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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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2 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

I'm genuinely tempted to move to Holland before Brexit goes through. I now find myself with a job working 100% remote. It's incredibly tempting to leave this shitshow.

You’re only considering that because of the low Crypto tax ?

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Exclusive extracts from the Northern Ireland part of the withdrawal agreement:


Northern Ireland re-named ‘West Belgium’ in Brexit deal

THE finalised Brexit deal imposes full EU rules on Northern Ireland, changes its official language to Flemish, bans religion and renames it West Belgium.

The deal also creates a 190-mile tidal barrier down the length of the Irish Sea which UK citizens can only cross via a customs point on the Isle of Man but EU citizens can pass through wherever they like.

EU negotiator Michel Barnier said: “I don’t think anyone can have any problem with this.

“In Belfast, or New Bruges, we’ll eliminate sectarian divides with automated drones set to destroy all religious texts and recite the 800 pages of regulations against it to any attempted practitioners.

“An 800ft Manneken Pis in Ghent II, formerly Derry, will provide all drinking water for the region which is not anything the natives could be insulted by, and we’ll house the auxiliary European Parliament on the site of the bulldozed Stormont.

“The colours orange and green will be banned, as will the colours red, white and blue. But there’ll still be a Royal family. I’m sure you’ll really take to King Philippe.”

DUP leader Arlene Foster said: “On reflection, maybe we could accept a little compromise.”


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1 hour ago, Chindie said:

Idiocy writ large.

Of course the whinging is coming - the EU screwed us, Remoaners screwed us, etc etc. The unicorn actually exists they just didn't believe hard enough.

Be interesting if any of the Brexiteers here come out hiding about it.

Cockroaches are always present and only ever appear to be missing, they'll be back out when the disaster is in full swing and conditions have deteriorated sufficiently. 

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May was due to give a press conference at 5. But then the cabinet meeting beforehand overran (and is still going) so they cancelled the conference. Then they decided actually she'll give a statement when they finish. Except it's usually required for major announcements to be made to parliament first while it's sitting. So **** knows what's going on.

Oh and the deal, which no-ones actually seen yet, has incensed the Brexiteers so much she's potentially facing a no confidence vote tomorrow. Which no doubt will fail because she's the turd that won't flush, she'll do anything to survive another day.

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16 minutes ago, ChrisVillan said:


Maybe a little? :)

The tax evaders knew what they were voting for.

Anyway, moved on from that to how best to kill Jacob Rees Mockery with the new 50p pieces?


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So the paper is published, but hard to read, despite vast areas of white space.

For example, the part about right to reside contains, in one short para, references to 10 other directives you need to refer to in order to understand what it means.

Perhaps there will be a summary, because this really isn't helping.

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3 minutes ago, peterms said:

So the paper is published, but hard to read, despite vast areas of white space.

For example, the part about right to reside contains, in one short para, references to 10 other directives you need to refer to in order to understand what it means.

Perhaps there will be a summary, because this really isn't helping.

That's precisely what they are banking on. The stuff that means it might be voted down hidden via a bunch of pick-your-own-adventure directives which you eventually find on page 378. 

The summary page containing the stuff that the want to use to sell it. I'd be amazed if more than a handful of MPs read the whole thing before voting on it.

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She said we were leaving. Then some Tory melt stood up and said she wasn't delivering the Brexit they wanted.

I mean, no shit Sherlock.

It was like a spoiled child taking issue with a department store Santa.


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