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Why Paul Lambert should get the sack


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All facts but also a lot of omissions.

Also, that thing at Anfield was and continues to be massively overhyped.

I would challenge you to say what has been omitted but that would mean continuing to talk about Houllier who is best forgotten.

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All facts but also a lot of omissions.

Also, that thing at Anfield was and continues to be massively overhyped.

I would challenge you to say what has been omitted but that would mean continuing to talk about Houllier who is best forgotten.




but also a lot of omissions

Twice you've said this. Share them with us.



- Chaotic summer in which no signings bar Ireland were made and the previous manager walked out less than a week before the first game of the season

- Didn't even set to work until September

- Had quite a few decent players but also lots of players that just weren't good enough

- Players with discipline/attitude problems

- Had to deal with a horrendous injury crisis

- Got far less patience from the fans than McLeish and Lambert got

- Things were already going downhill before O'Neill even left

- Performances and results actually picked up at the turn of the year

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It's the same old arguments going round and round in circles.

What cannot be disputed is that Lambert has managed to slash the wage bill AND build a team that has year on year improved it's league performance. From where I'm standing he is doing a superb job. True, performances are up and down but I would expect this with such a young squad (remember, we had the youngest first team playing in all the top five leagues of Europe last season). I would hope our target is to finish somewhere between 8th and 13th this season and I would like to think we can achieve this. Next season we will build again.

The shit-stirring in the press about Lambert makes me chuckle - the press boys want a crisis club to stick their knives into - thankfully Lerner and Lambert take no notice. I just wish some of our supporters would show some nous and not be so quick to bite.

I didn't realise that the season has finished?
"Year on year": compare where we are now to where we were twelve months ago.
There isn't much difference to where we were with Mcleish thought so I'm not sure we have improved any at all under Lambert and let be fair that's a very low yardstick to begin with.

Better than McL on less than half the funds.....if it was a low yardstick then that is a good indicator of the shit that Lambert inherited.

So far Lambert has not delivered any 38 game run that would deliver a relegation points total and the trend is upwards

As far as I can see both Mcleish and Lambert have received similar transfer finance and both haven't done a lot with it while also only securing our Premiership status with one game to go.

Since you feel Lambert's tenure has us on an upward trend please avail us with one of your graphs to show our results under Lambert.

Its like banging your head against a brick wall in here at times.

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Also, that thing at Anfield was and continues to be massively overhyped.


You may see things differently pal if you'd been one of the 1800 fantastic fans of this great club who'd given tremendous support all evening despite the usual gutless tripe being served up under Houllier. To then have to watch the manager of your club on the full time whistle completely ignore those same fans and lord it in front of the Kop as if it was his testimonial was a massive kick in the teeth and lack of respect for not just those there but every Villa fan.

Anyway as this thread is about Lambert and not Houllier I will leave talking about that gutless, disrespectful, over the hill cheque book manager there.

Edited by markavfc40
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Also, that thing at Anfield was and continues to be massively overhyped.


You may see things differently pal if you'd been one of the 1800 fantastic fans of this great club who'd given tremendous support all evening despite the usual gutless tripe being served up under Houllier. To then have to watch the manager of your club on the full time whistle completely ignore those same fans and lord it in front of the Kop as if it was his testimonial was a massive kick in the teeth and lack of respect for not just those there but every Villa fan.

Anyway as this thread is about Lambert and not Houllier I will leave talking about that gutless, disrespectful, over the hill cheque book manager there.



Look, I've heard it before, mutliple times in fact. Just remember that not everyone is going to see things the same way as you either, and that I expect includes some of the people that were there.


In my honest opinion however it was overblown massively, at least on here by some. Ironically the performance that night (which was absolutely dreadful) barely gets a mention, and that was much more offensive to the fans than him waving to the Kop.


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It's easy to dismiss a competition when you've already won it several times (along with league titles, FA Cups and Champions League medals). I'm sure if you asked someone like Bardsley or Fletcher if they fancied a Wembley final, you'd get a different opinion.



What the players say to their closest mates I'd imagine would be very different to what they say in the media. If I were a player, and it just so happened I ended up at Sunderland, I'd treasure more than anything the Capital One medal a lot more after my career than anything else in it - especially avoiding relegation.


If it were a case of Villa winning the Capital One Cup or relegation then it would be harder, but I'd probably still choose the Capital One Cup. I remember when we won it twice in the 90's and those memories I treasure a lot more than any league position we obtained.

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Ohh yeah and also reminds me of another player we shouldn't have got rid of!


The same bloke that didn't even attempt to study for his work permit/citizenship test? Obviously showed great desire to be here. I despair at some of the stuff that comes out of people's mouths.

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Ohh yeah and also reminds me of another player we shouldn't have got rid of!


The same bloke that didn't even attempt to study for his work permit/citizenship test? Obviously showed great desire to be here. I despair at some of the stuff that comes out of people's mouths.

He shouldn't have been loaned out by McLeish though really. Especially when you look at some of the dross that was given a second-chance by him.

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