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the FA are trying to introduce goal line technology into the Premier league.

Bolton are trying to reintroduce sudden death into the FA Cup

Ooooo, too soon :P

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A Russian Communist named Rudolf Romanov was driving through the countryside road with his wife, when he saw that the sky looked overcast. He said, "It's definitely about to rain."

His wife said, "No, it isn't. It's just a few isolated clouds."

"No", he said. "It's going to rain, for sure."

"But the weather reports say it will be sunny," she told him.

"Trust me," he said. "Rudolf the Red knows rain, dear."

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Anne the harpist and Sam the trombonist went out to a discotheque. Sam's car wouldn't lock, but Sam was a good friend of the owner, so they locked their instruments in his office and went into the disco for some fun. By the end of the night, and having had way too much to drink, they went back to rehearsal, completely forgetting to take back their instruments.

Anne told the conductor, "I left my harp in Sam's friend's disco."

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Anne the harpist and Sam the trombonist went out to a discotheque. Sam's car wouldn't lock, but Sam was a good friend of the owner, so they locked their instruments in his office and went into the disco for some fun. By the end of the night, and having had way too much to drink, they went back to rehearsal, completely forgetting to take back their instruments.

Anne told the conductor, "I left my harp in Sam's friend's disco."


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A customer at a posh seafood restaurant fancied eel for dinner. The waiter, Gervais, guided him to a large tank to pick his eel, not feeling particularly hungry he chose the smallest looking eel, he was green, with hairy lips.

"But Sir" said Gervais "He has been in there for many months and is kind of a restraunt mascot". The customer was having non of it and as Gervais held the knife above the eel he realised he couldnt kill it. So instead he asked Hans the burly dish washer if he could do it, he couldnt.

And the moral of this story is that Hans that does dishes is as soft as Gervais, with the mild green hairy lip squid.

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A customer at a posh seafood restaurant fancied eel for dinner. The waiter, Gervais, guided him to a large tank to pick his eel, not feeling particularly hungry he chose the smallest looking eel, he was green, with hairy lips.

"But Sir" said Gervais "He has been in there for many months and is kind of a restraunt mascot". The customer was having non of it and as Gervais held the knife above the eel he realised he couldnt kill it. So instead he asked Hans the burly dish washer if he could do it, he couldnt.

And the moral of this story is that Hans that does dishes is as soft as Gervais, with the mild green hairy lip squid.

this is probably better on shrooms tbf

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I was having a shit in the train toilet today, when some bloke knocked on the door.

He said, "Can I see your ticket please?"

"Not right now" I shouted, "I'm having a shit!"

He said, "I don't believe you, can you pass it under the door?"

"No problem" I said, sliding it under, "The yellow bits are sweetcorn."


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Have you heard Bear Grylls on that new TV advert? "Thanks to Persil, 140 kids can spend the day with me, Bear Grylls".

Well, thanks to Haribo, 140 kids can spend the day with me, bare naked.

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I noticed the other day that some pagan prisoners in England have demanded the right to have wands and to pray in the nude.

This is yet another example of prisoners having more freedom than those of us on the outside.

After all, the last time I turned up for work naked with my wand in my hand the cops were called and I'm still dealing with the numerous law suits from the women in the office.

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Wayne Rooney has visited Fabrice Muamba in hospital.

"It's great, he can almost string a sentence together," said Fabrice.

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