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Jurgen Klopp


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lol football is still around and entertaining even after barca won it playing "tippy tappy crap boring negative" football. You will not see all other teams do it because theyre not good enough to do it. Dont worry, direct kick and rush football will always be around in england and entertaining for you so you wont lose your enjoyment whilst foreign teams carry on being the dominant teams.

Dominant over what period? Short memory syndrome.

It also seems like you are having a little dig at those, like myself, who prefer pacey, powerful and direct football. I watch football to be entertained, I do not find Bayern entertaining nor did I Barca/Spain. Give me Villa vs QPR any day.

The current European champions? Pacey, powerful and direct. FYI.

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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lol football is still around and entertaining even after barca won it playing "tippy tappy crap boring negative" football. You will not see all other teams do it because theyre not good enough to do it. Dont worry, direct kick and rush football will always be around in england and entertaining for you so you wont lose your enjoyment whilst foreign teams carry on being the dominant teams.


why does it have to be kick and rush if you dont like tippy tappy. heynckes didnt play either same with Ferguson, Wenger, Sacchi, Ancelotti who teams also play good football, mainly through mixing the styles

Edited by Zatman
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Attractive football is winning football.


I assure you if Aston Villa played any of the styles mentioned on this page and were winning the league as a result, we'd all **** love it.

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Attractive football is winning football.

I assure you if Aston Villa played any of the styles mentioned on this page and were winning the league as a result, we'd all **** love it.

Yes of course.

But this is other football. Chelsea will win the league, they bore me to tears as a neutral.

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For some reason, the prospect of Klopp at Arsenal scares me much more than him taking over at City.

and me, they seem like a very natural fit off the field, and to be fair i like klopp and see arsenal as the lesser of the evils up there so would be quite happy with that

seen this morning west ham fans trying to get a campaign together to urge porn dwarf to get him in... because he "fancies another project"... :lol:

I just came on to post about the prat on Talksport drive, I was on my way to work so wasn't listening long, but he was saying how West Ham should go be in for Klopp.

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Attractive football is winning football.

I assure you if Aston Villa played any of the styles mentioned on this page and were winning the league as a result, we'd all **** love it.

Yes of course.

But this is other football. Chelsea will win the league, they bore me to tears as a neutral.



I agree Chelsea are boring. I don't find Bayern boring. They are just not the same without Robben. I think it shows just how good he is when you see the results have taken a dip when he has been injured. 


I don't like tika taka football. Barcelona were boring but not now. I found watching Spain very boring. I also think teams like Swansea and Southampton are boring to watch. 

Edited by PaulC
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Quick German Lesson


The name "Klopp" comes from the verb Klopfen ( to knock) When someone has "gekloppt" (a grammatical variation) it means "One has knocked...... on the door" for example

However if someone is "bekloppt" it's someone who is "crazy"..........

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lol football is still around and entertaining even after barca won it playing "tippy tappy crap boring negative" football. You will not see all other teams do it because theyre not good enough to do it. Dont worry, direct kick and rush football will always be around in england and entertaining for you so you wont lose your enjoyment whilst foreign teams carry on being the dominant teams.

Dominant over what period? Short memory syndrome.

It also seems like you are having a little dig at those, like myself, who prefer pacey, powerful and direct football. I watch football to be entertained, I do not find Bayern entertaining nor did I Barca/Spain. Give me Villa vs QPR any day.

The current European champions? Pacey, powerful and direct. FYI.


sorry wasnt having a dig. i worded that post pretty poorly looking back now.

And if you read my post above you will find that i too, also find it quite boring. But it is not going to ruin football like zatman is suggesting. Didnt ruin it when barca dominated with the style...wont ruin it if/when BM dominate with it. Simply because teams arn't good enough to copy

dont really understand the point your trying to make about saying who the current european champions are in a redic high variance style tournament but w/e. I do think foreign teams/managers are ahead of us and have been for awhile tactically and we're playing catch up which will lead them to being more dominant. but opinions of course :). This is pretty far Off topic so ill stop talking about it now hehe




Attractive football is winning football.

I assure you if Aston Villa played any of the styles mentioned on this page and were winning the league as a result, we'd all **** love it.

Yes of course.

But this is other football. Chelsea will win the league, they bore me to tears as a neutral.


Even this year? i think theve been prettty entertaining to watch this year apart from the last 2 months where fabregas hasnt played as well as before.

On topic: would love klopp at arsenal but arsene isnt going to leave before his contract runs out (still got two years i think) so i doubt we will see him there in the next few years

Edited by gharperr
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Did Neuer shake hands in the end or just sulk off like a sore loser? I had to catch the highlights on youtube as i refuse to add to my £80 sky bill with btsport

Ring up their cancellations department and tell them you want to cancel to save some money. They'll throw at least 33% to 50% discount at you. I do it every 12 months.
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Yeah, just go through the phone system to cancellations. They'll say how come, you say, its a lot of money and I need to save some money for holiday etc, they won't just let you go. Say you're gonna drop down to free view for a while or maybe go to Virgin, either way you just want to cut costs.

They'll then tell you that by cancelling stuff like sports or movies it would be cheaper (no shit) just say I see but its still more than I really want to be spending on tv when I can get most of that on freeview. They'll then piss about for a bit and should give you some deals like free broadband/line rental or tv discounts if you agree not to cancel.

Either way they won't just switch you off as there is a 30 day notice period.

Even if you don't like what they offer, if you go into that notice period chances are they'll be calling you with offers to avoid it going off.

Been with Sky 10 years and always had some kind of deal.

I've currently got free broadband, £10 line rental and 35% off tv running.

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Haha you hustler! Yeah ill bell them up when season ends for sure and see what they can do. I think i might be in some sort of contract though since I activated SS5. Think by getting that channel i get 2 years free broadband or something (not that I really notice much difference in the bill; got a letter the other day informing me of increase in charges of £4 lol). They are quite a rip off really but ive had sky for about 7/8 years and watch a lot of tv after working all day. But ill def call them see what they can offer. Cheers brudda!

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