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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Designer1


    I think this season has actually been superior to the last one. I loved Lithgow in the last series but I think the torture/murder ring storyline has been building really well. Coupled with the side story involving Peter Weller (how wonderfully slimey is he in this?) It's been seriously good tv.
  2. Used to be Dan. Sold out for extra money and went back to being a wage slave.
  3. The Royal Wedding is on the same day as my 40th birthday, which means I won't need to book a day off from work. Which is nice.
  4. Designer1


    I've been back out running with Mr.Trim again the last couple of weeks after months out with my hernia. I really hadn't appreciated how much I'd missed it, and It was quite encouraging to bang through 4 and a half miles first time out. Not bad after nearly six months out.
  5. You'll be back on that Shammy before you can say 'FROSTSHOCK!!!'.
  6. Favourite time of the year It will probably return to 'Just another holiday' status once my girls are grown up though.
  7. Particularly when he's wiping bogies onto Sean Penn's dinner plate.
  8. Pyramid song by Radiohead. Yes, I know it's not Vicar in a Tutu, but it's so serene it makes me smile. Not a bad thing for a song with Dante influences.
  9. The fact that I now know for certain, that I could smash the shit out of Audley Harrison.
  10. As I (and I'm sure millions of others) predicted. Joke.
  11. Try 'The Passage' by Justin Cronin. I got it, it's very good, so cheers.
  12. Someone already mentioned this one iirc, but I would just like to add my recommendation too. Top performances from Peter Mullan and particularly Andrew Garfield, and a very emotive subject handled extremely well. Well worth a watch.
  13. The Freelance Hellraiser - Waiting for Clearance
  14. It looks like a very decent remake to be honest and I'm a fan of both the main actors. However, I just can't bring myself to watch it as I'm such a massive fan of the original it would feel like cheapening it. Also worth pointing out that many of the reviews have said that if you've seen the original then the remake, although good is ultimately superfluous.
  15. One of only two movies which has caused me to walk out the cinema. Utter, utter shite.
  16. I went for the £5mil - £9.9mil option. I'm actually looking forward to this window because, although I don't think we will spend a ridiculous amount, I do believe it will give an indication (maybe just a slight one) of which direction the manager, and of course Randy is now taking the club in on and off the pitch.
  17. Old Hill Neil? Haha! been going there for my games since he was 'Sega Supplies'. Nice chap.
  18. Absolutely love Rumble Fish, great young cast, some superb cinematography and I really enjoyed the main storyline centering on Rusty James relationship with The Motorcycle Boy. Superior in every way to Coppolas Outsiders imo.
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