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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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33 minutes ago, snowychap said:


Jesus. These people. :bang:

Genuinely, he isn't qualified for his job.

He must feel fantastic to be surrounded by like people.

There's no point listening to the Labour one.

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4 minutes ago, snowychap said:

There is, if only for the 'nothing off the table' line or the last ten seconds. ;)

Even by our standards that was remarkably unproductive.






... **** hell.

Can we just cancel Brexit? Explain to Brussels the country had had a lot to drink and fell for the nasty whiles of some people looking to benefit, and please sir don't bend us over the table too hard?

Because the entire thing is lunacy.

There was another leaked impact earlier. It shows 11% losses in a best case scenario trade deal for the North East alone. This is madness.

Oh blah blah civil service talking us down it'll be fine silly lefties Labour did this I'll be alright Jack nonsense.

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1 hour ago, snowychap said:

There is, if only for the 'nothing off the table' line or the last ten seconds. ;)

The last ten seconds is very funny. 

I suppose, being much more charitable than she deserves, being 'shadow rail minister' she might be talking a bit beyond her briefing level (though doubtless she was desperate to get on TV, so hardly worth wasting much sympathy on her). 

I've no idea what his excuse is. 

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Not just referencing those two car crash interviewees, both main parties have been absolutely disgraceful through this whole sorry episode.

This country has a shocking lack of leadership.

There can only be two possible reasons for a politician not to be able to give a comprehensible simple answer to a question. He either doesn't know what he's doing, or he doesn't want us to know what he's doing.

Actually, there's a third. He doesn't want us to know that he doesn't know what he's doing.


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8 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

I wonder whether the editor would have any pictures of Andrew Neil accompanied by a model under the influence of gravity that he does approve of?

[Private Eye letters page\]

I expect some of our younger readers may not get it.  So at the cost of tediously explaining a joke:

Andrew Neil, right wing heavy, ex-Murdoch employee, was once laughably photographed in a nightclub with one Pamella Bordes, acting like a hip dude a third his age, and Private Eye ran this picture in every edition for several years thereafter.  With captions  that pretended not to reference the original photo, thereby extending the joke.

Andrew Neil.  What an arse.


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11 minutes ago, peterms said:

With captions  that pretended not to reference the original photo, thereby extending the joke.

Some of them were brilliant. His tweet didn't have a lot to work with unfortunately.

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Impact studies released to MPs by the Government reveal the North East of England and West Midlands will sustain the biggest hit to economic growth from Brexit.

London will take the least damage, according to the controversial forecasts which ministers were forced to release after they were leaked to the media and amid pressure from Labour and pro-EU Tories.

MPs have been reading the documents, which were prepared by the Department for Exiting the EU, under controlled conditions, but the figures have been leaked.

Meanwhile, Sky News also obtained official estimates of the potential impact of non-tariff barriers - such as extra red tape, customs checks and rules of origin regulations - on various economic sectors.

The motor industry faces cost increases of between 5% and 13%, while the retail and wholesale industry could see costs rise by between 7% and 20%.


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It doesn't really matter what the reports say though does it?

People chose not to listen before, they're not going to listen to the same stuff again with a new date on it.

And when it does go wrong it'll just be somebody else's fault. A nice, easy repercussion-free way of doing things.

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If it is going to be as bad as described or predicted after Brexit and some people are almost violently opposed to the whole idea.  Add to that that most people by almost all the impact studies you will be a lot worse of in monetary and working rights for example.

Are you all just going to sit there and take it,  you could move as to stay would be madness ? 

In the face of the predictions some of the remainders should be packing already ? 


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