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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Intentional statement of the day? :wink:
  2. Very pleased for Heskey. Carlos MOTM, great display.
  3. Great delivery for the goal, top class.
  4. Just watched the first episode of Boardwalk Empire. Fantastic stuff, can't wait for the rest of the series. Such an excellent cast too.
  5. It's excellent stuff. The second series is the peak so far.
  6. I've read up a little about that movie. I've watched some seriously **** up movies in my time but I honestly cannot see why anyone would want to watch that.
  7. Really looking forward to that one actually. The reviews have been very positive.
  8. It's good fun, very bloody and a lot less 'Grindhouse' than I expected. It's also worth watching just for the novelty value of seeing De Niro and Seagal (who looks like a tantastic, bloated Ray Reardon) in the same movie.
  9. Convincing 3-0 win and Big Sam to moan about some decision or other. The 30% scaled head gimp.
  10. It was absolutely immense tonight. Meadows at his best.
  11. Agreed - it's looking like it's shaping up into a good wee series. Shame it's only going to be 4 episodes though - hope they manage to get a commission for more. Still trying to work out why I fancy Smell though - so wrong :oops: Yeah I would say fancying Smell is a bit wrong, she's not exactly a looker and the New Romantic thing doesn't help. IIRC she got her tits out in the last ep so I'm assuming you were paying very close attention for brief moment . Then again I can't talk, I find Kel strangely attractive in some shots and not so much in others. And the red head who may as well not be there. Ever since Romeo Brass I've always had a thing for Vicky McClure. Mind you, some of the hairstyles she's been stuck with don't exactly elevate her level of attractiveness.
  12. Totally agree with choffer on that one. A truly poor movie.
  13. My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Blue Buddha
  14. Can't believe that miss.
  15. Good stuff as usual Pete, a balanced view. Particularly agree with that bit.
  16. Wayne Rooney and David Dickinson are joining forces to bring a new programme to the BBC. It involves 2 teams, each with 200 quid, the aim is they have to find the cheapest prostitute. Bargain C. unt starts on the 15th September.
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