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Everything posted by islingtonclaret

  1. If you haven't already, check out his debut, Brand New Second Hand. Played that album to death, in what I sometimes refer to as "the weed years", At the risk of mirth at my expense considering I am a middle class white boy living in Highgate, North London: that album is totes sick bruv.
  2. Daily Mash To be fair, that's quite funny. Not so impressed with newsthump's take on it. http://newsthump.com/2015/03/09/aston-villa-announce-details-of-fa-cup-quarter-final-victory-open-top-parade/
  3. I can't decide between yes, minister or yes, prime minister...but one of the two. Black books would probably come in second.
  4. I think War Pigs would send a better message myself. or Iron Man Intro (Guitar Slide........) I'm a Villa Fan Daaa daaa daa dit dit Diddle diddle dit dat daa dit dit Both suggestions are top. We really should be trying more to get a sabbath anthem going, it'll be far more popular that than shocking cheesy attempt at 'the bells are ringing' a while back
  5. If they get YNWA, we should get Paranoid by Sabbath.
  6. On the BBC, our own Benjamin Zephaniah has backed us to beat Baggies. He also appears to have done a little ode to the "real" derby. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/31703971
  7. There was some merging with another thread as I started this on the back of the Thom Yorke in the art gallery I think. I can't even remember the other thread it was from
  8. I think villaajax might appreciate this
  9. It seems the consensus that Kenwright has half had them on the market for years, but is doing a Doug and doesn't want to release the power. Plus, he's allegedly offering an "at the right price" excuse to the fans: an indication of how much they are up for sale would be how many Everton takeover news stories anyone has read over the past 10 years...
  10. I don't really know who this is aimed at...this is a line trotted out for Liverpool or Newcastle, but not Everton. I am under the impression that Everton fans are also very tired of Kenwright's lack of cash. Goodison Park is falling apart for a reason...
  11. Not to be picky, but 'Clint Eastwood' isn't an album. They are coming back though, but if they do a new album, I really hope they don't do any of that "Damon wrote it on his ipad" crap they decided to release
  12. Breaking your leg in a match is undoubtedly awful, but hopefully giving up his position as a chairman might shut him up. I am so sick of this man's gob. Not least because he played our club off for chumps, twice.
  13. That can't be true. It just can't. One of the last bastions of human taboo behaviour is cannabilism, and surely even these nutters wouldn't cross it. Plus it's being reported in the Mail and Mirror. It's just too mental to be true... I can imagine that is exactly what ISIS said she had for dinner if they were in a particularly dickish mood - whether or not it was actually true is another matter entirely and almost impossible to verify. I'm calling ISIS propaganda bollocks on the whole thing. Just a way to terrorise the locals even more than they already are. This is a group that just set somebody on fire in one of their videos. Why wouldn't they do it? As mentioned, ultimate taboo. Humans do some horrendous things to each other, but one thing despite cultural differences and attitudes is that cannibalism is extremely rare. They can also explain away in their twisted logic the burning and beheading, but they can't get out of this one, I'm led to believe.
  14. It doesn't have to be, that's the thinking behind giving it a go and seeing what happens?
  15. That can't be true. It just can't. One of the last bastions of human taboo behaviour is cannabilism, and surely even these nutters wouldn't cross it. Plus it's being reported in the Mail and Mirror. It's just too mental to be true... I can imagine that is exactly what ISIS said she had for dinner if they were in a particularly dickish mood - whether or not it was actually true is another matter entirely and almost impossible to verify. I'm calling ISIS propaganda bollocks on the whole thing. Just a way to terrorise the locals even more than they already are. The source is a Yorkshireman who has returned from fighting alongside the kurds. I think it's either made up to shock or its a story that's been circulating amongst those fighting ISIS
  16. That can't be true. It just can't. One of the last bastions of human taboo behaviour is cannabilism, and surely even these nutters wouldn't cross it. Plus it's being reported in the Mail and Mirror. It's just too mental to be true...
  17. Debating whether to go for a 21 year old rather than just doing it...deary me. If she's a mature 21, great. If she's...a normal 21 and too childish, nevermind. Simples.
  18. Leemond and Rugeley are totally freaking me out. If one tells the other it's them three years ago, do they both freak out?
  19. Yes. Very much so. RT is used as a tool of Putinist propaganda, sometimes rivalling Fox News's appalling track record. As an aside, bypassing the White House and getting 3 billion dollars worth of funding that the US doesn't have to give is absolutely insane.
  20. Sounds like a tobacco shop Reggae fans? Actually, thinking about it, they'd probably clap on the 2. The ones that don't clap on the 1 would! Less of a shop, more like lift music in reality...
  21. Gave them a listen yesterday, they're not too bad. They're ripe for "doing a kings of Leon" though...
  22. Noel who? Why would I need that when I have tickets to ed sheeran at Wembley?
  23. I think I read something to so with a man biting someone once. Only a fleeting thing in the papers, mind.
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