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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Finally, after years of waiting, my book on having sex with herbs has been published. It's about **** thyme.
  2. I can't remember if i did or not Rob. But if I didn't, then I would have, If you see what I mean.
  3. One series of movies I've just never been able to get into. I would say the only two I've had any time for were Goldfinger and Living Daylights. Although, I remember owning one of these when I was a nipper...
  4. Watched and thoroughly enjoyed this last night. It's a tightly written 3 hander with some neat little twists along the way, and the always superb Eddie Marsan on top form.
  5. I think you're bang on there Jez. It's a shame as I think Moyes would do very well here, but I really can't see it.
  6. And so I watch you from afar - Set Guitars to Kill
  7. Mark Lanegan and Isobel Campbell - We Die and See Beauty Reign
  8. Collins MOTM for me, great (and well needed) three points. Now get a new manager ffs.
  9. Fucksocks - should have been two.
  10. I love Carew but he really is a frustrating **** isn't he?
  11. Great work from Albrighton again.
  12. Great ball from Albrighton for that Carew header too.
  13. Need to get further up the pitch in the second half and retain possession, giving the ball away far too easily at the moment and playing with a 'fear factor'.
  14. Cahill you dirty little bitch.
  15. Getting mullered here lads. Massive pressure.
  16. "Can I have my ball back please?"
  17. GOTY for me. Absolutely immense stuff.
  18. Just added this one to my ever growing list. Looks right up my particular street.
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