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Paul Lambert


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Albrighton couldn't do Gabby role in the system.

But shift weimann up top with Bacuna in the hole and KEA at right mid for the diamond would've been perfect.

Alas, we went for McLeish ball instead

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Personally, I think our usual systems wouldn't have worked today either, I think we would have gotten overrun in midfield and would have been too narrow to deal with Everton's wide players.


The way Everton play, they like to keep the ball, slowly build up and try to capitalise on defensive mistakes and use Baines' crossing ability if they can't break through. The best way to deal with a team that does that is to let them pass the ball about in front of you, stay disciplined, nullify their "Plan B" and watch as they get frustrated and start sloppily passing the ball around as they try and force something. Something we did fantastically in the first half.


Holt, though he didn't play particularly well on the ball, was enough of a presence so that Jagielka focused on him and left Distin to deal with Benteke on his own. This is ideal for us as our best player is allowed to win the ball, have space to play and hold up for long enough that our quicker players - Delph, Weimann, Bacuna and Bertrand - can break forward. Our starting formation and line-up was perfect to deal with Everton, and it showed as we were 1-0 up and Everton were restricted to pot shots and not much else. Also the 3rd centre back often pushed forward into the holding midfield position when one of their midfielders got too much space, limiting Everton's creative capacity. Also, Bacuna did an awesome job of not allowing Baines to do much whenever he got the ball, Everton had no idea how to break us down.


Second half is where it fell apart, as Lambert didn't adapt the formation to his and Everton's subs, personally I think he should have waited it out for 10-15 minutes, allowed Everton to get even more frustrated and desperate then make some subs. I would of brought off Holt and probably Baker and brought Lowton and KEA on, switching to a 41212 with Bacuna behind the striker and tried to exploit Everton as they begin to get increasingly desperate and sloppy. The introduction of Pienaar didn't really change much as it was a like for like change for Barkley, but when Naismith came on, we didn't adapt to deal with it. I think Everton went to 352 at this point with Barry joining Distin and Jagielka at the back, we should have moved to a 433 at this point with Weimann and Bacuna exploiting the gaps left behind Baines and McGeady as the bombed forward. As for reacting to Vlaar's injury/twinge, I'd have brought on Tonev or Sylla and moved Bacuna back to RB, and Lowton to CB.


If Lambert had reacted sensibly to how the game unfolded we could have walked away with three points and possibly another goal and a clean sheet to boot. He didn't and it really let us down, he plugged his subs into a formation that was suited to a specific way Everton played and the original line up we had. Lambert made bad decisions in the second half which meant we couldn't get foothold in the game when Everton got the upper hand and completely undid all are brilliant work prior to that.

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We played an attacking game against Liverpool and did great, until Gabby went off.


We played an attacking game against West Brom and did great but conceded three goals.


An Everton side in 5th place, at home and looking to bounce back after a derby defeat is a different prospect to West Brom at home. We had to be tighter defensively than the Albion game.


It's easy to say this formation, or that formation, would have worked because nobody here will have the opportunity to put it to the test.

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Tactics spot on for the first half, wasn't sustainable though and should have made a change between 45 and 60 minutes. The wing backs became full backs and we allowed Everton to pen us in too much.

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Manager reaction Everton 2-1 Aston VillaAston Villa boss Paul Lambert: "We were excellent up until that first Everton goal, then the second it's a world-class free-kick but I'm not sure we deserved to lose the game."

What the hell was lambert watching seriously we deserved that defeat he just is conpletely deluded.

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Bad day for Lambert today. Vlaar didn't look injured when subbed so why three centre backs and why the substitution? We were under the cosh from the off so why leave it so late to change the formation?

Holt shouldn't have started and the formation was too defensive from the off. That Everton lineup was beatable today!

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Manager reaction Everton 2-1 Aston VillaAston Villa boss Paul Lambert: "We were excellent up until that first Everton goal, then the second it's a world-class free-kick but I'm not sure we deserved to lose the game."

What the hell was lambert watching seriously we deserved that defeat he just is conpletely deluded.

Totally agree with you. We got what we deserved.

