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Pre-Match thread


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As we've come to expect from Di Matteo. Look's an unbalanced mess with a hollow midfield.

One of these days it will work and we will score 4-7 goals while possibly conceding a few in the process, will it click today?

Probably not. 

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33 minutes ago, KHV said:

It's almost if he is trying to get sacked, what a bag of shite that is

Looking at his team I find myself resorting to some dark thoughts I feel extremely uncomfortable with. I have had them before,  towards the end of the O'Leary,  Lambert and Sherwood tenures where deep down inside I think I really do want us to lose to force the inevitable departure. 

I hate this in myself and even more I hate that the state of the club forces this deep inside me. 

I hate that when we score I feel no joy or emotion just fear and dread. My support of this club which has brought me so much joy and pleasure down through the good and yes even the bad years has now boiled down to a kind of robotic going through the motions because it's all I know how to do kind of experience.  

I have been ground down do this state by 6 years of awfulness ending up with this shocking team selection after spending a record amount of money in this league. 

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This lineup is hilarious

Time for the excuses to stop 3 points today RDM anything else is unacceptable

I want him gone because he's clueless a win today would be lambertesque but merely delay the inevitable.

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3 hours ago, It's Your Round said:

Seriously Michael? Kozak ahead of Kodjia, Sellars ahead of Ayew? 



3 hours ago, Phumfeinz said:

Because he's just fishing for reactions, just ignore it.

Yeah. I bit too. Difficult not to.

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