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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Absolutely adored the first one, so I will definitely be picking this up.
  2. Got a few on the go at the moment. This... Brilliant stuff, a great humorous jab at the Raj. This... Not particularly well written but interesting nonetheless. He was a real piece of work was Arthur. And finally... Hang my head in shame as it's taken me this long to read it. Enjoyable though.
  3. Good shout on Sling Blade, cracking performance from Bill Bob in that one. He's also excellent in the oft overlooked Coen brothers movie The man who wasn't there.
  4. ^^^Just got back from watching this myself and totally agree with what Jez said. One of my top three movies this year.
  5. Had that album on this morning, going for a bit of Radiodread after.
  6. Yeah, long story but I've only just got around to finishing series one.
  7. Memories of Murder is a very good movie, but imo not a patch on Mother.
  8. Mentioned this a couple of pages back. It's good fun, but nowhere near as 'Grindhouse' as I thought it would be. Although Jessica Alba :notworthy:
  9. Already been mentioned a couple of times in the thread, but I'd like to add my thumbs up to...
  10. Does anyone know of an app which will allow me to watch Quicktime movies on my Wildfire?
  11. I'd completely forgotten Bicks had played during the early months. He had a Tauren Hunter iirc. Oh, and as I've said I won't be back this time as I've deleted all three of my 80's - they were last seen running around Orgri naked after I vendored all their gear Plus, I'm well into my LOTRO which will probably last until the Star Wars MMORPG or Guild Wars II come out.
  12. Good news. Not so good here. Our cat Ella went missing last night, and I found her dead on the road this morning. This will doubtless please the cat haters on here, but I'm upset. Her brother Louie clearly knows something bad has happened, I've never seen him look so sad. Sympathies Mike, happened to ours a few weeks ago (she was only two). Not a scratch on her either, still can't figure out what happened.
  13. First episode of the new Dexter was up to the usual high standards, even though it was a slow burner.
  14. First one I'm going to miss, and the first one I'm genuinely not bothered about missing.
  15. Yeah, he was good in Squid and the Whale and Roger Dodger too. Looking forward to Social Network, love a bit of Fincher.
  16. The part with the videotape and James Woods stomach still sticks in my mind.
  17. Just got back from watching this. If you thought Ryan Reynolds couldn't act, or that a movie set inside a coffin would be boring, well you'd be wrong on both counts.
  18. Yes, Al Capone in Boardwalk Empire isn't a bad role is it?
  19. Totally disagree there Nays. I thought it made the whole thing even more realistic. Let's face it, she would have hardly been articulate under that sort of stress.
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