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Everything posted by WooJung

  1. A few relatively poor mistakes, but overall much better, great presence in midfield on and off the ball. A step in the right direction.
  2. Looked very isolated, he's probably at his best in crowded spaces, with lots of players around him, which is probably why he works much better as a sub. I was expecting a bit more from his hold up play, although to be fair we weren't going direct very much which is probably the best way to get something out of him. Barkley was of little assistence too....
  3. What a filthy cheat, I can't stand him. How he's allowed to do that over and over again is outrageous. We'd be much better off if we had former players, after some training, at stockley park rather than these so called refs, they wouldn't fall (no pun intended) for this nonsense.
  4. We don't really seem care for physically imposing midfielders at villa though, do we? In the last 10 years who have we signed that fits that description? Jedinak, Sanchez, Scylla... I can't think of anyone else, I wouldn't class whelan, Barkley and tshibola as such... Our lack of height in midfield is also an issue, as we always seem to lose aerial duels there, and even when we do win them it's by a margin and not enough to actually direct the header to a team mate, and we inevitably lose posesison as a result. I hope that gets addressed in the summer.
  5. It's a joke how bad we are at them, I can live with not scoring from direct free kicks, but bloody hell, the last time we scored from a corner if I'm not mistaken was on the first day of the season. Abysmal.
  6. The juggling balls are out again and we go back to last season's standard in which the referee is not required to actually make a decision based on proper video evidence. Ridiculous how he wasn't required to watch the replay for the Greenwood handball and just as ridiculous that there aren't clear rules about when a ref goes ond doesn't. Utter travesty
  7. Overall, very good game. That second goal though, Greenwood made him look like the teenager. Yet another avoidable goal we concede. We don't really make the oppo work hard for their goals do we?
  8. Should have done better on their second, on his post.
  9. Normality resumes its course. Didn't do much wrong, just didn't do much at all...
  10. I've defended him all along but there's not defending that. And if they don't score the pen they don't get their second a few minutes later. Fool
  11. That's mostly Lazio Edit: Sorry I misread your post, you absolutely have it spot on
  12. Give him a contract regardless of whether the rumors are true or not!
  13. Even if that's the case, there's no need to spend all that money on Tammy when Ollie is more than up for it. We can find a suitable replacement for half the price (and possibly wages)
  14. I wouldn't. Imagine Cash snaps his ankle just after the transfer window closes and is out for a few months. Elmo is only getting worse at this stage and Kessler is completely unproven, it might very well be the case that he's not good enough to be a regular starter at this level. I wouldn't take that gamble.
  15. Elmo will need replacing and we already have a more than adequate replacement (he's arguably better than Elmo) so we can concentrate our investments elsewhere. Another plus is that unlike Elmo he is very similar to Cash in playing style which means we can pretty much carry on playing the same way in the event of injuries or suspensions and it definitely suits the inverted wingers system we play.
  16. That's probably because he was mostly playing on the right last season, where he's definitely more comfortable crossing than shooting
  17. I think it's reasonable to believe he'll give us at least another year, he signed a 5 year deal last year knowing it was quite unlikely we would finish high enough to play European football next season, which we most likely won't be. Regardless, we've still had an overall good season desire 2021 form, and that's with him missing about a third of it. If we sign the right players in the summer we can be very competitive next season, and if we fail to achieve European football then it would be fair for him to look elsewhere. If he leaves this summer it doesn't really make much sense for him to have signed the new deal in September. But anything could happen really
  18. If he does he'll go on loan first, as it stands I can't see us asking for a significant amount of money and the wages he's on can't be very high (by Premier league standards of course). If he goes to the championship and has a good season his value can increase significantly.
  19. He's only scored 2 fewer goals than DCL in the league this season and has 4 assists on top of that, whereas DCL has none.
  20. I was scared senseless when the medical staff were manipulating his knee, I fears another ligament injury. Thank the heavens he's all right. Such a good defender!
  21. He assisted his first goal against West brom back in December I think
  22. Result and performance aside, isn't it refreshing to watch a game where VAR doesn't get the chance to ruin something?
  23. Scored ad many goals as Mane and Jesus. Granted, three of them were penalties, but that's a great return considering the amount of minutes he's played. Great finish, you've got to love a curler from outside the box!
  24. Just what I was about to say The lad's got a goal and an assist in his last 90 minutes of football, but that's four apparences
  25. It should have. We should be 4-1 up if not more.
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