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Everything posted by Nicho

  1. Nicho


    I genuinely dont think its a foul its not a 50/50, he hasnt over ran and then lunged, he has passed it and got tackled just as he has kicked with his swinging leg catching Matic. No one at fault just unlucky
  2. Nicho

    General Chat

    I wish Mila Kunis would let me have some of her Jim Beam
  3. It is going to help us. We dont know what Lambert said behind closed doors but him saying everything was ok in the media certainly put a downer on every Villa fan who was witnessing that it wasnt ok on the pitch and you could feel in the stands which does effect the players. Now Sherwood isnt picking on certain players and its good to hear that he dosnt think the performance was ok when we thought the same. However being able to see what we see is not enough he is paid to change it and thats what he will be judged on. Another few performances like that and the whole of the fan base will be back to where we were but for now he has my backing not because of who he is but because he is new, we needed a change and I support Aston Villa and so should you!
  4. Well that was a big thud back to earth. Lump it to Benteke didnt work as they still have the size, strength and dirtiness of Pulis in their squad. Gabby completely anonymous and Sanchez incredible poor Our full backs still want to attack at every opportunity leaving them out of position and exposed Our final ball and crossing was to slow, too poor and coming from wrong positions Cant blame it all on Vlaar but that single moment of stupidity leaves us in a terrible position and will destroy all the squads morale. This is the first time this season I have been truly gutted by a loss.
  5. Nicho

    Match Thread

    Bacuna and Westwood on for Sanchez and Gabby. Both have been dire
  6. Nicho

    Match Thread

    backs have still got a case of goforwardinbadpositionsgetcaughtofpositionitus
  7. Nicho

    Match Thread

    What are these forward pass thingys
  8. Nicho

    Match Thread

    Gill on the ball much more, we've got width. Need to beware the stoke counter attack were not really troubling them at the moment they look quite happy
  9. I think Foxy is playing a great game. He was more visable than Faulkner in the last few months but in comparison to now he was shying away, perhaps distancing himself from the negative poor football we were playing. Hes the one (we assume) who cut Lambert and now with the buzz about Villa he is very visable and vocal, he seems to be leading this train now. Whether all the structuring is coincidence or its all been part of the plan we dont know. I personally think he has been planning this structuring from the moment he got here, Sherwood has been seen around Villa Park and youve got to say we seem more organised and dynamic on the face of it already. Could all be marketing spin but just look at how Villa are being portrayed in the media now compared to how they have been for the last few years. It has a huge impact on our opinions and feelings through out the week and getting us on side is a good start. Not everyone one is "falling for it" and ultimately results on the pitch will be the only way to judge this football club. I for one like to see Villa being proactive and following a plan for once and if your going to blame a CEO for the bad things at a football club you have to give him credit for the good things, even if it is early days.
  10. Another little video on football focus. That kind of coverage makes me feel like were on a winning streak and top of the league. Massive buzz at the moment. Bye bye planet earth I dont want to be seeing you anytime soon.
  11. People who arnt in a rush in train stations. I get the train into New Street everyday and people dawdling and not knowing where they are going annoy the hell out of me.
  12. Nicho

    General Chat

    How is Kim Jong Uns new hair style "news"
  13. I predict a Villa win, Crouch and Benteke to score and a red card
  14. Its good to know that we have someone like Kozak to come into strengthen the squad. I dont know when he will be ready to make an contribution to the first team, will he be able to return to the full ability he had before? He has a knack of just being in the right place.
  15. I know yeah. Can't wait to get rid of vlaar, cissokho, okore, guzan, Westwood, bacuna, Sanchez, gil, Sinclair, benteke, kozak and Senderos. Shite the lot of 'em. Cissokho and Bacuna can bugger right off
  16. I just want 3pm to come. I miss this feeling
  17. Id love us to set up with this team and formation today. I dont know whether it would have Gil dropping a little deeper to receive the ball or Bacuna and Sinclair dropping but it has pace power and attacking intent.
  18. Just woke up form a drunk sleep. Had a dream that we reappointed Mcleish, I am now even happier with Tim "the headmaster" Sherwood
  19. Sherwoods history at Spurs showed that he played young players who looked ready for first team football. Mason 23, Rose 24, are not in the same boat. Kane and Bentaleb (20 & 18 under Sherwood) are the only real comparison age wise but both are 6`1 plus and having the build of a man helps when you are still inexperienced. I think Jack has the talent and should have a future but dosnt look ready in stature or honed ability,
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