in four or five.

"We will be looking to get rid of the fringe players who are not vital to the team, and save a bit on the wage bill with them, and use the money for, hopefully, better replacements," he stated.

"We will be bringing in fresh faces, it's important to do that - the managers wants it - to make us a better, in the positions we need."

"We will only sell players if we get a price we feel is a true market value," added Sullivan, who stressed the intention was for McLeish to keep his star names.

"If we get a really high price for a player, then we will probably sell him and use that money for new signings.

"I'm not saying we're going to net spend £20million. There is a £23million-£25-million 'hole', lost income, because of relegation.

"We will probably balance the books. But there will be two or three going out, there will be four or five coming in."

Edmilson joined Barcelona in 2004 from Lyon but wasn't able to nail a regular place down in the side. A knee injury ruined his prospect this season and his contract is up this summer.

Newcastle United were interested in taking him at the start of the campaign, and a proposed move to Arsenal earlier in his career fell through due to work permit problems.

Edmilson was a key component in a shielding midfield role for Brazil's 2002 World Cup winners but injury meant he missed the 2006 finals

they really are a laughing stock

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did anyone read this? its comedy gold!


Oh thank you, that has made my day.

"Often you offer players more money (e.g. Gary Cahill) but he chose to go to another club. In hindsight - and hindsight is a great thing - had we signed Cahill in January we might have stayed up. However, what can you do if a player doesn't want to live in Birmingham or play for BCFC? We offered him £2k a week more than Bolton, but he chose Bolton".

"For the record I'm an Economics scholar from LondonUniversity and hold a BSc (Hons) in Economics".

"What about Leeds, Nottingham Forest, Sheffield Wednesday, Sheffield United, Norwich, Ipswich, Southampton, Leicester and Coventry - to name just a few. None of these clubs have done as well as us".

"Who wants to be associated with difficult, abusive and down right disgraceful supporters?"

"As a final note, I think supporters should know that the journalist Pat Murphy, who wrote the piece to which I'm replying, is suing the club for thousands of pounds for personal injuries sustained following a fall from the TV gantry after the Arsenal game whilst carrying his equipment down the ladder".


Long may he reign!

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According to Tom Ross, we've got the scum to thanks for our Intertoto spot, despite the fact, had Rover won, we'd still have got it anyway thanks to our goal difference. Prick.

if he is right about that, then we sent them down with those 6 points we rightfully took off them...

tbh though, when a small heathen said the same thing to me, i just agreed with him and laughed.. what better way to gain europe than by your rivals helping you and STILL going down...

you couldnt script that shit..



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