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Everything posted by Nicho

  1. Wasn't the Fabian we know and love but he showed flashes, quick feet, those galloping runs with the ball and he got to see his favourite colour. Still had a good game yellow must be soothing, felt he wasn't given the ball a couple of times when he should have but that might be my villa tinted glasses. In a villa shirt he would have hit that half volley first time and he would have crunched Bahrami just for his hair cut.
  2. Dangerous territory for Delph now, needs to be careful
  3. Will be a massive confidence boost to our Fabian, hope he scores, assists and crunches a few, finishing with an interview to collect his MOTM award and then sign his contract in front of the cameras. Cant see him starting, surely Milner will be starting in there giving him the chance to show England and Man City how they have wasted him.
  4. Im no techy but my last two laptops have been ACERs. The one im using now is nearly 3 years old and is still going well if a little slow at times. It did get very slow but I took it apart and cleaned the fan out (which I can now do quickly) and every time I do it it picks back up. I have a tech problem though, Ive got and iPad, PS4 and now my laptop needs to be new, will be going for another ACER I think. Aesthetics matter so it needs to look good as well as being easy to use, fast and have a lot of space.
  5. Chris Powell is the new Huddersfield manager, Sol Campbell will be delighted.
  6. I had a dream and in that dream I was dreaming about playing football manager, we finished second.
  7. Loved that little smile at getting fouls, when was the last time we had an arrogant little shit (not saying he is that) who wound up the opposition and was actually quality. I hope Jack can be that player, one that teams hate to play against but wish they had him and he winds them up a treat. Think I might be talking about Ronaldo but well played Jack lad and still a long long way to go.
  8. As some have said the next 5 are games he has turned up in previously. When he's on form he's rapid, dangerous and up for a fight. Looked like he might reignite and be up for it. Or we are getting carried away and he will be shite.
  9. Great start to the season. Delph MOTM for me, Grealish seems to find it all very easy and when he bulks up a bit and really understands his own decision making he could be a world beater. A fit Bent would have taken that chance earlier rather than let it run across him as much as it did & Sanchez has a long way to go to being the idol that we need but not deserve.
  10. Nicho

    Match Thread

    When Grealish goes to Madrid for £100 million he's going to regret that terrible barnet
  11. The BT sport break when it goes to adverts and comes back with the BT sport logo and the "together as one" song, makes me want to tear my eyes out and burn my ears.
  12. With 60 hours left of the transfer window id say you're being a tad optimistic there. Yep massively optimistic, I live in hope.
  13. I have no urge to play mine at the moment, I've finished Wolfenstein and Second Son and I can't be arsed to finish Watchdogs or play FIFA. I'm biding my time for the winter game feet that is coming......... It's dragging and poor play station is lonely.
  14. Id be absolutely delighted with with Cleverly, Holtby & Sinclair. Guidetti is also available from Man City. If we were able to get those 4 in we would have had an amazing transfer window.
  15. It's Football Manager - it hasn't been Championship Manager for 10 years. I found this highly offensive as well
  16. Lots of stories on Arsenal doing some business with Giroud needing cover. Arsene will Probably get two attacking midfielders in
  17. Might be a team that actually gives a f*** for once. Need to become more than the sum of their parts i.e a team. Havnt felt im watching a team of England players who all care and want to play together since about 96. Which has coincided with even average footballers becoming millionaires and celebrities, atleast before you had to be a Best, Pele, Beckenbauer, Cruyff to be world renowned and live a life of luxury, just look at how Balotelli was treated on his arrival to Liverpool and the money that Shaw is on. There is no prestige in playing for England any more, so maybe the "average" English players might show us something we havnt seen for a while. Could be talking bollocks but we mention Chile & Columbia a lot, teams full of players who grew up with nothing and in relation to the Premier league still earning nothing, yet they show a passion and fight and maybe an anger at not being considered on the same level and we like to watch that.
  18. This is how I see us by the end of the season once Grealish has some more experience. Westwood in if we dont sign Cleverley. Looks stronger on paper and so far performing stronger even if after two games with some of these guys missing
  19. ..but both those players are shite. Redmond isnt, in fact hes rated very highly and had a good season last season
  20. Nicho


    Neither did Ibrahimovic at Balotelli's age. Yes he did. Funny then that he only scored 7 goals in the 05-06 season and has since credited Mourinho (and Mellberg) for his massive change in attitude. Well as Mourinho only spent one season with him 2008-2009 I dont think he can be given credit, He had already score 32 in 53 league games for Inter Milan before Jose arrived and then scored another 25 in 35. Ibrahimovic was already world class IMO by 2006 when he was 24. I think its far more likely Balotelli will be remembered like Adebayor will be, so so capable bordering on unplayable when he can be arsed and then absolutely terrible when he cant. I hope Im wrong, I want to see Balotelli perform just for the pure enjoyment of watching him.
  21. I think they need Vidal, Khedira & Hummels to get back to where they need to be. Have no idea why LVG continues with that shocking formation with the current players available to him. Can't see Champions league for them this season either.
  22. Contrary to what some of the doom mongers will say, that was a good result. Defence steady but lacking in attack. Newcastle will score some goals this season but equally I think we didnt exploit the massive spaces they left due to Weimann and Gabby playing like children. Everyone but the strikers had a good game, Delph grew into it, good to have Sanchez who can win some headers and be a force. Nzogbia still inconsistent but dangerous. Defence and full backs played very well again. Richardson and Westwood good at occupying space and keeping Newcastle at bay certainly in the first half. Lamber & Keane watch: No fights in two games, disappointing.
  23. Think Richardson has been alright, he's doing a job of just being In space that Newcastle want to use. Won't sub at half time but cole and bent for Weimann and gabby at around 65 and Sanchez for Richardson at 75
  24. Hutton playing very well. Were lacking in decision maki gin the last 3rd, Weimann and Gabby the main culprits with Nzogbia playing his part
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