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Everything posted by islingtonclaret

  1. Ten million quid. Please don't be true.
  2. Dear Tom Fox, If you get a letter from Alex Ferguson, burn it. Yours sincerely, IslingtonClaret.
  3. Bye Paul. Thanks for some decent purchases in your time, you tried, I wanted it to work out. No thanks for your ability to break club and national records.
  4. Double whammy: 1. Parachute payments are being decreased 2. Money is going up If we get relegated, will WILL join the illustrious gang of Forest, Wednesday and Leeds. The famous "historic big clubs" that don't mean bugger all anymore. Except of course, Forest and Leeds play more exciting decent football than us and Wednesday fans turn out in force come rain or shine. I guess the players of those teams are also given "a plan" and "tactics" pre-match.
  5. Regarding mentions of Everton, they were very much the Protestant club, with Liverpool being favoured amongst the Irish catholic community of the city. This knowledge is generally considered fact...I think the Scouse might be the only lot in England where there is some sort of truth in religion albeit mildly. Regarding other teams such as blues and villa is just a load of cobblers.
  6. YYYYYEAAAAAHHHHHH we just scored 2 past Chelsea to turn it around!!! We're awesome
  7. This is not particularly encouraging reading for me, as I'm spending my birthday in Glasgow. I don't even have a Brummie accent anymore, it's some generic Midlands/South East half cockney drawl. I can't imagine the Glaswegians have must time for London tossers... Having said that, I do have a native as my guide, so hopefully she'll speak Scottish to them "This bairn s'kay aye" or however you translate Apologies to any Scottish Villa fans reading, I am mainly messing! Ah, not Scottish Villa fans sorry. I meant Scotch Villa fans. Dig dig dig
  8. Tried the album and it hurt my ears. Music is subjective, of course. I'd rather watch paint dry than listen to the wishy-washy lame ass indie of Bombay Bicycle Club. Backatcha, boom!
  9. Panda Bear - Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper Probably bin dunne
  10. Some people just want to watch the world burn. This should be titled: Dissent - refusing to be just another brick in the wall! Some people just want to watch the world burn. This should be titled: Dissent - refusing to be just another brick in the wall! We don't need no header changing. That pavement needs defragging
  11. Stevo's second law. Disney films are good. Also the new Star Wars films are going to be Disney films. There's CED's trust in me gone right there....
  12. 1. French 2. Italian 3. Indian 4. Thai 5. An amalgamation of Eastern European - basically Hungary & Romania. Honourable mentions to English for my comfort food and Vietnamese. Edit, changed my mind
  13. Maybe it's an England rugby shirt now he's Steven. Probably still has the permanently haunted look on his face though
  14. I agree with you 100%. However, Fox will be in the position to be able to suitably support Lambert by: - Making funds available for wage increases or loan signings - Making provision for new player transfers - Providing necessary training ground support (not the least of which is a suitable assistant manager!) This will tie in with how well he can generate revenue (beyond TV money). I think this is what he is alluding to. Remember that our last Summer window we spent sweet bugger all - and that was before he joined. If this transfer window is anything to go by, it's already an improvement over what we had back then. Once we're relegated and the above is no longer applicable. What is Plan B? An overrated rapper
  15. I applaud you for just the snigger. I would have been far, far worse
  16. CEO have many job. Chief Gorilla must make sure other breeds similar to gorrilla like chimpanzee give notes with queens head to big boss man. Chief Gorilla must make deals with other gorillas to make sure supply of bananas to give to gorilla hospital workers.
  17. He talks a good game yea, that's about all he does. Personally he strikes me as a fish out of water I don't agree that he's a fish out of water. His experience tells you that's not true. The real question is, can he market a premier league team that are becoming increasingly irrelevant? What I want to know, when looking at our situation, is what purswaded this man to take on this job. It's not money- he could have stayed at arsenal or, given what he was doing, move into a 250-300 grand job elsewhere. Moving into a club full of poison that has socially drifted apart at management level, he certainly has. A fish out of water, he's not.
  18. You might want to look earlier in this thread to see what happens when you put 88 in your profile name....
  19. you don't have 66 or whatever that nazi code is in your username do you?
  20. I have been listening to this loads over the past two weeks since Gilles Peterson played it on worldwide. It's stunning
  21. I commend you on (presumably) not punching her in the back of the neck. I laughed to myself, that's all I could muster. It was made funnier, to me, by my order just being "tea please" What kind of tea, sir? We have camomile, darjeeling, regular chai, latte chai, iced vanilla special (seasonal special) oolong or flat black.
  22. "Can I have a pile of random shit in a cup please, thanks" "Sure. That'll be £6.50 please" "Great."
  23. Funnily enough, I have just finished a packet of Texas Joe's spicy beef jerky. I love the stuff. I reckon that guy has been pretty successful off it
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