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Everything posted by Nicho

  1. Stranger things have happened - Foo Fighters
  2. I do enjoy my job and the environment and I can certainly see a successful future but I absolutely despise the hours and weekends I work. That's hospitality for you I suppose, I receive a pretty decent bonus in May and have already made my plans for exit. Just have to wait and see if I have the minerals.
  3. Nicho

    Gym Routine

    Yesterdays set of Squats, dead lifts, calf raise and leg press followed by a 5km run on the tred mill and an hour half playing football mean I have become an 80 year old man. Unable to control my own limbs. They just dont want to.
  4. Nicho

    Do you read?

    Im just going through Game of Thrones, I dont like the fact that Ive seen the series first.
  5. 64 games in the World Cup, I aim to watch as many as possible. I may put it in my business plan for 14/15.
  6. Season 2 episode 1 of House Of Cards Love it when Spacey talks to the camera. Great actor, great show.
  7. Cardiff have won so many unchallenged headers in the midfield
  8. Nicho

    General Chat

    I'm considering quitting my job without any where to go, I know it's a bad idea but I really really really want to quit.
  9. I got a free bet of £25 so I put it on Villa, sorry guys ive doomed us to a loss.
  10. I always use a a 4-1-3-2 and have done for years on this game. Have to tweak it each time to new games but stays the same and batters other teams.
  11. We are not comparable to United so why bother. United heed to spend and they know it regardless of "this is the team that won the title last year" they will fall behind the others if they don't. They're fans current favourite is look at how much Chelsea and City have spent forgetting that for all of the 90's they broke transfer records and spent the most. It is a new game and the owners need to dig deep to compete. I for one hope they don't and watch United struggle to compete for the title, they will not get to our level as they are too big.
  12. Won £1200 yesterday on a 8 fold. Deposited £1000 going to use the other £200 to build my gambling empire. No idea how to post a picture.
  13. I find myself finding time to watch United games. I will be watching again tomorrow. Even if they win the atmosphere isnt the same, my United supporting friends dont have the same enthusiasm and its great. A terrible decision for a penalty and red car for Rooney would be lovely.
  14. Nicho

    Gym Routine

    I've lost 7lbs in 10 days, is that healthy? I'm eating 3 meals a day snacking on fruit.
  15. Im too scared to play
  16. Nicho

    Gym Routine

    Im on 3 weeks holiday in January so have plenty of time for the gym. Following items have been cut from my diet: Alcohol, Biscuits, Chocolate, White bread, Soft Drinks. Feeling a major sugar downer with alcohol the only one that will be coming back at the end of Jan. Using these 3 weeks to do some damage to the winter tank and get me into some sort of routine. Then I will be coming to find you guys for your Gwyneth Paltrow routines.
  17. I now know 3 United fans who "no longer support them". Its a real shock to the system of United fans under the age of about 30 who cant remember anything but the Fergie years. Im loving it while it lasts.
  18. Nicho

    Gym Routine

    I threw up after dead lifting today, first session back after NYE. I'd done my routine just thought I'd go for one more. Choosing a biggy wasn't a great choice.
  19. I'm off for two weeks so I'm going to start the unemployment challenge. Start unemployed with Sunday league experience; the challenge is only complete when you get approached by one of PSG, Monaco, Barca, Madrid, Chelsea, Man city/united, Arsenal, Dortmund, Bayern, Juventus.
  20. Just got in. Got a stream, I see we are 1-0 up Benteke chests it down just inside their half and keeps the ball. Good to see some hold up play, only to then the see the midfield hoof at a Sunderland player and then the next Villa player lose the ball. Standard procedures are being followed I assume? Possession less than 40%?
  21. 14 seasons in, Sheffield Wednesday 13-15 1 Campionship Win Fulham 15-19 1 FA Cup Arsenal 19-23 2 Premiership titles 1 Champions Leage 1 euro supercup 2 league cups 1 FA Cup Fiorenina 23-26 2 Serie A 1 Euro Cup and just comleted my first season at Real Madrid. 1 League BBVA planning on staying for a while to get rid of all ore paid old players and fill full of Spanish.
  22. Found a formation that works, my addiction is now in full flow. 9th in prem with Sheffield Wednesday in my 3rd season! Easier to use than fm13, I'm not as engaged with it though. Maybe I'm getting to old to enjoy to the same extent.
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