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Bad day for Lambert today. Vlaar didn't look injured when subbed so why three centre backs and why the substitution? We were under the cosh from the off so why leave it so late to change the formation?

Holt shouldn't have started and the formation was too defensive from the off. That Everton lineup was beatable today!

I was at game totally agree

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We need vlaar to get fut uf injured asap clark and baker will seal villas fate and lambert aswell. I do feel lerner could have stopped this demise, but we have points on the board. If and i say if we dont win at least 1 of the westham or cardiff games I see us in mega trouble

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I just don't understand why Lambert does this. It's just Everton ffs. A good team but not a team where we act like they're Barcelona.

I don't like Lambert MK. 2. Incredibly negative in cases where they need not be. We have seen this midfield play and nor be overrun against Liverpool and west brom. Just let them get on with it. I can't imagine the players like being backs to the wall for 90 minutes.

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Manager reaction Everton 2-1 Aston VillaAston Villa boss Paul Lambert: "We were excellent up until that first Everton goal, then the second it's a world-class free-kick but I'm not sure we deserved to lose the game."

What the hell was lambert watching seriously we deserved that defeat he just is conpletely deluded.


I thought exactly the same....its like a "caught in the headlights" after match analysis from Lambert,its as if we are always excellent.....compared to an articulate appraisal from Martinez

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Yet again a lambert team produces a poor possesion account 29% against everton. We had 3 shots 1 on target when will he get it in his thick woodentop head we cannot defend at all so we need to limit the opposition to getting the ball. How on earth are we meant to win games when we dont have the ball.

Lambert you are useless and i wouldnt trust you with money youd behave like an unemployed person just getting their weekly shop after there jobseekers just been paid trying to get as much as you can with your money you should have bought quality not quantity. Please folks what has tonev helenius bennett and sylla done ill tell ya fck all. If we go down mr lambert it us you who I blame you dont have a decent 11 let alone a decent squad but aslong as you got ya mate holty to agree with ya poor tactics thats all that matters.

I travelled from essex to watch that shit and I spent a fortune probably like the rest of the fans not all villa fans live in the midlands were from all over the country infact the world.it I love the club but i dont believe you have got the tools to get us outta the mess we wil be in .

I commend the benteke and vlaar signing fantastic fior the club but in my opinion thats all youve done well.

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In the same way that Mcleish did, Lambert has recognised that we don't have the quality to do anything other than struggle in the Premiership and he is constantly tinkering to try and find intricate ways of getting more out of the players than their abilities will allow them.

With not being backed in the transfer market again Lambert must therefore find a system to suit what he has at the club and then stick with it so the players can then be comfortable. This is why we are so inconsistent. Too much bloody tinkering which is not allowing the players to settle. It's like he is repeating the same mistakes when he first arrived trying to get players playing systems they just weren't comfortable with.

Good players can always find a way of compensating for system change but we simply don't have enough good players in our team to adapt. I wouldn't be at all surprised when the players arrive for training on a Monday morning to hear them muttering under their breath 'what system will we be trying today?'

It is therefore about time that the manager realises this and compensates for the lack of funding and mistakes in the transfer market by actually playing to our strengths for a change.

On his day we have a world class forward who thrives on crosses. **** well implement a system that supplies those crosses and stick to that before we find ourselves in relegation trouble again.

Edited by Morpheus
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Everton made around 380 more passes than us today.

Baines spent more time in our half than in theirs.

The average amount of passes we made before losing the ball was 2.

Around 25% of our passes were long balls.

I don't see how you can expect to get points or claim we played well when you see stats like that.

Edited by Big_John_10
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We have proved last season and this, that we can take the game to teams, play good football and win.


Yet, Lambert for all of his wisdom decides that he is best scrapping that and playing an ultra defensive formation and hoofing the ball up to Benteke and nearly all of the time suffer from bad results as a consequence. 

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The whole strategy just stunk of a lack of confidence, both in the squad and himself. Everton were completely injury plagued and there for the taking, yet we lined up like we were playing barcalona.

Obviously lambert didn't have the tactical nouse/self-belief to go at the everton team, tbh would have rather seen us lose going at it rather than trying to burgle a result as is becoming way to common.

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