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Racism Part two


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7 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

This both sides stuff is not only nonsense, but dangerous. The extreme right are literal Nazis and had people jailed just last week for a murdererous terrorist plot while some from the "extreme left" will probably be getting a summons for vandalism next week and will have to do some community service because they took "extreme" measures to get the radical point across that slavers and racists shouldn't be celebrated.

Both a dangerous Ideology though. How many people have been killed under Communist regimes!

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7 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

This both sides stuff is not only nonsense, but dangerous. The extreme right are literal Nazis and had people jailed just last week for a murdererous terrorist plot while some from the "extreme left" will probably be getting a summons for vandalism next week and will have to do some community service because they took "extreme" measures to get the radical point across that slavers and racists shouldn't be celebrated.

There's no shortage of violence going the other way, tbh. I suspect it's heavily outnumbered by stuff the other way, but for every video of some middle aged white blokes squaring up to the police, there are ones like this.

Probably wouldn't click play if you're squeamish. 







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2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

There's no shortage of violence going the other way, tbh. I suspect it's heavily outnumbered by stuff the other way, but for every video of some middle aged white blokes squaring up to the police, there are ones like this.

Probably wouldn't click play if you're squeamish. 







These fascists literally just show up to these protests to start fights and agitate, that's their whole MO. They aren't there for anything else. On both sides of the Atlantic. At least in Britain they don't come armed to the teeth and are always liable to have their shit kicked in.

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3 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

These fascists literally just show up to these protests to start fights and agitate, that's their whole MO. They aren't there for anything else. On both sides of the Atlantic. At least in Britain they don't come armed to the teeth and are always liable to have their shit kicked in.

We have no idea what happened before the video started rolling, but in both cases it's one guy getting the shit kicked out of him by a big gang of people, continuing when they're on the floor and defenceless. And your initial reaction is to blame the guy getting the shit kicked out of him?

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Just now, Davkaus said:

We have no idea what happened before the video started rolling, but in both cases it's one guy getting the shit kicked out of him by a big gang of people, continuing when they're on the floor and defenceless. And your initial reaction is to blame the guy getting the shit kicked out of him?

Wasn't referring to the video, but in general. I didn't even watch the video, posted by known liar and former Nazi IMC. It would probably be safer to assume the video was from 2019, such is his track record.

Now that I have, as you say, we don't have any context (quite intentional I'd imagine), so not sure why you posted it as an example of the "extreme left"? 

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8 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

We have no idea what happened before the video started rolling, but in both cases it's one guy getting the shit kicked out of him by a big gang of people, continuing when they're on the floor and defenceless. And your initial reaction is to blame the guy getting the shit kicked out of him?

My first and only question is, is that a fascist on the floor?

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25 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

This both sides stuff is not only nonsense, but dangerous. The extreme right are literal Nazis and had people jailed just last week for a murdererous terrorist plot while some from the "extreme left" will probably be getting a summons for vandalism next week and will have to do some community service because they took "extreme" measures to get the radical point across that slavers and racists shouldn't be celebrated.

Having two sides  that are bad does not fit the agenda unfortunately for some, this is far and away the most dangerous thing, Like I said before racism in this country is a strict minority and anybody that claims different is a liar, We are not American thank God. Nobody that is alive today owns a slave And nobody today in this country that am I aware of is a slave, having been brought up in the 70s I probably have a different take on it because things were different then, and I’m not saying that they were right. Aston Villa is a football club has always had interracial support and even the football firms of the club are rich with colour and ethnic diversity, which again does not fit the agenda. A car has a large front windscreen to look forward and a small mirror to look behind. I’m sick of this nonsense We have learned from our mistakes And corrected things as time has gone on. To suggest any different in again highly dangerous

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2 minutes ago, Keyblade said:


Now that I have, as you say, we don't have any context (quite intentional I'd imagine), so not sure why you posted it as an example of the "extreme left"? 

Because of the claim that the only charges brought against the "counter protesters" (yeah, admittedly mostly far right fascist pricks) opposing the BLM protesters would be a bit of vandalism. It's not just everyone having a nice time with a bit of spray paint and the odd statue toppling. If those videos turn out to not have occurred this weekend I apologise for just taking it at face value, but the 60 odd police injuries last weekend further support that.

I'm not saying both sides are the same, but I also don't think violence should be swept under the rug from the side you consider to be correct.

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1 minute ago, Follyfoot said:

Having two sides  that are bad does not fit the agenda unfortunately for some, this is far and away the most dangerous thing, Like I said before racism in this country is a strict minority and anybody that claims different is a liar, We are not American thank God. Nobody that is alive today owns a slave And nobody today in this country that am I aware of is a slave, having been brought up in the 70s I probably have a different take on it because things were different then, and I’m not saying that they were right. Aston Villa is a football club has always had interracial support and even the football firms of the club are rich with colour and ethnic diversity, which again does not fit the agenda. A car has a large front windscreen to look forward and a small mirror to look behind. I’m sick of this nonsense We have learned from our mistakes And corrected things as time has gone on. To suggest any different in again highly dangerous

Maybe it's a minority of the people that are racist but that doesn't really matter when the issue is systemic? These protests aren't about Bob the racist neighbour but about the racist policing and criminal justice system that ruins people's lives.

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